Global declarations
Class | Notes |
ArgumentInfo | ArgumentInfo is returned for reflection purposes and can be used to find the name and type of method and property arguments. |
Array | Non generic base for all array. |
Array<T> | Generic class for all arrays for a given T. This is the real class used when using an array in Elements. |
BaseFile | Base type for File and Folder. |
BitConverter | |
CocoaWrappedIslandException | Wrapper class for Cocoa that can hold a thrown Island exception. |
CocoaWrappedIslandObject | Wrapper class for Cocoa that can hold an Island object. |
CocoaWrappedSwiftObject | Wrapper class for Cocoa that can hold a swift object. |
ComClassManager | |
COMHelpers | Helper class for Windows COM support; this is used by the COM aspects internally. |
ComObject | |
ComObjectFactory | |
ComServerObject | |
ConditionalVariable | Object that can be used to signal 1 or more waiting threads. |
ConfiguredAwaitTask | Internal type for the await infrastructure. |
ConfiguredAwaitTask<T> | Internal type for the await infrastructure. |
Console | Functions to read/write to the system console |
ConstantInfo | Reflection class for constants. |
Convert | Utility class to convert to/from Strings. |
CustomAttributeArgument | Holds information about a custom attribute argument. |
DateParser | |
DateTimeFormatInfo | Format info class for formatting dates. |
DbCommand | Command object for databases. Use this to store parameters and a query and execute it or get the results. |
DbConnection | Base class for database connections. |
DbDataReader | Reader class used to read the result of an SQL query. |
DbParameter | Parameter object for database commands. |
DbTransaction | Transaction obejct base class. |
Debug | Debugging helper functions. |
Delegate | Base type for delegates. |
Deserializer | Abstract base class for deserializers on Island. |
Dictionary<T,U> | Dictionary implementation maps a given unique key of type T to a value of type U. |
Dns | Class used to resolve DNS addresses. |
Dummy64Enum | |
DummyEnum | |
DynamicEventInfo | |
DynamicHelpers | Helpers for dynamic supported. Called by the compiler and shouldn't be used directly. |
DynamicMethodGroup | Holder class for method overloads in dynamic calls. |
EcmaScriptObject | On WebAssembly this is a wrapper class for (foreign) javascript objects. |
Encoding | Base class for encodings from byte arrays to string |
EndPoint | Base class for socket endpoints. |
Enum | Virtual base type for enumeration types. |
Enumerable<T> | |
Environment | Helper class to access information about the current process environment. |
EqualityComparer | Equality comparer base classes. |
EventInfo | Reflection class for event info |
EventWaitHandle | System Event type; can be used to wake up threads waiting for work to do. |
ExternalCalls | Internal class used by the compiler. |
FFI | FFI class; used to call methods on the fly based on constructed arguments. |
FieldInfo | Reflection class for fields |
File | File information class. |
FileStream | Stream implementation for file access. |
Folder | Class for accessing folders on the file system. |
ForeignExceptionImplementation | |
GCHandles | |
GroupingSequence<TKey,TElement> | |
HashSet<T> | Hashset implementation for Island; A hashset is a set of (unique) items that has methods to enumerate and check if the set contains a value. |
IBAction | Cocoa compatibility attribute. |
IBObject | Cocoa compatibility attribute. |
IBOutlet | Cocoa compatibility attribute. |
ICUHelper | Internal helper for locale conversions. |
ImmutableDictionary<T,U> | Base dictionary class that works as a dictionary, but doesn't allow changes beyond the initial creation. |
ImmutableList<T> | Base list class that works as a list, but doesn't allow changes beyond the initial creation. |
InterfacedObject | |
InternalCalls | All these functions are compiler intrinsics, meaning they have no actual body but the compiler turns them into an instruction that cannot otherwise be expressed. |
IPAddress | Type to hold ipv4 and ipv6 addresses. |
IPEndPoint | Endpoint class for IP addresses and ports. |
IPHostEntry | DNS result class. |
IslandResourceData | |
IslandWrappedCocoaObject | Cocoa object wrapped as Island class. |
IslandWrappedSwiftObject | Swift object wrapped as Island object. |
JsonDeserializer | Serializer implementation that deserializes json to classes. |
JsonSerializer | Serializer implementation that serializes classes to json. |
KeyValuePair<T,U> | KeyValuePair returned from dictionary iteration. |
LinkedListNode<T> | Single linked, linked list node class |
List<T> | Generic list class implementation. |
ListEnumerator<T> | Internal class used by List<T> for enumeration. |
Locale | Class that can hold a platform specific locale. |
