

Reader class used to read the result of an SQL query.



constructor    (declared in Object)










Sub New()

Dispose  virtual abstract


method Dispose


void Dispose()


func Dispose()


void Dispose()


Sub Dispose()

Equals  virtual    (declared in Object)

Default constructor.


method Equals(aOther: Object): Boolean


Boolean Equals(Object aOther)


func Equals(_ aOther: Object) -> Boolean


Boolean Equals(Object aOther)


Function Equals(aOther As Object) As Boolean


  • aOther: the reference to compare this with.

FieldCount  virtual

Contains the number of fields.


property FieldCount: Int32 read;


Int32 FieldCount { get; }


var FieldCount: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 FieldCount { __get; }


ReadOnly Property FieldCount() As Int32

FieldName  virtual

Contains the field names from this query, accessible by index.


property FieldName[i: Int32]: String read;


String FieldName[Int32 i] { get; }


subscript FieldName(_ i: Int32) -> String { get{} }


String FieldName[Int32 i] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property FieldName(i As Int32) As String

Finalize  protected virtual    (declared in Object)


method Finalize


void Finalize()


func Finalize()


void Finalize()


Sub Finalize()

GetHashCode  virtual    (declared in Object)

Returns a hashcode for this object. Overriden implementations should make sure that the number returned here is constant given the same object.


method GetHashCode: Int32


Int32 GetHashCode()


func GetHashCode() -> Int32


Int32 GetHashCode()


Function GetHashCode() As Int32

GetType    (declared in Object)

Returns the actual type of this class


method GetType: Type


Type GetType()


func GetType() -> Type


Type GetType()


Function GetType() As Type

Item  virtual

Returns the values in this row. Note that the reader is "before" the first row, call Read/ReadAsync first.


property Item[i: Int32]: Object read;


Object Item[Int32 i] { get; }


subscript Item(_ i: Int32) -> Object { get{} }


Object Item[Int32 i] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Item(i As Int32) As Object

Read  virtual abstract

Retrieves the next row, returns true if succesful, false if the end of the dataset has been reached. By default the reader is set before the first row, so the first call should always be to Read.


method Read: Boolean


Boolean Read()


func Read() -> Boolean


Boolean Read()


Function Read() As Boolean

ReadAsync  virtual

Retrieves the next row, returns true if succesful, false if the end of the dataset has been reached. By default the reader is set before the first row, so the first call should always be to Read.


method ReadAsync: Task<Boolean>


Task<Boolean> ReadAsync()


func ReadAsync() -> Task<Boolean>


Task<Boolean> ReadAsync()


Function ReadAsync() As Task<Boolean>

ReferenceEquals    (declared in Object)

Compares two references for equivalence (even if they have an equals operator)


class method ReferenceEquals(a: Object; b: Object): Boolean


static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)


static func ReferenceEquals(_ a: Object, _ b: Object) -> Boolean


static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)


Shared Function ReferenceEquals(a As Object, b As Object) As Boolean


  • a: left value
  • b: right value

ToString  virtual    (declared in Object)

Gets the string representation of this method.


method ToString: String


String ToString()


func ToString() -> String


String ToString()


Function ToString() As String


FieldCount  virtual

Contains the number of fields.


property FieldCount: Int32 read;


Int32 FieldCount { get; }


var FieldCount: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 FieldCount { __get; }


ReadOnly Property FieldCount() As Int32

FieldName  virtual

Contains the field names from this query, accessible by index.


property FieldName[i: Int32]: String read;


String FieldName[Int32 i] { get; }


subscript FieldName(_ i: Int32) -> String { get{} }


String FieldName[Int32 i] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property FieldName(i As Int32) As String

Item  virtual

Returns the values in this row. Note that the reader is "before" the first row, call Read/ReadAsync first.


property Item[i: Int32]: Object read;


Object Item[Int32 i] { get; }


subscript Item(_ i: Int32) -> Object { get{} }


Object Item[Int32 i] { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Item(i As Int32) As Object


ReferenceEquals    (declared in Object)

Compares two references for equivalence (even if they have an equals operator)


class method ReferenceEquals(a: Object; b: Object): Boolean


static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)


static func ReferenceEquals(_ a: Object, _ b: Object) -> Boolean


static Boolean ReferenceEquals(Object a, Object b)


Shared Function ReferenceEquals(a As Object, b As Object) As Boolean


  • a: left value
  • b: right value


constructor    (declared in Object)










Sub New()

Dispose  virtual abstract


method Dispose


void Dispose()


func Dispose()


void Dispose()


Sub Dispose()

Equals  virtual    (declared in Object)

Default constructor.


method Equals(aOther: Object): Boolean


Boolean Equals(Object aOther)


func Equals(_ aOther: Object) -> Boolean


Boolean Equals(Object aOther)


Function Equals(aOther As Object) As Boolean


  • aOther: the reference to compare this with.

Finalize  protected virtual    (declared in Object)


method Finalize


void Finalize()


func Finalize()


void Finalize()


Sub Finalize()

GetHashCode  virtual    (declared in Object)

Returns a hashcode for this object. Overriden implementations should make sure that the number returned here is constant given the same object.


method GetHashCode: Int32


Int32 GetHashCode()


func GetHashCode() -> Int32


Int32 GetHashCode()


Function GetHashCode() As Int32

GetType    (declared in Object)

Returns the actual type of this class


method GetType: Type


Type GetType()


func GetType() -> Type


Type GetType()


Function GetType() As Type

Read  virtual abstract

Retrieves the next row, returns true if succesful, false if the end of the dataset has been reached. By default the reader is set before the first row, so the first call should always be to Read.


method Read: Boolean


Boolean Read()


func Read() -> Boolean


Boolean Read()


Function Read() As Boolean

ReadAsync  virtual

Retrieves the next row, returns true if succesful, false if the end of the dataset has been reached. By default the reader is set before the first row, so the first call should always be to Read.


method ReadAsync: Task<Boolean>


Task<Boolean> ReadAsync()


func ReadAsync() -> Task<Boolean>


Task<Boolean> ReadAsync()


Function ReadAsync() As Task<Boolean>

ToString  virtual    (declared in Object)

Gets the string representation of this method.


method ToString: String


String ToString()


func ToString() -> String


String ToString()


Function ToString() As String