The SubtleCrypto interface of the Web Crypto API provides a number of low-level cryptographic functions. Access to the features of SubtleCrypto is obtained through the subtle property of the Crypto object you get from Window.crypto.
- Reference: Island.fx
- Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.WebAssembly.DOM
- Platforms: WebAssembly
Required Methods
Returns a Promise that fulfills with the clear data corresponding to the encrypted text, algorithm, and key given as parameters.
method decrypt: dynamic
dynamic decrypt()
func decrypt() -> dynamic
dynamic decrypt()
Function decrypt() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a newly generated buffer of pseudo-random bits derived from the master key and specific algorithm given as parameters.
method deriveBits: dynamic
dynamic deriveBits()
func deriveBits() -> dynamic
dynamic deriveBits()
Function deriveBits() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a newly generated CryptoKey derived from the master key and specific algorithm given as parameters.
method deriveKey: dynamic
dynamic deriveKey()
func deriveKey() -> dynamic
dynamic deriveKey()
Function deriveKey() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a digest generated from the algorithm and text given as parameters.
method digest: dynamic
dynamic digest()
func digest() -> dynamic
dynamic digest()
Function digest() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fufills with the encrypted data corresponding to the clear text, algorithm, and key given as parameters.
method encrypt: dynamic
dynamic encrypt()
func encrypt() -> dynamic
dynamic encrypt()
Function encrypt() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a buffer containing the key in the requested format.
method exportKey: dynamic
dynamic exportKey()
func exportKey() -> dynamic
dynamic exportKey()
Function exportKey() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a newly-generated CryptoKey, for symmetrical algorithms, or a CryptoKeyPair, containing two newly generated keys, for asymmetrical algorithms. These will match the algorithm, usages, and extractability given as parameters.
method generateKey: dynamic
dynamic generateKey()
func generateKey() -> dynamic
dynamic generateKey()
Function generateKey() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a CryptoKey corresponding to the format, the algorithm, raw key data, usages, and extractability given as parameters.
method importKey: dynamic
dynamic importKey()
func importKey() -> dynamic
dynamic importKey()
Function importKey() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with the signature corresponding to the text, algorithm, and key given as parameters.
method sign: dynamic
dynamic sign()
func sign() -> dynamic
dynamic sign()
Function sign() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a CryptoKey corresponding to the wrapped key given in the parameter.
method unwrapKey: dynamic
dynamic unwrapKey()
func unwrapKey() -> dynamic
dynamic unwrapKey()
Function unwrapKey() As dynamic
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a Boolean value indicating if the signature given as a parameter matches the text, algorithm, and key that are also given as parameters.
method verify: Boolean
Boolean verify()
func verify() -> Boolean
Boolean verify()
Function verify() As Boolean
Returns a Promise that fulfills with a wrapped symmetric key for usage (transfer and storage) in insecure environments. The wrapped key matches the format specified in the given parameters, and wrapping is done by the given wrapping key, using the specified algorithm.
method wrapKey: dynamic
dynamic wrapKey()
func wrapKey() -> dynamic
dynamic wrapKey()
Function wrapKey() As dynamic