Lookup<TKey,TElement> | |
ManagedThreadPool | |
Math | Math operations class. |
MemberInfo | Base class for member info in Island rtti. |
MemoryStream | Memory stream implementation. |
MethodInfo | Method RTTI class. |
Monitor | Monitor can be used to lock on for synchronized access. |
Mutex | Mutex locking object. |
NetworkStream | Stream wrapper around the Socket class. |
NotSerializable | Mark a field so it's ignored by serialization. |
NSGrouping<K,T> | |
NullStream | |
NumberFormatInfo | Type to hold formatting info for numbers |
Object | Base object for all types in Island. |
ObjectPool<T> | thread safe object pool class to instantiate and hold a number of instances of a given object. |
OrderedSequence<T> | |
Parallel | Parallel support class. |
ParallelLoopState | Loop state helper. |
Path | Filesystem Path utilities. |
Process | Process execution apis. |
PropertyInfo | RTTI for properties. |
Queue<T> | Queue implementation. Values queued first, are dequeued first. |
QueueEnumerator<T> | Internal class. |
Random | Random helper classes for psuedo random number generation. |
ReadWriteLock | Read/Write lock implementation |
Registry | Windows registry accessing class. |
Resources | |
Serializer | Base serializer class. |
Set<T> | Set<T> is used for Set of support for large values in Island. |
Set<T>.SetIterator<T> | |
SingleLinkedList<T> | |
SingleLinkedListNode<T> | |
Socket | Network Socket class. |
SqlQueryParameterFixer | Class used to find parameters in an SQL query and translate them to the native parameters syntax. Used by the db drivers. |
Stack<T> | Stack implementation. Values pushed last are returned first. |
StackEnumerator<T> | Internal class. |
StopWatch | |
Stream | Base stream class for all stream implementations. |
String | String is the class for the Island string implementation, basically the type used for a sequence of characters. String itself is immutable. |
StringBuilder | String builder is a class create strings built out of lots of small parts. |
SwiftObject | |
SwiftWrappedCocoaObject | Wrapepr class for Cocoa classes on Swift. |
SwiftWrappedIslandObject | Wrapepr class for Island classes on Swift. |
SynchronizationContext | Sync context is used to get back to the current thread after an await of other sync operation. |
SynchronousTask | |
SynchronousTask<T> | |
Task | Task class that returns no value. |
Task<T> | Task class that returns a value. |
TaskAction | |
TaskAction_Action | |
TaskAction_Action<T> | |
TaskAction_ActionObject | |
TaskAction_ActionObject<T> | |
TaskAction_ActionTask | |
TaskAction_ActionTask<T> | |
TaskAction_ActionTaskObject | |
TaskAction_ActionTaskObject<T> | |
TaskCompletion | |
TaskCompletionAwait | |
TaskCompletionSource<T> | Specialized source for tasks that are ran outside of the context of the task framework. |
TaskCompletionSourceTask<T> | |
TaskCompletionTask | |
TaskCompletionWaiter | |
TextConvert | Helper class for encoding. |
Thread | Island Thread class, used to run code in parallel |
ThreadPool | Internal threadpool for the compiler. |
ThreadPoolCallback | |
ThreadRec | Internal type. |
Timer | Timer class to trigger a method every few msec. |
TimeZone | Timezone is used to hold timezone info for dates. |
Tuple | Helper class for tuples |
Type | Any type or method pointer can be null if it was not linked into the target executable. If a type is never used, it's type info isn't stored. |
Utilities | Helper classes for the compiler. |
ValueType | Base class for all enums & records. |
WaitHandle | Base class for events and mutexes. |
WebAssembly | Helper class to access the webassembly runtime. |
WebAssemblyCalls | Direct calls to the javscript side. |
WrappedObject | Base class for wrapped exceptions. |
Interface | Notes |
IAwaitCompletion | Helper interface for Await support. Await iterator impementations implement this. |
ICocoaGetIslandWrapper | Helper interface to get the Island wrapper for a Cocoa object. |
ICollection | Base collection interface. |
ICollection<T> | Base collection interface. |
IComDispose | |
ICOMInterface | Interface used to implement and override the behavior of COM support on an Object. |
IComparable | Comparer interface; compares a value to another value. |
IComparable<T> | Comparer interface; compares a value to another value of the same type. |
IDeserializable | Interface for classes to override serialization/deserialization behavior. |
IDisposable | Marks an object as disposable (so using can be used on it). |
IDynamicObject | Interface to implement dynamic behavior on objects. |
IEnumerable | Generic ienumerable, makes an object usable from foreach on an object type. |
IEnumerable<T> | Generic ienumerable, makes an object usable from foreach with a conrcete type. |
IEnumerator | Non generic enumerator. |
