

String is the class for the Island string implementation, basically the type used for a sequence of characters. String itself is immutable.



constructor    (declared in Object)










Sub New()


Compares two strings, returns 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if more.


class method Compare(aLeft: String; aRight: String): Int32


static Int32 Compare(String aLeft, String aRight)


static func Compare(_ aLeft: String, _ aRight: String) -> Int32


static Int32 Compare(String aLeft, String aRight)


Shared Function Compare(aLeft As String, aRight As String) As Int32


  • aLeft:
  • aRight:

CompareTo (Object): Int32

Compares two strings, returns 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if more.


method CompareTo(a: Object): Int32


Int32 CompareTo(Object a)


func CompareTo(_ a: Object) -> Int32


Int32 CompareTo(Object a)


Function CompareTo(a As Object) As Int32


  • a:

CompareTo (String): Int32

Compares two strings, returns 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if more.


method CompareTo(Value: String): Int32


Int32 CompareTo(String Value)


func CompareTo(_ Value: String) -> Int32


Int32 CompareTo(String Value)


Function CompareTo(Value As String) As Int32


  • Value:


Compares two strings, returns 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if more, ignoring the case.


method CompareToIgnoreCase(Value: String): Int32


Int32 CompareToIgnoreCase(String Value)


func CompareToIgnoreCase(_ Value: String) -> Int32


Int32 CompareToIgnoreCase(String Value)


Function CompareToIgnoreCase(Value As String) As Int32


  • Value:


Check if a string is contained in another string.


method Contains(Value: String): Boolean


Boolean Contains(String Value)


func Contains(_ Value: String) -> Boolean


Boolean Contains(String Value)


Function Contains(Value As String) As Boolean


  • Value:



method CopyTo(SourceIndex: Int32; destination: array of Char; DestinationIndex: Int32; Count: Int32)


void CopyTo(Int32 SourceIndex, Char[] destination, Int32 DestinationIndex, Int32 Count)


func CopyTo(_ SourceIndex: Int32, _ destination: Char..., _ DestinationIndex: Int32, _ Count: Int32)


void CopyTo(Int32 SourceIndex, Char[] destination, Int32 DestinationIndex, Int32 Count)


Sub CopyTo(SourceIndex As Int32, destination As Char(), DestinationIndex As Int32, Count As Int32)


  • SourceIndex:
  • destination:
  • DestinationIndex:
  • Count:


Returns true if a string ends with a value.


method EndsWith(Value: String; aInvariant: Boolean): Boolean


Boolean EndsWith(String Value, Boolean aInvariant)


func EndsWith(_ Value: String, _ aInvariant: Boolean) -> Boolean


Boolean EndsWith(String Value, Boolean aInvariant)


Function EndsWith(Value As String, aInvariant As Boolean) As Boolean


  • Value:
  • aInvariant:

Equals (Object): Boolean  override virtual

Copy a string to an array of char.


method Equals(aOther: Object): Boolean


Boolean Equals(Object aOther)


func Equals(_ aOther: Object) -> Boolean


Boolean Equals(Object aOther)


Function Equals(aOther As Object) As Boolean


  • aOther:

Equals (String): Boolean

Copy a string to an array of char.


method Equals(aOther: String): Boolean


Boolean Equals(String aOther)


func Equals(_ aOther: String) -> Boolean


Boolean Equals(String aOther)


Function Equals(aOther As String) As Boolean


  • aOther:


Copy a string to an array of char.


method EqualsIgnoreCase(aOther: String): Boolean


Boolean EqualsIgnoreCase(String aOther)


func EqualsIgnoreCase(_ aOther: String) -> Boolean


Boolean EqualsIgnoreCase(String aOther)


Function EqualsIgnoreCase(aOther As String) As Boolean


  • aOther:


Copy a string to an array of char.


method EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(aOther: String): Boolean


Boolean EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(String aOther)


func EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(_ aOther: String) -> Boolean


Boolean EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(String aOther)


Function EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(aOther As String) As Boolean


  • aOther:

Finalize  protected virtual    (declared in Object)


method Finalize


void Finalize()


func Finalize()


void Finalize()


Sub Finalize()


Returns a pointer to the first char of this string.


property FirstChar: ^Char read;


Char* FirstChar { get; }


var FirstChar: UnsafeMutablePointer<Char> { get{} }


Char* FirstChar { __get; }


ReadOnly Property FirstChar() As Ptr(Of Char)


Format a string given a format string (.net style formatting).


class method Format(aFormat: not nullable String; params aArguments: not nullable array of Object): not nullable String


static String! Format(String! aFormat, params Object[]! aArguments)


static func Format(_ aFormat: String, _ aArguments: Object...) -> String


static String Format(String aFormat, Object[]... aArguments)


Shared Function Format(aFormat As String, ParamArray aArguments As Object()) As String


  • aFormat:
  • aArguments:


Creates a string from a char.


class method FromChar(c: Char): nullable String


static String? FromChar(Char c)


static func FromChar(_ c: Char) -> String?


static String FromChar(Char c)


Shared Function FromChar(c As Char) As String?


  • c:


Creates a string from a char array.


class method FromCharArray(aArray: array of Char): nullable String


static String? FromCharArray(Char[] aArray)


static func FromCharArray(_ aArray: Char...) -> String?


static String FromCharArray(Char[] aArray)


Shared Function FromCharArray(aArray As Char()) As String?


  • aArray:

FromPAnsiChar (^AnsiChar): nullable String


class method FromPAnsiChar(c: ^AnsiChar): nullable String


static String? FromPAnsiChar(AnsiChar* c)


static func FromPAnsiChar(_ c: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnsiChar>) -> String?


static String FromPAnsiChar(AnsiChar* c)


Shared Function FromPAnsiChar(c As Ptr(Of AnsiChar)) As String?


  • c:

FromPAnsiChar (^AnsiChar, Int32): nullable String


class method FromPAnsiChar(c: ^AnsiChar; aCharCount: Int32): nullable String


static String? FromPAnsiChar(AnsiChar* c, Int32 aCharCount)


static func FromPAnsiChar(_ c: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnsiChar>, _ aCharCount: Int32) -> String?


static String FromPAnsiChar(AnsiChar* c, Int32 aCharCount)


Shared Function FromPAnsiChar(c As Ptr(Of AnsiChar), aCharCount As Int32) As String?


