Base class for all enums & records.
- Reference: Island.fx
- Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.System
constructor protected
Sub New()
Equals virtual (declared in Object)
Default constructor.
method Equals(aOther: Object): Boolean
Boolean Equals(Object aOther)
func Equals(_ aOther: Object) -> Boolean
Boolean Equals(Object aOther)
Function Equals(aOther As Object) As Boolean
- aOther: the reference to compare this with.
Finalize protected virtual (declared in Object)
method Finalize
void Finalize()
func Finalize()
void Finalize()
Sub Finalize()
GetHashCode virtual (declared in Object)
Returns a hashcode for this object. Overriden implementations should make sure that the number returned here is constant given the same object.
method GetHashCode: Int32
Int32 GetHashCode()
func GetHashCode() -> Int32
Int32 GetHashCode()
Function GetHashCode() As Int32
GetType (declared in Object)
Returns the actual type of this class
method GetType: Type
Type GetType()
func GetType() -> Type
Type GetType()
Function GetType() As Type
ReferenceEquals (declared in Object)
Compares two references for equivalence (even if they have an equals operator)
class method ReferenceEquals(a: Object; b: Object): Boolean
static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)
static func ReferenceEquals(_ a: Object, _ b: Object) -> Boolean
static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)
Shared Function ReferenceEquals(a As Object, b As Object) As Boolean
- a: left value
- b: right value
ToString virtual (declared in Object)
Gets the string representation of this method.
method ToString: String
String ToString()
func ToString() -> String
String ToString()
Function ToString() As String
ReferenceEquals (declared in Object)
Compares two references for equivalence (even if they have an equals operator)
class method ReferenceEquals(a: Object; b: Object): Boolean
static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)
static func ReferenceEquals(_ a: Object, _ b: Object) -> Boolean
static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)
Shared Function ReferenceEquals(a As Object, b As Object) As Boolean
- a: left value
- b: right value
constructor protected
Sub New()
Equals virtual (declared in Object)
Default constructor.
method Equals(aOther: Object): Boolean
Boolean Equals(Object aOther)
func Equals(_ aOther: Object) -> Boolean
Boolean Equals(Object aOther)
Function Equals(aOther As Object) As Boolean
- aOther: the reference to compare this with.
Finalize protected virtual (declared in Object)
method Finalize
void Finalize()
func Finalize()
void Finalize()
Sub Finalize()
GetHashCode virtual (declared in Object)
Returns a hashcode for this object. Overriden implementations should make sure that the number returned here is constant given the same object.
method GetHashCode: Int32
Int32 GetHashCode()
func GetHashCode() -> Int32
Int32 GetHashCode()
Function GetHashCode() As Int32
GetType (declared in Object)
Returns the actual type of this class
method GetType: Type
Type GetType()
func GetType() -> Type
Type GetType()
Function GetType() As Type
ToString virtual (declared in Object)
Gets the string representation of this method.
method ToString: String
String ToString()
func ToString() -> String
String ToString()
Function ToString() As String
- Accuracy
- AliasType
- AnsiChar
- AnsiString
- ArbitraryType
- ARM64CallData
- Array<T>
- ArrayStruct
- atexitrec
- Atom
- AuthMethod
- BasicInfo
- BasicKind
- BoehmGC
- BOMPolicy
- BOMPolicy
- Boolean
- Buffers
- BuilderContinuation
- Byte
- CancelFunc
- CanonType
- ChanDir
- ChanDir
- Char
- Character
- CharData
- CharData
- Class
- Class
- ClientAuthType
- CocoaExceptionRecord
- CollectionOfOne<Element>
- Command
- CommandLine
- Comment
- Comment
- CommentMap
- CompactCoreInfo
- CompressionLevel
- Compressor
- Confidence
- ConnState
- CorruptInputError
- CorruptInputError