IEnumerator<T> | Enumerator interface. |
IEqualityComparer<T> | Equality comparer interface |
IEquatable | Makes an object comparable on itself. |
IEquatable<T> | Makes an object comparable on itself. |
IGroupingSequence<TKey,TElement> | Internal type used by linq groupby. |
IIntegerNumber | Interface implemente by all integer numbres. |
IIslandGetCocoaWrapper | Wrapper helper interface for Island to get the cocoa wrapper. |
ILifetimeStrategy<T> | Lifetime stategy interface. See Lifetime strategies |
IList | List interface. |
IList<T> | Generic list interface. |
ILookup<TKey,TElement> | Linq lookup interface, used by ToLookup. Acts like a dictionary returning enumerables, always returns a value, but should return an empty enumerable for unknown cases. |
IMemory | |
IMonitor | Monitor interface, used for locking. |
INotifyPropertyChanged | Interface for classes to provide change notification support. |
INotifyPropertyChanging | Interface for classes to provide change notification support. |
INSFastEnumeration<T> | Cocoa support interface. |
INSGrouping<K,T> | |
INumber | Base interface for all numbers. |
IOrderedSequence<T> | Ordered sequence type; used by linq orderby/thenby. |
IReturningTask | |
ISerializable | interface to provide custom serialization |
IString |
Enum | Notes |
AddressFamily | Address Family for Socket class. |
ArgumentMode | Parameter direction used to define which way a parameter should go |
AttributeTargets | Allowed targets for an attribute for the AttributeUsage Attribute. |
CallingConvention | Enum used in the CallingConvention Attribute to specific the Calling convention for this method. |
ClassInstancing | |
ConnectionState | Contains the current state of a database connection. |
CopyMode | |
DateParserOption | |
DateTimePart | |
DeserializerType | Enumeration contain the possiblie deserialization types. |
DwarfEHEncodingType | Internal type for exception handling. |
DynamicBinaryOperator | When implementing the IDynamicObject, this has the operator used in the calling code. |
DynamicGetFlags | When implementing the IDynamicObject, this has the flags for dynamic getting. |
DynamicUnaryOperator | When implementing the IDynamicObject, this has the unary operator used. |
EcmaScriptPropertyFlags | flags for a javascript property . |
EventFlags | Flags for events containing what sort of event this is. |
FieldFlags | Modifier flags for reflection fields. |
FileAccess | Access modifier mode for opening a file stream |
FileMode | File mode for opening a file stream |
FileShare | Sharing mode for a file stream (for platforms where sharing is supported) |
IslandTypeFlags | Type info flags for Island classes. |
IsolationLevel | Database transaction isolation level. |
LocaleInfo | |
MemberAccess | Enumeration that holds the access modifier for a given member. |
MethodFlags | Flags for a given method info. |
ObjectModel | Object model enum. |
PropertyFlags | RTTI flags for this property. |
ProtocolType | Socket protocol type |
RegistryValueKind | Registry value enum. |
SeekOrigin | Seek origin for seek operations on Stream |
SocketFlags | Flags to use for sending/receiving. |
SocketOptionLevel | Socket option level enum. |
SocketOptionName | Socket option name. |
SocketShutdown | Socket shutdown flags. |
SocketType | Socket types. |
TaskState | State of the current task. |
ThreadingModel | |
ThreadPriority | Priority of a given thread. |
ThreadState | State of the current thread. |
TimeModifier | |
TypeCodes | Type code enum for core types |
TypeDefFlags | RTTI flags for a type |
UDateFormatStyle | Internal type. |
UDateFormatSymbolType | Internal type. |
UErrorCode | Internal type. |
UNumberFormatStyle | Internal type. |
UNumberFormatSymbol | Internal type. |
WebAssemblyType | Enum that defines all possible ecmascript types. |
Record | Notes |
AnsiChar | AnsiChar is a 1 byte char type that works and acts like an (ansi) character. |
ARM64CallData | |
ArrayStruct | |
atexitrec | |
BoehmGC | BoehmGC is the lifetime strategy GC implementation that uses Boehm to allocate objects. This is the default on all platforms except for WebAssembly. |
Boolean | Boolean type; this type can only hold True or False. |
Byte | Byte type; can hold integers from 0 .. 25 |
Char | 16 bits character type; strings are made out of this. |
CocoaExceptionRecord | Internal type used to hold and throw exceptions. |
COMRC | Lifetime strategy for COM reference counting support. |
Currency | Currency type; Currency is an int64 scaled by 10000, so "1.23" is stored as "12300" . |
CXXException | Internal type for CXX exception interop. |
DateTime | DateTime type used to store and work with date/time values. |
Double | Double precision floating point type. |
ElementsCOMInterface | Internal records for the COM interface bridge between Elements and COM. |