  • c:
  • aCharCount:

FromPChar (^Char): nullable String

Creates a string from an unicode char pointer.


class method FromPChar(c: ^Char): nullable String


static String? FromPChar(Char* c)


static func FromPChar(_ c: UnsafeMutablePointer<Char>) -> String?


static String FromPChar(Char* c)


Shared Function FromPChar(c As Ptr(Of Char)) As String?


  • c:

FromPChar (^Char, Int32): nullable String

Creates a string from an unicode char pointer.


class method FromPChar(c: ^Char; aCharCount: Int32): nullable String


static String? FromPChar(Char* c, Int32 aCharCount)


static func FromPChar(_ c: UnsafeMutablePointer<Char>, _ aCharCount: Int32) -> String?


static String FromPChar(Char* c, Int32 aCharCount)


Shared Function FromPChar(c As Ptr(Of Char), aCharCount As Int32) As String?


  • c:
  • aCharCount:


Creates a string from a repeated character.


class method FromRepeatedChar(c: Char; aCharCount: Int32): not nullable String


static String! FromRepeatedChar(Char c, Int32 aCharCount)


static func FromRepeatedChar(_ c: Char, _ aCharCount: Int32) -> String


static String FromRepeatedChar(Char c, Int32 aCharCount)


Shared Function FromRepeatedChar(c As Char, aCharCount As Int32) As String


  • c:
  • aCharCount:


Returns an iterator for this class.


method GetEnumerator: IEnumerator<Char>


IEnumerator<Char> GetEnumerator()


func GetEnumerator() -> IEnumerator<Char>


IEnumerator<Char> GetEnumerator()


Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator<Char>

GetHashCode  override virtual

Returns a hashcode for this object. Overriden implementations should make sure that the number returned here is constant given the same object.


method GetHashCode: Int32


Int32 GetHashCode()


func GetHashCode() -> Int32


Int32 GetHashCode()


Function GetHashCode() As Int32

GetType    (declared in Object)

Returns the actual type of this class


method GetType: Type


Type GetType()


func GetType() -> Type


Type GetType()


Function GetType() As Type

IndexOf (String): Int32

Returns the index of the substring Value in this string, or -1 if it's not found.


method IndexOf(Value: String): Int32


Int32 IndexOf(String Value)


func IndexOf(_ Value: String) -> Int32


Int32 IndexOf(String Value)


Function IndexOf(Value As String) As Int32


  • Value:

IndexOf (String, Int32): Int32

Returns the index of the substring Value in this string, or -1 if it's not found; starts searching at aStartfromIndex.


method IndexOf(Value: String; aStartFromIndex: Int32): Int32


Int32 IndexOf(String Value, Int32 aStartFromIndex)


func IndexOf(_ Value: String, _ aStartFromIndex: Int32) -> Int32


Int32 IndexOf(String Value, Int32 aStartFromIndex)


Function IndexOf(Value As String, aStartFromIndex As Int32) As Int32


  • Value:
  • aStartFromIndex:


Returns the index of any char in the array or -1 if it's not there.


method IndexOfAny(anyOf: array of Char): Int32


Int32 IndexOfAny(Char[] anyOf)


func IndexOfAny(_ anyOf: Char...) -> Int32


Int32 IndexOfAny(Char[] anyOf)


Function IndexOfAny(anyOf As Char()) As Int32


  • anyOf:


Insert a string at the given position and return the new strnig


method Insert(aIndex: Int32; aNewValue: String): not nullable String


String! Insert(Int32 aIndex, String aNewValue)


func Insert(_ aIndex: Int32, _ aNewValue: String) -> String


String Insert(Int32 aIndex, String aNewValue)


Function Insert(aIndex As Int32, aNewValue As String) As String


  • aIndex:
  • aNewValue:


Check if a string is null or empty.


class method IsNullOrEmpty(value: String): Boolean


static Boolean IsNullOrEmpty(String value)


static func IsNullOrEmpty(_ value: String) -> Boolean


static Boolean IsNullOrEmpty(String value)


Shared Function IsNullOrEmpty(value As String) As Boolean


  • value:



property Item[i: Index]: Char read;


Char Item[Index i] { get; }


subscript Item(_ i: Index) -> Char { get{} }


Char Item[Index i] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Item(i As Index) As Char


Accessor for this string by index.


property Item[i: Int32]: Char read;


Char Item[Int32 i] { get; }


subscript Item(_ i: Int32) -> Char { get{} }


Char Item[Int32 i] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Item(i As Int32) As Char



property Item[r: Range]: String read;


String Item[Range r] { get; }


subscript Item(_ r: Range) -> String { get{} }


String Item[Range r] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Item(r As Range) As String

Join (String, array of Object): not nullable String

Join a sequence of strings together with a given seperator.


class method Join(Separator: String; Value: array of Object): not nullable String


static String! Join(String Separator, Object[] Value)


static func Join(_ Separator: String, _ Value: Object...) -> String


static String Join(String Separator, Object[] Value)


Shared Function Join(Separator As String, Value As Object()) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:

Join (String, array of String): not nullable String

Join a sequence of strings together with a given seperator.


class method Join(Separator: String; Value: array of String): not nullable String


static String! Join(String Separator, String[] Value)


static func Join(_ Separator: String, _ Value: String...) -> String


static String Join(String Separator, String[] Value)


Shared Function Join(Separator As String, Value As String()) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:

Join (String, array of String, Int32, Int32): not nullable String

Join a sequence of strings together with a given seperator.


class method Join(Separator: String; Value: array of String; StartIndex: Int32; Count: Int32): not nullable String


static String! Join(String Separator, String[] Value, Int32 StartIndex, Int32 Count)


static func Join(_ Separator: String, _ Value: String..., _ StartIndex: Int32, _ Count: Int32) -> String


static String Join(String Separator, String[] Value, Int32 StartIndex, Int32 Count)


Shared Function Join(Separator As String, Value As String(), StartIndex As Int32, Count As Int32) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:
  • StartIndex:
  • Count:

Join (String, IEnumerable<String>): not nullable String

Join a sequence of strings together with a given seperator.