- CorruptInputError
- CorruptInputError
- Currency
- CurveID
- CXXException
- DateTime
- Decompressor
- Delim
- DelphiString
- Dictionary<Key,Value>
- Dir
- Dir
- Direction
- Directive
- Directive
- DispatchData
- DispatchDataIterator
- DispatchPredicate
- DispatchQoS
- DispatchQueue.Attributes
- DispatchQueueAttributes
- DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent
- DispatchSource.MachSendEvent
- DispatchSource.MemoryPressureEvent
- DispatchSource.ProcessEvent
- DispatchSource.TimerFlags
- DispatchTime
- DispatchTimeInterval
- DispatchWallTime
- DispatchWorkItemFlags
- DNSConfigError
- Double
- Duration
- ElementsCOMInterface
- ElementsException
- ElementsExceptionType
- ElementsRegistrationFrame
- EmptyOp
- EncoderBuffer
- Endianness
- Endianness
- Enumerated
- Errno
- Error
- ErrorCode
- ErrorCode
- ErrorHandler
- ErrorHandling
- ErrorList
- EscapeError
- Extension
- extern_proc
- ExtKeyUsage
- FieldElement
- FieldFilter
- FileMode
- Filter
- Flag
- Flags
- Flags
- Float64Slice
- ForeignBoehmGC
- Form
- Format
- FormatError
- FormatError
- Func
- FuncMap
- FuncMap
- GCHandle
- GenericNullable<T>
- Guid
- Handler
- HandlerFunc
- HardwareAddr
- Hash
- Header
- Header
- HString_Helper
- HTMLAttr
- ID
- ImmutableSpan<T>
- Importer
- ImportMode
- Index
- Index
- InsecureAlgorithmError
- InstOp
- Int16
- Int32
- Int64
- Int64Pair
- InternalError
- IntSlice
- InvalidAddrError
- InvalidByteError
- InvalidHostError
- InvalidIndexError
- InvalidReason
- IP
- IPMask
- IslandExtTypeInfo
- IslandInterfaceTable
- IslandMethodUIDInfo
- IslandResource
- IslandTypeInfo
- IsolationLevel
- IsolationLevel
- JS
- JSStr
- JumpTest
- KeySizeError
- KeySizeError
- KeySizeError
- KeyUsage
- Kind
- Language
- Manual
- MatchOption
- Memory<T>
- MergeMode
- MIMEHeader
- Mode
- Mode
- Mode
- Month
- MSVCExceptionInfo
- MSVCHandlerType
- MSVCIpToSate
- MSVCTryMap
- MSVCUnwindMap
- NativeInt
- NativeUInt
- NodeType
- NodeType
- Nullable<T>
- Number
- ObjcBlock
- ObjcBlockDescriptor
- ObjcStrong
- ObjcWeak
- ObjectIdentifier
- ObjKind
- OleString
- Op
- Op
- OpCode
- Option
- Option
- Order
- Palette
- ParameterSizes
- ParseOption
- PEMCipher
- Pos
- Pos
- PrivateKey
- ProtocolError
- PublicKey
- PublicKeyAlgorithm
- Qualifier
- Range
- Range
- RawBytes
- RawContent
- RawMessage
- RC
- RCode
- RDNSequence
- Region
- Register
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET
- RenegotiationSupport
- Reply
- Result<T>
- Result<Value,Error>
- RoundingMode
- RowsAffected
- rpmalloc_config_t
- rpmalloc_global_statistics_t
- rpmalloc_thread_statistics_t
- SameSite
- SByte
- Script
- SelectionKind
- Set<T>
- SharedMemory
- SignatureAlgorithm
- SignatureScheme
- Single
- SliceAlias
- Span<T>
- SpecialCase
- SplitFunc
- Srcset
- String
- StringSlice
- StructTag
- StructuralError
- SwiftAny
- SwiftArray<T>
- SwiftBlock
- SwiftBlockPtr
- SwiftBoxResult
- SwiftClassProtocol
- SwiftMetadataResponse
- SwiftMutatorResult
- SwiftObject<T>
- SwiftProtocol
- SwiftRefcounted
- SwiftReflectionDeclarator
- SwiftReflectionMetadata
- SwiftString
- SwiftString
- SwiftString.Encoding
- SwiftString.UnicodeScalarView
- SwiftString.UTF16View
- SwiftString.UTF32View
- SwiftString.UTF8View
- SwiftStrong
- SwiftStructStrong
- SwiftType<T>
- SwiftTypeRecord
- SwiftValueWitnessTable
- Table
- Table
- Tag
- Tag
- TCreateParams
- TFormatSettings
- TimeSpan
- TimeSpan
- TMessage
- Token
- TokenType
- TRect
- TRegDataInfo
- TRegKeyInfo
- TSysLocale
- TTimeStamp
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4>
- Tuple<T1,T2,T3>
- Tuple<T1,T2>
- Tuple<T1>
- Type
- UInt16
- UInt32
- UInt64
- UnknownNetworkError
- Unmanaged<Instance>
- UnmarshalError
- UnmarshalError
- UnsupportedError
- UnsupportedError
- UParseError
- UTF8String
- va_list
- Values
- Variant_Helper
- VoidResult
- WalkFunc
- Weekday
- Word
- WordEncoder
- X64CallData
- X86CallData
- YCbCrSubsampleRatio