ElementsException | Internal class for Exception handling on Posix. |
ElementsExceptionType | Internal class for Exception handling on Posix. |
ElementsRegistrationFrame | Internal class for Exception handling on Posix. |
extern_proc | |
ForeignBoehmGC | Lifetime strategy for boehm gc objects stored in non boehm gc objects. |
GCHandle | GC handles are handles to an object that are kept in memory even if they're not referenced by anything the GC can found. This can be used to hold objects in non managed memory. GC Handles need to be explicitly freed. |
GenericNullable<T> | Wrapper class for nullable types that can be both value and class types. |
Guid | Guid class to create/hold/convert guids |
HString_Helper | Internal helper class for Windows HString support. |
ImmutableSpan<T> | Readonly spam class. |
Index | |
Int16 | 2 byte signed integer type. |
Int32 | 4 byte signed integer type. |
Int64 | 8 byte signed integer type. |
Int64Pair | Pair of int64 types. |
IslandExtTypeInfo | Extended type info for an Island type. |
IslandInterfaceTable | Interface table record for RTTI. Used internally. |
IslandMethodUIDInfo | Type info for methods. Used internally. |
IslandResource | |
IslandTypeInfo | RTTI info record for types. |
Manual | Lifetime strategy for manual GC operations. |
Memory<T> | |
MSVCExceptionInfo | Internal type. |
MSVCHandlerType | Internal type. |
MSVCIpToSate | Internal type. |
MSVCTryMap | Internal type. |
MSVCUnwindMap | Internal type. |
NativeInt | Natve int type; 32bits on 32bits targets, while 64bits on 64bits. |
NativeUInt | Natve uint type; 32bits on 32bits targets, while 64bits on 64bits. |
Nullable<T> | holder class for nullable types. |
ObjcBlock | Objc Block type record. |
ObjcBlockDescriptor | Objc Block descriptor type record. |
ObjcStrong | Lifetime strategy for objc types (strongly assigned) |
ObjcWeak | Lifetime strategy for objc types (weakly assigned) |
OleString | Windows wrapper for BStr . |
Range | |
RC | Automatic reference counting lifetime management implementation. |
SByte | Signed byte implementation. |
SharedMemory | |
Single | |
Span<T> | Span is a writable span (block of memory that could be an array or pointer) of a given size. |
SwiftAny | |
SwiftArray<T> | |
SwiftBlock | |
SwiftBlockPtr | |
SwiftBoxResult | |
SwiftClassProtocol | |
SwiftMetadataResponse | |
SwiftMutatorResult | |
SwiftObject<T> | |
SwiftProtocol | |
SwiftRefcounted | |
SwiftReflectionDeclarator | |
SwiftReflectionMetadata | |
SwiftString | |
SwiftString.UnicodeScalarView | |
SwiftString.UTF16View | |
SwiftString.UTF32View | |
SwiftString.UTF8View | |
SwiftStrong | |
SwiftStructStrong | |
SwiftType<T> | |
SwiftTypeRecord | |
SwiftValueWitnessTable | |
TimeSpan | |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13,T14> | |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12,T13> | |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11,T12> | |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10,T11> | |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,T10> | |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9> | |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> | Tuple structure that can hold eight objects. |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> | Tuple structure that can hold seven objects. |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> | Tuple structure that can hold six objects. |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | Tuple structure that can hold five objects. |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3,T4> | Tuple structure that can hold four objects. |
Tuple<T1,T2,T3> | Tuple structure that can hold three objects. |
Tuple<T1,T2> | Tuple structure that can hold two objects. |
Tuple<T1> | Tuple structure that can hold one object. |
UInt16 | Unsigned 16 bits integer type. |
UInt32 | Unsigned 32 bits integer type. |
UInt64 | Unsigned 64 bits integer type. |
UParseError | Internal type. |
UTF8String | UTF8 string type; this type stores strings an an array of bytes. |
va_list | |
Variant_Helper | Helper for variant support. This provides operators and ensures variants are properly copied and freed. |
Void | Holder type for no return type. The compiler treats any use of this as "void" or missing type, and can only be used for return types. |
X64CallData | |
X86CallData |
Exception | Notes |
AbstractMethodException | Exception thrown by Island compiled projects when calling an abstract method; this is generally not possible but used internally. |
AccessViolationException | Thrown when accessing memory that is not part of the process. |
ArgumentException | Exception that can be used when an argument does not match it's expected format/value. ArgumentNullException should be used when the argument is unexpectedly null. |