class method Join(Separator: String; Value: IEnumerable<String>): not nullable String


static String! Join(String Separator, IEnumerable<String> Value)


static func Join(_ Separator: String, _ Value: IEnumerable<String>) -> String


static String Join(String Separator, IEnumerable<String> Value)


Shared Function Join(Separator As String, Value As IEnumerable<String>) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:


Join a sequence of objects together with a given seperator.


class method Join<T>(Separator: String; Value: IEnumerable<T>): not nullable String


static String! Join<T>(String Separator, IEnumerable<T> Value)


static func Join<T>(_ Separator: String, _ Value: IEnumerable<T>) -> String


static String Join<T>(String Separator, IEnumerable<T> Value)


Shared Function Join<T>(Separator As String, Value As IEnumerable<T>) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:

LastIndexOf (String): Int32

Returns the last index of the substring Value in this string, or -1 if it's not found.


method LastIndexOf(Value: String): Int32


Int32 LastIndexOf(String Value)


func LastIndexOf(_ Value: String) -> Int32


Int32 LastIndexOf(String Value)


Function LastIndexOf(Value As String) As Int32


  • Value:

LastIndexOf (String, Int32): Int32

Returns the last index of the substring Value in this string, or -1 if it's not found.


method LastIndexOf(Value: String; aStartFromIndex: Int32): Int32


Int32 LastIndexOf(String Value, Int32 aStartFromIndex)


func LastIndexOf(_ Value: String, _ aStartFromIndex: Int32) -> Int32


Int32 LastIndexOf(String Value, Int32 aStartFromIndex)


Function LastIndexOf(Value As String, aStartFromIndex As Int32) As Int32


  • Value:
  • aStartFromIndex:


Returns the last index of any of the characters in the array in this string, or -1 if it's not found.


method LastIndexOfAny(anyOf: array of Char): Int32


Int32 LastIndexOfAny(Char[] anyOf)


func LastIndexOfAny(_ anyOf: Char...) -> Int32


Int32 LastIndexOfAny(Char[] anyOf)


Function LastIndexOfAny(anyOf As Char()) As Int32


  • anyOf:


Returns the length of this string.


property Length: Int32 read;


Int32 Length { get; }


var Length: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 Length { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Length() As Int32

PadEnd (Int32): not nullable String

Adds spacing to the end of a string so it is at least TotalWidth.


method PadEnd(TotalWidth: Int32): not nullable String


String! PadEnd(Int32 TotalWidth)


func PadEnd(_ TotalWidth: Int32) -> String


String PadEnd(Int32 TotalWidth)


Function PadEnd(TotalWidth As Int32) As String


  • TotalWidth:

PadEnd (Int32, Char): not nullable String

Adds spacing to the end of a string so it is at least TotalWidth.


method PadEnd(TotalWidth: Int32; PaddingChar: Char): not nullable String


String! PadEnd(Int32 TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar)


func PadEnd(_ TotalWidth: Int32, _ PaddingChar: Char) -> String


String PadEnd(Int32 TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar)


Function PadEnd(TotalWidth As Int32, PaddingChar As Char) As String


  • TotalWidth:
  • PaddingChar:

PadStart (Int32): not nullable String

Adds spacing to the start of a string so it is at least TotalWidth.


method PadStart(TotalWidth: Int32): not nullable String


String! PadStart(Int32 TotalWidth)


func PadStart(_ TotalWidth: Int32) -> String


String PadStart(Int32 TotalWidth)


Function PadStart(TotalWidth As Int32) As String


  • TotalWidth:

PadStart (Int32, Char): not nullable String

Adds spacing to the start of a string so it is at least TotalWidth.


method PadStart(TotalWidth: Int32; PaddingChar: Char): not nullable String


String! PadStart(Int32 TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar)


func PadStart(_ TotalWidth: Int32, _ PaddingChar: Char) -> String


String PadStart(Int32 TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar)


Function PadStart(TotalWidth As Int32, PaddingChar As Char) As String


  • TotalWidth:
  • PaddingChar:

ReferenceEquals    (declared in Object)

Compares two references for equivalence (even if they have an equals operator)


class method ReferenceEquals(a: Object; b: Object): Boolean


static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)


static func ReferenceEquals(_ a: Object, _ b: Object) -> Boolean


static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)


Shared Function ReferenceEquals(a As Object, b As Object) As Boolean


  • a: left value
  • b: right value

Remove (Int32): not nullable String

Remove from the string from startindex on.


method Remove(StartIndex: Int32): not nullable String


String! Remove(Int32 StartIndex)


func Remove(_ StartIndex: Int32) -> String


String Remove(Int32 StartIndex)


Function Remove(StartIndex As Int32) As String


  • StartIndex:

Remove (Int32, Int32): not nullable String

Remove from the string from startindex on, for a given length.


method Remove(StartIndex: Int32; Count: Int32): not nullable String


String! Remove(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 Count)


func Remove(_ StartIndex: Int32, _ Count: Int32) -> String


String Remove(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 Count)


Function Remove(StartIndex As Int32, Count As Int32) As String


  • StartIndex:
  • Count:


Replace a substring in a string with another value.


method Replace(OldValue: not nullable String; NewValue: not nullable String): not nullable String


String! Replace(String! OldValue, String! NewValue)


func Replace(_ OldValue: String, _ NewValue: String) -> String


String Replace(String OldValue, String NewValue)


Function Replace(OldValue As String, NewValue As String) As String


  • OldValue:
  • NewValue:


Split a string on a given separator.


method Split(Separator: String; aRemoveEmptyEntries: Boolean; aMax: Int32): not nullable array of String


String[]! Split(String Separator, Boolean aRemoveEmptyEntries, Int32 aMax)


func Split(_ Separator: String, _ aRemoveEmptyEntries: Boolean, _ aMax: Int32) -> String...


