The SVGTextPositioningElement interface is implemented by elements that support attributes that position individual text glyphs. It is inherited by SVGTextElement, SVGTSpanElement, SVGTRefElement and SVGAltGlyphElement.
- Reference: Island.fx
- Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.WebAssembly.DOM
- Platforms: WebAssembly
- Ancestry: SVGTextContentElement | SVGTextPositioningElement
dataset (declared in SVGElement)
property dataset: String read;
String dataset { get; }
var dataset: String { get{} }
String dataset { __get; }
ReadOnly Property dataset() As String
getBBox (declared in SVGGraphicsElement)
Returns a DOMRect representing the computed bounding box of the current element.
method getBBox: SVGRect
SVGRect getBBox()
func getBBox() -> SVGRect
SVGRect getBBox()
Function getBBox() As SVGRect
getCharNumAtPosition (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a long representing the character which caused a text glyph to be rendered at a given position in the coordinate system. Because the relationship between characters and glyphs is not one-to-one, only the first character of the relevant typographic character is returned
method getCharNumAtPosition: Int64
Int64 getCharNumAtPosition()
func getCharNumAtPosition() -> Int64
Int64 getCharNumAtPosition()
Function getCharNumAtPosition() As Int64
getComputedTextLength (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a float representing the computed length for the text within the element.
method getComputedTextLength: String
String getComputedTextLength()
func getComputedTextLength() -> String
String getComputedTextLength()
Function getComputedTextLength() As String
getNumberOfChars (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a long representing the total number of addressable characters available for rendering within the current element, regardless of whether they will be rendered.
method getNumberOfChars: Int64
Int64 getNumberOfChars()
func getNumberOfChars() -> Int64
Int64 getNumberOfChars()
Function getNumberOfChars() As Int64
getRotationOfChar (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a float representing the rotation of typographic character.
method getRotationOfChar: Double
Double getRotationOfChar()
func getRotationOfChar() -> Double
Double getRotationOfChar()
Function getRotationOfChar() As Double
getSubStringLength (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a float representing the computed length of the formatted text advance distance for a substring of text within the element. Note that this method only accounts for the widths of the glyphs in the substring and any extra spacing inserted by the CSS 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' properties. Visual spacing adjustments made by the 'x' attribute is ignored.
method getSubStringLength: HTMLElement
HTMLElement getSubStringLength()
func getSubStringLength() -> HTMLElement
HTMLElement getSubStringLength()
Function getSubStringLength() As HTMLElement
ownerSVGElement (declared in SVGElement)
property ownerSVGElement: Element read;
Element ownerSVGElement { get; }
var ownerSVGElement: Element { get{} }
Element ownerSVGElement { __get; }
ReadOnly Property ownerSVGElement() As Element
textLength (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
property textLength: Int32 read;
Int32 textLength { get; }
var textLength: Int32 { get{} }
Int32 textLength { __get; }
ReadOnly Property textLength() As Int32
viewportElement (declared in SVGElement)
property viewportElement: Element read;
Element viewportElement { get; }
var viewportElement: Element { get{} }
Element viewportElement { __get; }
ReadOnly Property viewportElement() As Element
property x: Double read;
Double x { get; }
var x: Double { get{} }
Double x { __get; }
ReadOnly Property x() As Double
property y: Double read;
Double y { get; }
var y: Double { get{} }
Double y { __get; }
ReadOnly Property y() As Double
dataset (declared in SVGElement)
property dataset: String read;
String dataset { get; }
var dataset: String { get{} }
String dataset { __get; }
ReadOnly Property dataset() As String
ownerSVGElement (declared in SVGElement)
property ownerSVGElement: Element read;
Element ownerSVGElement { get; }
var ownerSVGElement: Element { get{} }
Element ownerSVGElement { __get; }
ReadOnly Property ownerSVGElement() As Element
textLength (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
property textLength: Int32 read;
Int32 textLength { get; }
var textLength: Int32 { get{} }
Int32 textLength { __get; }
ReadOnly Property textLength() As Int32
viewportElement (declared in SVGElement)
property viewportElement: Element read;
Element viewportElement { get; }
var viewportElement: Element { get{} }
Element viewportElement { __get; }
ReadOnly Property viewportElement() As Element
property x: Double read;
Double x { get; }
var x: Double { get{} }
Double x { __get; }
ReadOnly Property x() As Double
property y: Double read;
Double y { get; }
var y: Double { get{} }
Double y { __get; }
ReadOnly Property y() As Double
getBBox (declared in SVGGraphicsElement)
Returns a DOMRect representing the computed bounding box of the current element.
method getBBox: SVGRect
SVGRect getBBox()
func getBBox() -> SVGRect
SVGRect getBBox()
Function getBBox() As SVGRect
getCharNumAtPosition (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a long representing the character which caused a text glyph to be rendered at a given position in the coordinate system. Because the relationship between characters and glyphs is not one-to-one, only the first character of the relevant typographic character is returned
method getCharNumAtPosition: Int64
Int64 getCharNumAtPosition()
func getCharNumAtPosition() -> Int64
Int64 getCharNumAtPosition()
Function getCharNumAtPosition() As Int64
getComputedTextLength (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a float representing the computed length for the text within the element.
method getComputedTextLength: String
String getComputedTextLength()
func getComputedTextLength() -> String
String getComputedTextLength()
Function getComputedTextLength() As String
getNumberOfChars (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a long representing the total number of addressable characters available for rendering within the current element, regardless of whether they will be rendered.
method getNumberOfChars: Int64
Int64 getNumberOfChars()
func getNumberOfChars() -> Int64
Int64 getNumberOfChars()
Function getNumberOfChars() As Int64
getRotationOfChar (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a float representing the rotation of typographic character.
method getRotationOfChar: Double
Double getRotationOfChar()
func getRotationOfChar() -> Double
Double getRotationOfChar()
Function getRotationOfChar() As Double
getSubStringLength (declared in SVGTextContentElement)
Returns a float representing the computed length of the formatted text advance distance for a substring of text within the element. Note that this method only accounts for the widths of the glyphs in the substring and any extra spacing inserted by the CSS 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' properties. Visual spacing adjustments made by the 'x' attribute is ignored.
method getSubStringLength: HTMLElement
HTMLElement getSubStringLength()
func getSubStringLength() -> HTMLElement
HTMLElement getSubStringLength()
Function getSubStringLength() As HTMLElement