ArgumentNullException | Exception that can be used when an argument is null when it should not be. |
ArgumentOutOfRangeException | Exception that can be used when an argument is out of the range of expected values. |
AssertionException | Exception used when the system assert() function is used |
DivideByZeroException | Exception triggered when dividing an integer by 0. |
DynamicInvokeException | Thrown when a dynamic operation fails. |
EntrypointNotFoundException | |
Exception | Base class for exceptions in Island. |
FormatException | Formatting exception; thrown by String.Format for bad input. |
IndexOutOfRangeException | Thrown when accessing lists or arrays that are out of the range of the underlying structure |
InvalidCastException | Thrown by the compiler when casting with "as" to an incompatible type. |
InvalidStateException | Thrown when a class is in an inconsistent state for a given operation. |
IOException | Thrown when an IO operation fails. |
IslandWrappedCocoaException | Cocoa exception wrapped as island exception. |
JsonException | Exception thrown when serialization to/from json fails. |
LibraryNotFoundException | |
MemoryException | |
NotImplementedException | Exception to throw when a method is not implemented. |
NotSupportedException | Exception to throw when a method is not supported. |
NullReferenceException | Null reference exception class |
OleError | |
OverflowException | Exception thrown when a type conversion overflows. |
RuntimeException | |
SerializationException | Throw when serialization errors occur. |
WindowsException | Windows specific exception code; thrown for Windows apis that return an arbitratry error code |
Attribute | Notes |
Alias | Low level attribute to turn a variable into an ELF/COFF Alias. Aliased variables have the same address of what they point to. This usually isn't meant to be used directly but is used to support the RTL's infrastructure. |
AssemblyDefine | AssemblyDefine is used to create defines that will be automatically defined for libraries that use this library. |
Attribute | Base class for attribute types. |
AttributeUsage | Attribute to be applied to other attributes to specifiy on what types they can be applied. |
BitPacking | Used to emulate C bitpacking support. Given an integer value, it will group integers together and pack them in a single field of the matching type. |
BlockPointer | When applied to a delegate/block, this type becomes a block pointer (the default); block function pointers can have a scope/self pointer passed, unlike function pointers, which cannot. |
CallingConvention | Attribute to specify which calling convention to use for the method this is applied to. |
Conditional | Makes the method this is applied to conditional based on the defines set in the calling project. |
Custom | Reflection info for an attribute. |
DefaultObjectLifetimeStrategy | Internal support attribute. This assembly level attribute defines the default object lifetime strategy. The default strategy is usually defined in IslandRTL, and is BoehmGC for all targets, except for WebAssembly, which uses SimpleGC. |
DelayLoadDllImport | |
DisableInlining | Attribute that can be used to define that a method cannot be inlined at all, even when optimizing. |
DisableOptimizations | Attribute that can be used to define that a method cannot be optimized at all in optimization mode. |
DllExport | Exports this method in the dll export table or dynamic symbol table. |
DllImport | Import this field or method from a dll/library. |
DynamicInterface | |
Flags | Attribute for enums; if set this enum is treated as flags. |
FunctionPointer | When applied to a delegate/block, this type becomes a function pointer. Function pointers are raw pointers to a function, and can only point to a static function or anonymous without scope. |
GCSkipIfOnStack | Attribute used by lifetime stategies; if applied to a method, the method isn't called when the value can be proven to be on the stack. |
GlobalConstructor | Posix specific attribute: triggers this method on load. |
GlobalDestructor | Posix specific attribute: triggers this method on unload. |
Guid | Used for COM support; Applied to interfaces to specify the GUID for this COM interface. |
InlineAsm | Attribute to bind inline assembly to this method. When applied, the method should be external and it's body will be replaced with the assembly in the first parameter. |
InReg | Internal attribute: Can be applied to the first method parameter of an i386 method so the value is passed in EAX instead of on the stack. Used for exception handling. |
LifetimeStrategyOverride | Attribute to override the lifetime strategy for a specific type. This used for Variant and HString types. |