String[] Split(String Separator, Boolean aRemoveEmptyEntries, Int32 aMax)


Function Split(Separator As String, aRemoveEmptyEntries As Boolean, aMax As Int32) As String()


  • Separator:
  • aRemoveEmptyEntries:
  • aMax:


Returns if a string starts with a value.


method StartsWith(Value: String; aInvariant: Boolean): Boolean


Boolean StartsWith(String Value, Boolean aInvariant)


func StartsWith(_ Value: String, _ aInvariant: Boolean) -> Boolean


Boolean StartsWith(String Value, Boolean aInvariant)


Function StartsWith(Value As String, aInvariant As Boolean) As Boolean


  • Value:
  • aInvariant:

Substring (Range): not nullable String


method Substring(aRange: Range): not nullable String


String! Substring(Range aRange)


func Substring(_ aRange: Range) -> String


String Substring(Range aRange)


Function Substring(aRange As Range) As String


  • aRange:

Substring (Int32): not nullable String

Returns a substring of this string.


method Substring(StartIndex: Int32): not nullable String


String! Substring(Int32 StartIndex)


func Substring(_ StartIndex: Int32) -> String


String Substring(Int32 StartIndex)


Function Substring(StartIndex As Int32) As String


  • StartIndex:

Substring (Int32, Int32): not nullable String

Returns a substring of this string.


method Substring(StartIndex: Int32; aLength: Int32): not nullable String


String! Substring(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 aLength)


func Substring(_ StartIndex: Int32, _ aLength: Int32) -> String


String Substring(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 aLength)


Function Substring(StartIndex As Int32, aLength As Int32) As String


  • StartIndex:
  • aLength:


Convert this string to an array of ansichar.


method ToAnsiChars(aNullTerminate: Boolean): array of AnsiChar


AnsiChar[] ToAnsiChars(Boolean aNullTerminate)


func ToAnsiChars(_ aNullTerminate: Boolean) -> AnsiChar...


AnsiChar[] ToAnsiChars(Boolean aNullTerminate)


Function ToAnsiChars(aNullTerminate As Boolean) As AnsiChar()


  • aNullTerminate:

ToCharArray (Boolean): array of Char

Convert this string to an array of char.


method ToCharArray(aNullTerminate: Boolean): array of Char


Char[] ToCharArray(Boolean aNullTerminate)


func ToCharArray(_ aNullTerminate: Boolean) -> Char...


Char[] ToCharArray(Boolean aNullTerminate)


Function ToCharArray(aNullTerminate As Boolean) As Char()


  • aNullTerminate:

ToCharArray (Int32, Int32, Boolean): array of Char

Convert this string to an array of char.


method ToCharArray(StartIndex: Int32; aLength: Int32; aNullTerminate: Boolean): array of Char


Char[] ToCharArray(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 aLength, Boolean aNullTerminate)


func ToCharArray(_ StartIndex: Int32, _ aLength: Int32, _ aNullTerminate: Boolean) -> Char...


Char[] ToCharArray(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 aLength, Boolean aNullTerminate)


Function ToCharArray(StartIndex As Int32, aLength As Int32, aNullTerminate As Boolean) As Char()


  • StartIndex:
  • aLength:
  • aNullTerminate:

ToLower (Boolean): not nullable String

Lowercase this string.


method ToLower(aInvariant: Boolean): not nullable String


String! ToLower(Boolean aInvariant)


func ToLower(_ aInvariant: Boolean) -> String


String ToLower(Boolean aInvariant)


Function ToLower(aInvariant As Boolean) As String


  • aInvariant:

ToLower (Locale): not nullable String

Lowercase this string.


method ToLower(aLocale: Locale): not nullable String


String! ToLower(Locale aLocale)


func ToLower(_ aLocale: Locale) -> String


String ToLower(Locale aLocale)


Function ToLower(aLocale As Locale) As String


  • aLocale:


Lowercase this string.


method ToLowerInvariant: not nullable String


String! ToLowerInvariant()


func ToLowerInvariant() -> String


String ToLowerInvariant()


Function ToLowerInvariant() As String

ToString  override virtual

Returns itself.


method ToString: String


String ToString()


func ToString() -> String


String ToString()


Function ToString() As String

ToUpper (Boolean): not nullable String

Uppercase this string.


method ToUpper(aInvariant: Boolean): not nullable String


String! ToUpper(Boolean aInvariant)


func ToUpper(_ aInvariant: Boolean) -> String


String ToUpper(Boolean aInvariant)


Function ToUpper(aInvariant As Boolean) As String


  • aInvariant:

ToUpper (Locale): not nullable String

Uppercase this string.


method ToUpper(aLocale: Locale): not nullable String


String! ToUpper(Locale aLocale)


func ToUpper(_ aLocale: Locale) -> String


String ToUpper(Locale aLocale)


Function ToUpper(aLocale As Locale) As String


  • aLocale:


Uppercase this string.


method ToUpperInvariant: not nullable String


String! ToUpperInvariant()


func ToUpperInvariant() -> String


String ToUpperInvariant()


Function ToUpperInvariant() As String


Trim this string at the start and end of whitespace characters.


method Trim: not nullable String


String! Trim()


func Trim() -> String


String Trim()


Function Trim() As String

Trim (array of Char): not nullable String

Trim this string at the start and end of aChars characters.


method Trim(aChars: array of Char): not nullable String


String! Trim(Char[] aChars)


func Trim(_ aChars: Char...) -> String


String Trim(Char[] aChars)


Function Trim(aChars As Char()) As String


  • aChars:


Trim this string at the end of whitespace characters.


method TrimEnd: not nullable String


String! TrimEnd()


func TrimEnd() -> String


String TrimEnd()


Function TrimEnd() As String

TrimEnd (array of Char): not nullable String

Trim this string at the end of aChars characters.


method TrimEnd(aChars: array of Char): not nullable String


String! TrimEnd(Char[] aChars)


func TrimEnd(_ aChars: Char...) -> String


String TrimEnd(Char[] aChars)


Function TrimEnd(aChars As Char()) As String


  • aChars:


Trim this string at the start of whitespace characters.


method TrimStart: not nullable String


String! TrimStart()


func TrimStart() -> String


String TrimStart()


Function TrimStart() As String

TrimStart (array of Char): not nullable String

Trim this string at the start of aChars characters.


method TrimStart(aChars: array of Char): not nullable String


String! TrimStart(Char[] aChars)


func TrimStart(_ aChars: Char...) -> String


String TrimStart(Char[] aChars)


Function TrimStart(aChars As Char()) As String


  • aChars:



Returns a pointer to the first char of this string.


property FirstChar: ^Char read;


Char* FirstChar { get; }


var FirstChar: UnsafeMutablePointer<Char> { get{} }


Char* FirstChar { __get; }


ReadOnly Property FirstChar() As Ptr(Of Char)



property Item[i: Index]: Char read;


Char Item[Index i] { get; }


subscript Item(_ i: Index) -> Char { get{} }


Char Item[Index i] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Item(i As Index) As Char


Accessor for this string by index.


property Item[i: Int32]: Char read;


Char Item[Int32 i] { get; }


subscript Item(_ i: Int32) -> Char { get{} }


Char Item[Int32 i] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Item(i As Int32) As Char



property Item[r: Range]: String read;


String Item[Range r] { get; }


subscript Item(_ r: Range) -> String { get{} }


String Item[Range r] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Item(r As Range) As String


Returns the length of this string.


property Length: Int32 read;


Int32 Length { get; }


var Length: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 Length { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Length() As Int32



Compares two strings, returns 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if more.


class method Compare(aLeft: String; aRight: String): Int32


static Int32 Compare(String aLeft, String aRight)


static func Compare(_ aLeft: String, _ aRight: String) -> Int32


static Int32 Compare(String aLeft, String aRight)


Shared Function Compare(aLeft As String, aRight As String) As Int32


  • aLeft:
  • aRight:


Format a string given a format string (.net style formatting).


class method Format(aFormat: not nullable String; params aArguments: not nullable array of Object): not nullable String


static String! Format(String! aFormat, params Object[]! aArguments)


static func Format(_ aFormat: String, _ aArguments: Object...) -> String


static String Format(String aFormat, Object[]... aArguments)


Shared Function Format(aFormat As String, ParamArray aArguments As Object()) As String


  • aFormat:
  • aArguments:


Creates a string from a char.


class method FromChar(c: Char): nullable String


static String? FromChar(Char c)


static func FromChar(_ c: Char) -> String?


static String FromChar(Char c)


Shared Function FromChar(c As Char) As String?


  • c:


Creates a string from a char array.


class method FromCharArray(aArray: array of Char): nullable String


static String? FromCharArray(Char[] aArray)


static func FromCharArray(_ aArray: Char...) -> String?


static String FromCharArray(Char[] aArray)


Shared Function FromCharArray(aArray As Char()) As String?


  • aArray:

FromPAnsiChar (^AnsiChar): nullable String


class method FromPAnsiChar(c: ^AnsiChar): nullable String


static String? FromPAnsiChar(AnsiChar* c)


static func FromPAnsiChar(_ c: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnsiChar>) -> String?


static String FromPAnsiChar(AnsiChar* c)


Shared Function FromPAnsiChar(c As Ptr(Of AnsiChar)) As String?


  • c:

FromPAnsiChar (^AnsiChar, Int32): nullable String


class method FromPAnsiChar(c: ^AnsiChar; aCharCount: Int32): nullable String


static String? FromPAnsiChar(AnsiChar* c, Int32 aCharCount)


static func FromPAnsiChar(_ c: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnsiChar>, _ aCharCount: Int32) -> String?


static String FromPAnsiChar(AnsiChar* c, Int32 aCharCount)


Shared Function FromPAnsiChar(c As Ptr(Of AnsiChar), aCharCount As Int32) As String?


  • c:
  • aCharCount:

FromPChar (^Char): nullable String

Creates a string from an unicode char pointer.


class method FromPChar(c: ^Char): nullable String


static String? FromPChar(Char* c)


static func FromPChar(_ c: UnsafeMutablePointer<Char>) -> String?


static String FromPChar(Char* c)


Shared Function FromPChar(c As Ptr(Of Char)) As String?


  • c:

FromPChar (^Char, Int32): nullable String

Creates a string from an unicode char pointer.


class method FromPChar(c: ^Char; aCharCount: Int32): nullable String


static String? FromPChar(Char* c, Int32 aCharCount)


static func FromPChar(_ c: UnsafeMutablePointer<Char>, _ aCharCount: Int32) -> String?


static String FromPChar(Char* c, Int32 aCharCount)


Shared Function FromPChar(c As Ptr(Of Char), aCharCount As Int32) As String?


  • c:
  • aCharCount:


Creates a string from a repeated character.


class method FromRepeatedChar(c: Char; aCharCount: Int32): not nullable String


static String! FromRepeatedChar(Char c, Int32 aCharCount)


static func FromRepeatedChar(_ c: Char, _ aCharCount: Int32) -> String


static String FromRepeatedChar(Char c, Int32 aCharCount)


Shared Function FromRepeatedChar(c As Char, aCharCount As Int32) As String


  • c:
  • aCharCount:


Check if a string is null or empty.


class method IsNullOrEmpty(value: String): Boolean


static Boolean IsNullOrEmpty(String value)


static func IsNullOrEmpty(_ value: String) -> Boolean


static Boolean IsNullOrEmpty(String value)


Shared Function IsNullOrEmpty(value As String) As Boolean


  • value:

Join (String, array of Object): not nullable String

Join a sequence of strings together with a given seperator.


class method Join(Separator: String; Value: array of Object): not nullable String


static String! Join(String Separator, Object[] Value)


static func Join(_ Separator: String, _ Value: Object...) -> String


static String Join(String Separator, Object[] Value)


Shared Function Join(Separator As String, Value As Object()) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:

Join (String, array of String): not nullable String

Join a sequence of strings together with a given seperator.


class method Join(Separator: String; Value: array of String): not nullable String


static String! Join(String Separator, String[] Value)


static func Join(_ Separator: String, _ Value: String...) -> String


static String Join(String Separator, String[] Value)


Shared Function Join(Separator As String, Value As String()) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:

Join (String, array of String, Int32, Int32): not nullable String

Join a sequence of strings together with a given seperator.


class method Join(Separator: String; Value: array of String; StartIndex: Int32; Count: Int32): not nullable String


static String! Join(String Separator, String[] Value, Int32 StartIndex, Int32 Count)


static func Join(_ Separator: String, _ Value: String..., _ StartIndex: Int32, _ Count: Int32) -> String


static String Join(String Separator, String[] Value, Int32 StartIndex, Int32 Count)