LinkOnce | When applied to a method, this symbol when occuring twice is merged, instead of failed during link. |
Naked | Disable the prologue/epilogue on a method; this is an internal attribute not generally used in user code. |
NoReturn | Indicates this method never returns (for optimization purposes). |
Obsolete | Mark a member as obsolete. |
Packed | Attribute to be applied to a record so it's all aligned to a single byte, not the system alignment. |
Published | Use this attribute to force a symbol to be linked in, if the type is used. |
ReturnsNotRetained | Cocoa modifier: marks the method as returning not retained. |
ReturnsRetained | Cocoa modifier: marks the method as returning retained. |
SectionName | Overrides the section name this symbol is put in. On Darwin this needs to be two values seperated by a comma. |
SkipDebug | Applied to a method, disables generating debug info. |
SRet | |
StaticAddress | When applied to a class var, any access to this maps to a given address. |
StaticallyInitializedField | When applied to a field, it's statically initialized in the DATA segment. This only works with data that can be evaluated at compiletime. |
SwiftFixedLayout | |
SwiftSelf | |
SymbolName | SymbolName can be used to override the name emitted to the executable. Generally used for linking purposes and interop with other languages. |
ThreadLocal | When applied to a class var, the variable is stored per thread, not globally. |
Union | When applied to a record/value type all fields will be placed at the same location in memory, and the size of this record will be the size of the largest member. |
Used | Used attribute can be used to force a class or method to be emitted in the executable, even if it's not exposed explicitly. |
VersionResource | Win32 version resource info; When applied to an assembly this is emitted as PE resource |
Weak | When applied this method or field is "weak". |
Wrapper |
Alias | Type |
BoehmGC<T> |
lifetimestrategy(BoehmGC)T |
Browser |
Browser WebAssembly |
CocoaException |
NSException iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
CocoaObject |
NSObject iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
CocoaString |
NSString iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
lifetimestrategy(COMRC)T |
DateParserOptions |
set of DateParserOption |
DefaultGC |
BoehmGC |
ExportAttribute |
DllExportAttribute |
GCHandle Windows |
GC<T> |
lifetimestrategy(BoehmGC)T |
ImportAttribute |
DllImportAttribute |
Int8 |
SByte |
IntPtr |
NativeInt |
IslandException |
Exception |
IslandObject |
Object |
IslandString |
String |
IUnknown |
rtl.IUnknown |
Manual<T> |
lifetimestrategy(Manual)T |
ObjcStrong<T> |
lifetimestrategy(ObjcStrong)T iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
ObjcWeak<T> |
lifetimestrategy(ObjcWeak)T iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
PlatformHandle |
^FILE Android, iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, Ubuntu-aarch64, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator ^zx_handle_t Fuchsia ^_IO_FILE Ubuntu-armv6, Ubuntu-x86_64 HANDLE Windows |
PlatformLocale |
String Android, WebAssembly locale_t Fuchsia, Ubuntu CFLocaleRef iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator LCID Windows |
PlatformSocketHandle |
Int32 Android, iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, Ubuntu, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator, Windows |
PThread |
^Thread Android, Fuchsia, iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, Ubuntu, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator, Windows |
PThreadPoolCallback |
^ThreadPoolCallback |
RC<T> |
lifetimestrategy(RC)T |
ReadOnlySpan<T> |
RemObjects.Elements.System.ImmutableSpan<T> |
SwiftException |
NSException iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
SwiftInt |
IntPtr iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
SwiftMutatorData |
array [0..31] of Byte iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
SwiftStrong<T> |
lifetimestrategy(SwiftStrong)T iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
SwiftType |
SwiftType<SwiftAny> iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator |
ThreadID |
pthread_t Android, Fuchsia, iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, Ubuntu, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator DWORD Windows |
UBool |
Byte Android |
UDateFormat |
^void Android |
UInt8 |
Byte |
UIntPtr |
NativeUInt |
UInt32 Android, Fuchsia, iOS, iOS Simulator, Mac Catalyst, macOS, tvOS, tvOS Simulator, Ubuntu, visionOS, visionOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS Simulator, WebAssembly rtl.ULONG Windows |
UNumberFormat |
^void Android |
Variant |
rtl.VARIANT Windows |
VarType |
__enum_VARENUM Windows |
WaitCallback |
Action<Object> |