Shared Function Join(Separator As String, Value As String(), StartIndex As Int32, Count As Int32) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:
  • StartIndex:
  • Count:

Join (String, IEnumerable<String>): not nullable String

Join a sequence of strings together with a given seperator.


class method Join(Separator: String; Value: IEnumerable<String>): not nullable String


static String! Join(String Separator, IEnumerable<String> Value)


static func Join(_ Separator: String, _ Value: IEnumerable<String>) -> String


static String Join(String Separator, IEnumerable<String> Value)


Shared Function Join(Separator As String, Value As IEnumerable<String>) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:


Join a sequence of objects together with a given seperator.


class method Join<T>(Separator: String; Value: IEnumerable<T>): not nullable String


static String! Join<T>(String Separator, IEnumerable<T> Value)


static func Join<T>(_ Separator: String, _ Value: IEnumerable<T>) -> String


static String Join<T>(String Separator, IEnumerable<T> Value)


Shared Function Join<T>(Separator As String, Value As IEnumerable<T>) As String


  • Separator:
  • Value:

ReferenceEquals    (declared in Object)

Compares two references for equivalence (even if they have an equals operator)


class method ReferenceEquals(a: Object; b: Object): Boolean


static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)


static func ReferenceEquals(_ a: Object, _ b: Object) -> Boolean


static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)


Shared Function ReferenceEquals(a As Object, b As Object) As Boolean


  • a: left value
  • b: right value


constructor    (declared in Object)










Sub New()

CompareTo (Object): Int32

Compares two strings, returns 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if more.


method CompareTo(a: Object): Int32


Int32 CompareTo(Object a)


func CompareTo(_ a: Object) -> Int32


Int32 CompareTo(Object a)


Function CompareTo(a As Object) As Int32


  • a:

CompareTo (String): Int32

Compares two strings, returns 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if more.


method CompareTo(Value: String): Int32


Int32 CompareTo(String Value)


func CompareTo(_ Value: String) -> Int32


Int32 CompareTo(String Value)


Function CompareTo(Value As String) As Int32


  • Value:


Compares two strings, returns 0 if equal, -1 if less, 1 if more, ignoring the case.


method CompareToIgnoreCase(Value: String): Int32


Int32 CompareToIgnoreCase(String Value)


func CompareToIgnoreCase(_ Value: String) -> Int32


Int32 CompareToIgnoreCase(String Value)


Function CompareToIgnoreCase(Value As String) As Int32


  • Value:


Check if a string is contained in another string.


method Contains(Value: String): Boolean


Boolean Contains(String Value)


func Contains(_ Value: String) -> Boolean


Boolean Contains(String Value)


Function Contains(Value As String) As Boolean


  • Value:



method CopyTo(SourceIndex: Int32; destination: array of Char; DestinationIndex: Int32; Count: Int32)


void CopyTo(Int32 SourceIndex, Char[] destination, Int32 DestinationIndex, Int32 Count)


func CopyTo(_ SourceIndex: Int32, _ destination: Char..., _ DestinationIndex: Int32, _ Count: Int32)


void CopyTo(Int32 SourceIndex, Char[] destination, Int32 DestinationIndex, Int32 Count)


Sub CopyTo(SourceIndex As Int32, destination As Char(), DestinationIndex As Int32, Count As Int32)


  • SourceIndex:
  • destination:
  • DestinationIndex:
  • Count:


Returns true if a string ends with a value.


method EndsWith(Value: String; aInvariant: Boolean): Boolean


Boolean EndsWith(String Value, Boolean aInvariant)


func EndsWith(_ Value: String, _ aInvariant: Boolean) -> Boolean


Boolean EndsWith(String Value, Boolean aInvariant)


Function EndsWith(Value As String, aInvariant As Boolean) As Boolean


  • Value:
  • aInvariant:

Equals (Object): Boolean  override virtual

Copy a string to an array of char.


method Equals(aOther: Object): Boolean


Boolean Equals(Object aOther)


func Equals(_ aOther: Object) -> Boolean


Boolean Equals(Object aOther)


Function Equals(aOther As Object) As Boolean


  • aOther:

Equals (String): Boolean

Copy a string to an array of char.


method Equals(aOther: String): Boolean


Boolean Equals(String aOther)


func Equals(_ aOther: String) -> Boolean


Boolean Equals(String aOther)


Function Equals(aOther As String) As Boolean


  • aOther:


Copy a string to an array of char.


method EqualsIgnoreCase(aOther: String): Boolean


Boolean EqualsIgnoreCase(String aOther)


func EqualsIgnoreCase(_ aOther: String) -> Boolean


Boolean EqualsIgnoreCase(String aOther)


Function EqualsIgnoreCase(aOther As String) As Boolean


  • aOther:


Copy a string to an array of char.


method EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(aOther: String): Boolean


Boolean EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(String aOther)


func EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(_ aOther: String) -> Boolean


Boolean EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(String aOther)


Function EqualsIgnoreCaseInvariant(aOther As String) As Boolean


  • aOther:

Finalize  protected virtual    (declared in Object)


method Finalize


void Finalize()


func Finalize()


void Finalize()


Sub Finalize()


Returns an iterator for this class.


method GetEnumerator: IEnumerator<Char>


IEnumerator<Char> GetEnumerator()


func GetEnumerator() -> IEnumerator<Char>


IEnumerator<Char> GetEnumerator()


Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator<Char>

GetHashCode  override virtual

Returns a hashcode for this object. Overriden implementations should make sure that the number returned here is constant given the same object.


method GetHashCode: Int32


Int32 GetHashCode()


func GetHashCode() -> Int32


Int32 GetHashCode()


Function GetHashCode() As Int32

GetType    (declared in Object)

Returns the actual type of this class


method GetType: Type


Type GetType()


func GetType() -> Type


Type GetType()


Function GetType() As Type

IndexOf (String): Int32

Returns the index of the substring Value in this string, or -1 if it's not found.


method IndexOf(Value: String): Int32


Int32 IndexOf(String Value)


func IndexOf(_ Value: String) -> Int32


Int32 IndexOf(String Value)


Function IndexOf(Value As String) As Int32


  • Value:

IndexOf (String, Int32): Int32

Returns the index of the substring Value in this string, or -1 if it's not found; starts searching at aStartfromIndex.


method IndexOf(Value: String; aStartFromIndex: Int32): Int32


Int32 IndexOf(String Value, Int32 aStartFromIndex)


func IndexOf(_ Value: String, _ aStartFromIndex: Int32) -> Int32


Int32 IndexOf(String Value, Int32 aStartFromIndex)


Function IndexOf(Value As String, aStartFromIndex As Int32) As Int32


  • Value:
  • aStartFromIndex:


Returns the index of any char in the array or -1 if it's not there.


method IndexOfAny(anyOf: array of Char): Int32


Int32 IndexOfAny(Char[] anyOf)


func IndexOfAny(_ anyOf: Char...) -> Int32


Int32 IndexOfAny(Char[] anyOf)


Function IndexOfAny(anyOf As Char()) As Int32


  • anyOf:


Insert a string at the given position and return the new strnig


method Insert(aIndex: Int32; aNewValue: String): not nullable String


String! Insert(Int32 aIndex, String aNewValue)


func Insert(_ aIndex: Int32, _ aNewValue: String) -> String


String Insert(Int32 aIndex, String aNewValue)


Function Insert(aIndex As Int32, aNewValue As String) As String


  • aIndex:
  • aNewValue:

LastIndexOf (String): Int32

Returns the last index of the substring Value in this string, or -1 if it's not found.


method LastIndexOf(Value: String): Int32


Int32 LastIndexOf(String Value)


func LastIndexOf(_ Value: String) -> Int32


Int32 LastIndexOf(String Value)


Function LastIndexOf(Value As String) As Int32


  • Value:

LastIndexOf (String, Int32): Int32

Returns the last index of the substring Value in this string, or -1 if it's not found.


method LastIndexOf(Value: String; aStartFromIndex: Int32): Int32


Int32 LastIndexOf(String Value, Int32 aStartFromIndex)


func LastIndexOf(_ Value: String, _ aStartFromIndex: Int32) -> Int32


Int32 LastIndexOf(String Value, Int32 aStartFromIndex)


Function LastIndexOf(Value As String, aStartFromIndex As Int32) As Int32


  • Value:
  • aStartFromIndex:


Returns the last index of any of the characters in the array in this string, or -1 if it's not found.


method LastIndexOfAny(anyOf: array of Char): Int32


Int32 LastIndexOfAny(Char[] anyOf)


func LastIndexOfAny(_ anyOf: Char...) -> Int32


Int32 LastIndexOfAny(Char[] anyOf)


Function LastIndexOfAny(anyOf As Char()) As Int32


  • anyOf:

PadEnd (Int32): not nullable String

Adds spacing to the end of a string so it is at least TotalWidth.


method PadEnd(TotalWidth: Int32): not nullable String


String! PadEnd(Int32 TotalWidth)


func PadEnd(_ TotalWidth: Int32) -> String


String PadEnd(Int32 TotalWidth)


Function PadEnd(TotalWidth As Int32) As String


  • TotalWidth:

PadEnd (Int32, Char): not nullable String

Adds spacing to the end of a string so it is at least TotalWidth.


method PadEnd(TotalWidth: Int32; PaddingChar: Char): not nullable String


String! PadEnd(Int32 TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar)


func PadEnd(_ TotalWidth: Int32, _ PaddingChar: Char) -> String


String PadEnd(Int32 TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar)


Function PadEnd(TotalWidth As Int32, PaddingChar As Char) As String


  • TotalWidth:
  • PaddingChar:

PadStart (Int32): not nullable String

Adds spacing to the start of a string so it is at least TotalWidth.


method PadStart(TotalWidth: Int32): not nullable String


String! PadStart(Int32 TotalWidth)


func PadStart(_ TotalWidth: Int32) -> String


String PadStart(Int32 TotalWidth)


Function PadStart(TotalWidth As Int32) As String


  • TotalWidth:

PadStart (Int32, Char): not nullable String

Adds spacing to the start of a string so it is at least TotalWidth.


method PadStart(TotalWidth: Int32; PaddingChar: Char): not nullable String


String! PadStart(Int32 TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar)


func PadStart(_ TotalWidth: Int32, _ PaddingChar: Char) -> String


String PadStart(Int32 TotalWidth, Char PaddingChar)


Function PadStart(TotalWidth As Int32, PaddingChar As Char) As String


  • TotalWidth:
  • PaddingChar:

Remove (Int32): not nullable String

Remove from the string from startindex on.


method Remove(StartIndex: Int32): not nullable String


String! Remove(Int32 StartIndex)


func Remove(_ StartIndex: Int32) -> String


String Remove(Int32 StartIndex)


Function Remove(StartIndex As Int32) As String


  • StartIndex:

Remove (Int32, Int32): not nullable String

Remove from the string from startindex on, for a given length.


method Remove(StartIndex: Int32; Count: Int32): not nullable String


String! Remove(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 Count)


func Remove(_ StartIndex: Int32, _ Count: Int32) -> String


String Remove(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 Count)


Function Remove(StartIndex As Int32, Count As Int32) As String


  • StartIndex:
  • Count:


Replace a substring in a string with another value.


method Replace(OldValue: not nullable String; NewValue: not nullable String): not nullable String


String! Replace(String! OldValue, String! NewValue)


func Replace(_ OldValue: String, _ NewValue: String) -> String


String Replace(String OldValue, String NewValue)


Function Replace(OldValue As String, NewValue As String) As String


  • OldValue:
  • NewValue:


Split a string on a given separator.


method Split(Separator: String; aRemoveEmptyEntries: Boolean; aMax: Int32): not nullable array of String


String[]! Split(String Separator, Boolean aRemoveEmptyEntries, Int32 aMax)


func Split(_ Separator: String, _ aRemoveEmptyEntries: Boolean, _ aMax: Int32) -> String...


String[] Split(String Separator, Boolean aRemoveEmptyEntries, Int32 aMax)


Function Split(Separator As String, aRemoveEmptyEntries As Boolean, aMax As Int32) As String()


  • Separator:
  • aRemoveEmptyEntries:
  • aMax:


Returns if a string starts with a value.


method StartsWith(Value: String; aInvariant: Boolean): Boolean


Boolean StartsWith(String Value, Boolean aInvariant)


func StartsWith(_ Value: String, _ aInvariant: Boolean) -> Boolean


Boolean StartsWith(String Value, Boolean aInvariant)


Function StartsWith(Value As String, aInvariant As Boolean) As Boolean


  • Value:
  • aInvariant:

Substring (Range): not nullable String


method Substring(aRange: Range): not nullable String


String! Substring(Range aRange)


func Substring(_ aRange: Range) -> String


String Substring(Range aRange)


Function Substring(aRange As Range) As String


  • aRange:

Substring (Int32): not nullable String

Returns a substring of this string.


method Substring(StartIndex: Int32): not nullable String


String! Substring(Int32 StartIndex)


func Substring(_ StartIndex: Int32) -> String


String Substring(Int32 StartIndex)


Function Substring(StartIndex As Int32) As String


  • StartIndex:

Substring (Int32, Int32): not nullable String

Returns a substring of this string.


method Substring(StartIndex: Int32; aLength: Int32): not nullable String


String! Substring(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 aLength)


func Substring(_ StartIndex: Int32, _ aLength: Int32) -> String


String Substring(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 aLength)


Function Substring(StartIndex As Int32, aLength As Int32) As String


  • StartIndex:
  • aLength:


Convert this string to an array of ansichar.


method ToAnsiChars(aNullTerminate: Boolean): array of AnsiChar


AnsiChar[] ToAnsiChars(Boolean aNullTerminate)


func ToAnsiChars(_ aNullTerminate: Boolean) -> AnsiChar...


AnsiChar[] ToAnsiChars(Boolean aNullTerminate)


Function ToAnsiChars(aNullTerminate As Boolean) As AnsiChar()


  • aNullTerminate:

ToCharArray (Boolean): array of Char

Convert this string to an array of char.


method ToCharArray(aNullTerminate: Boolean): array of Char


Char[] ToCharArray(Boolean aNullTerminate)


func ToCharArray(_ aNullTerminate: Boolean) -> Char...


Char[] ToCharArray(Boolean aNullTerminate)


Function ToCharArray(aNullTerminate As Boolean) As Char()


  • aNullTerminate:

ToCharArray (Int32, Int32, Boolean): array of Char

Convert this string to an array of char.


method ToCharArray(StartIndex: Int32; aLength: Int32; aNullTerminate: Boolean): array of Char


Char[] ToCharArray(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 aLength, Boolean aNullTerminate)


func ToCharArray(_ StartIndex: Int32, _ aLength: Int32, _ aNullTerminate: Boolean) -> Char...


Char[] ToCharArray(Int32 StartIndex, Int32 aLength, Boolean aNullTerminate)


Function ToCharArray(StartIndex As Int32, aLength As Int32, aNullTerminate As Boolean) As Char()


  • StartIndex:
  • aLength:
  • aNullTerminate:

ToLower (Boolean): not nullable String

Lowercase this string.


method ToLower(aInvariant: Boolean): not nullable String


String! ToLower(Boolean aInvariant)


func ToLower(_ aInvariant: Boolean) -> String


String ToLower(Boolean aInvariant)


Function ToLower(aInvariant As Boolean) As String


  • aInvariant:

ToLower (Locale): not nullable String

Lowercase this string.


method ToLower(aLocale: Locale): not nullable String


String! ToLower(Locale aLocale)


func ToLower(_ aLocale: Locale) -> String


String ToLower(Locale aLocale)


Function ToLower(aLocale As Locale) As String


  • aLocale:


Lowercase this string.


method ToLowerInvariant: not nullable String


String! ToLowerInvariant()


func ToLowerInvariant() -> String


String ToLowerInvariant()


Function ToLowerInvariant() As String

ToString  override virtual

Returns itself.


method ToString: String


String ToString()


func ToString() -> String


String ToString()


Function ToString() As String

ToUpper (Boolean): not nullable String

Uppercase this string.


method ToUpper(aInvariant: Boolean): not nullable String


String! ToUpper(Boolean aInvariant)


func ToUpper(_ aInvariant: Boolean) -> String


String ToUpper(Boolean aInvariant)


Function ToUpper(aInvariant As Boolean) As String


  • aInvariant:

ToUpper (Locale): not nullable String

Uppercase this string.


method ToUpper(aLocale: Locale): not nullable String


String! ToUpper(Locale aLocale)


func ToUpper(_ aLocale: Locale) -> String


String ToUpper(Locale aLocale)


Function ToUpper(aLocale As Locale) As String


  • aLocale:


Uppercase this string.


method ToUpperInvariant: not nullable String


String! ToUpperInvariant()


func ToUpperInvariant() -> String


String ToUpperInvariant()


Function ToUpperInvariant() As String


Trim this string at the start and end of whitespace characters.


method Trim: not nullable String


String! Trim()


func Trim() -> String


String Trim()


Function Trim() As String

Trim (array of Char): not nullable String

Trim this string at the start and end of aChars characters.


method Trim(aChars: array of Char): not nullable String


String! Trim(Char[] aChars)


func Trim(_ aChars: Char...) -> String


String Trim(Char[] aChars)


Function Trim(aChars As Char()) As String


  • aChars:


Trim this string at the end of whitespace characters.


method TrimEnd: not nullable String


String! TrimEnd()


func TrimEnd() -> String


String TrimEnd()


Function TrimEnd() As String

TrimEnd (array of Char): not nullable String

Trim this string at the end of aChars characters.


method TrimEnd(aChars: array of Char): not nullable String


String! TrimEnd(Char[] aChars)


func TrimEnd(_ aChars: Char...) -> String


String TrimEnd(Char[] aChars)


Function TrimEnd(aChars As Char()) As String


  • aChars:


Trim this string at the start of whitespace characters.


method TrimStart: not nullable String


String! TrimStart()


func TrimStart() -> String


String TrimStart()


Function TrimStart() As String

TrimStart (array of Char): not nullable String

Trim this string at the start of aChars characters.


method TrimStart(aChars: array of Char): not nullable String


String! TrimStart(Char[] aChars)


func TrimStart(_ aChars: Char...) -> String


String TrimStart(Char[] aChars)


Function TrimStart(aChars As Char()) As String


  • aChars: