Elements RTL

Elements RTL (also referred to as RTL2) is a new cross-platform base library and abstraction layer that allows you to write code (in any of the five Elements languages) that can easily be shared across all Platforms.
Elements RTL provides abstractions for common low-level types such as Strings ad Collections, and tasks such as value conversions, text encoding and mathematical operations. It also includes fully native, cross-platform XML and Json document implementations, HTTP access, and more.
Elements RTL supersedes and replaces Sugar. Applications using Sugar should port over to Elements RTL easily, since many APIs are the same or similar.
Using Elements RTL
A pre-compiled version of Elements RTL is included with Elements, and can be added to your projects via the Add References dialog in Fire or Visual Studio, where the Elements
library should show automatically. The New Project dialog in Fire will also give you the option to start new projects based on Elements RTL.
Simply adding the reference and adding the RemObjects.Elements.RTL
namespace to your uses/import statements will make the Elements RTL classes available for you. For ease of use, we recommend adding RemObjects.Elements.RTL
to the global "Default Uses" Project Setting.
Classes and Types
Currently, the following major types are supported/implemented. Unless otherwise noted, all parts of Elements RTL are available across all platforms, including Island.
- Array
- Binary
- BinaryReader
- BinaryStream
- BinaryWriter
- BlockRunnable
- BroadcastManager
- BroadcastManagerSubscription
- CaseInsensitiveString
- Codable
- Coder
- Consts
- Convert
- DateFormatter
- DateParser
- DateTime
- DateTimeFormatInfo
- DayFormatSpecifier
- Dictionary<T,U>
- DictionaryHelpers
- Difference<T>
- Encoding
- EnumerationSequence<T>
- Environment
- Event
- Field
- File
- FileHandle
- FileStream
- FixedTimerTask
- Folder
- FolderHelper
- FormatSpecifier
- GenericCoder<T>
- Guid
- Helpers
- Hour12FormatSpecifier
- Hour24FormatSpecifier
- Http
- HttpBasicAuthorization
- HttpBearerAuthorization
- HttpBinaryRequestContent
- HttpCertificateInfo
- HttpFormRequestContent
- HttpHeaderAuthorization
- HttpJsonRequestContent
- HttpQueryParameterAuthorization
- HttpRequest
- HttpRequestContent
- HttpResponse
- HttpResponseContent<T>
- ImmutableBinary
- ImmutableDictionary<T,U>
- ImmutableLinkedList<T>
- ImmutableList<T>
- ImmutableQueue<T>
- ImmutableStack<T>
- JsonArray
- JsonBooleanValue
- JsonCoder
- JsonConsts
- JsonDeserializer
- JsonFloatValue
- JsonIntegerValue
- JsonNode
- JsonNullValue
- JsonObject
- JsonSerializer
- JsonStringValue
- JsonTokenizer
- JsonValue<T>
- KeyValuePair<T,U>
- LinkedList<T>
- LinkedListNode<T>
- List<T>
- ListHelpers
- Locale
- LocaleUtils
- Math
- MemoryStream
- Method
- MinuteFormatSpecifier
- Monitor
- MonthFormatSpecifier
- Notification
- NumberFormatInfo
- Observer
- Parameter
- Path
- PeriodFormatSpecifier
- Process
- Property
- Queue<T>
- Random
- Registry
- RTLErrorMessages
- SecondFormatSpecifier
- SimpleCommandLineParser
- SimpleFormatSpecifier
- SimpleLogger
- Stack<T>
- Stopwatch
- Stream
- String
- StringBuilder
- StringFormatter
- Thread
- Timer
- TimeZone
- Type
- Unicode
- Uri
- Url
- Urn
- WrappedPlatformStream
- WriteLnLogger
- XmlCData
- XmlCoder
- XmlComment
- XmlConsts
- XmlDocCurrentPosition
- XmlDocument
- XmlDocumentType
- XmlElement
- XmlErrorInfo
- XmlFormattingOptions
- XmlNamespace
- XmlNode
- XmlProcessingInstruction
- XmlRange
- XmlText
- YearFormatSpecifier
- CoderType
- DateParserOption
- Endianess
- EventMode
- FileOpenMode
- GuidFormat
- HttpRequestMethod
- ISO8601Format
- JsonFormat
- JsonNodeKind
- JsonTokenKind
- OperatingSystem
- SeekOrigin
- StringTruncationStyle
- ThreadPriority
- ThreadState
- VariableStatus
- VariableStyle
- Visibility
- XmlNodeType
- XmlPositionKind
- XmlTagStyle
- XmlWhitespaceStyle
- ArgumentException
- ArgumentNullException
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- CoderException
- CodingExeption
- ConversionException
- FileNotFoundException
- FormatException
- HttpException
- IndexOutOfRangeException
- InvalidCastException
- InvalidOperationException
- IOException
- JsonException
- JsonInvalidTokenException
- JsonInvalidValueException
- JsonNodeTypeException
- JsonParserException
- JsonUnexpectedTokenException
- KeyNotFoundException
- NotImplementedException
- NotSupportedException
- QueueEmptyException
- RTLException
- StackEmptyException
- UnicodeException
- UrlException
- UrlParserException
- XmlException
Alias | Type |
ApplicationContext |
Object .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
ArgumentException |
System.ArgumentException .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 IllegalArgumentException Cooper ArgumentException Island |
DateParserOptions |
set of DateParserOption .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
HttpRequestMode |
HttpRequestMethod .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
ICodable |
????constrained Object, IEncodable, IDecodable .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, ToffeeV2 ????constrained NSObject, IEncodable, IDecodable Toffee |
ImmutableObjectDictionary |
ImmutableDictionary<String, Object> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
ImmutablePlatformBinary |
MemoryStream .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 ByteArrayOutputStream Cooper MemoryStream Island NSData Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
ImmutableStringDictionary |
ImmutableDictionary<String, String> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
ImmutableStringDictionary2 |
ImmutableDictionary<String, ImmutableStringDictionary> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
ImmutableStringDictionary3 |
ImmutableDictionary<String, ImmutableStringDictionary2> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
ImmutableStringDictionary4 |
ImmutableDictionary<String, ImmutableStringDictionary3> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
Int8 |
SByte .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Toffee |
JsonDocument |
JsonNode .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
NotImplementedException |
System.NotImplementedException .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 NotImplementedException Island |
NotSupportedException |
System.NotSupportedException .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 UnsupportedOperationException Cooper NotSupportedException Island |
ObjectDictionary |
Dictionary<String, Object> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformAttribute |
Attribute .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 CustomAttribute Island |
PlatformBinary |
MemoryStream .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 ByteArrayOutputStream Cooper MemoryStream Island NSMutableData Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformDateTime |
DateTime .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 Calendar Cooper DateTime Island NSDate Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformDictionary<T,U> |
Dictionary<T, U> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 HashMap<T, U> Cooper RemObjects.Elements.System.Dictionary<T,U> Island NSMutableDictionary<T, U> Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformEncoding |
Encoding .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 Charset Cooper Encoding Island NSNumber Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformEvent |
EventWaitHandle .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 ReentrantLock Cooper EventWaitHandle Island-Android, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows NSCondition Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformField |
FieldInfo .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 Field Cooper FieldInfo Island |
PlatformGuid |
Guid .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 UUID Cooper Guid Island NSUUID Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformImmutableDictionary<T,U> |
Dictionary<T, U> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 HashMap<T, U> Cooper RemObjects.Elements.System.ImmutableDictionary<T,U> Island NSDictionary<T, U> Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformImmutableList<T> |
List<T> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 ArrayList<T> Cooper RemObjects.Elements.System.ImmutableList<T> Island NSArray<T> Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformImmutableQueue<T> |
Queue<T> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 LinkedList<T> Cooper RemObjects.Elements.System.Queue<T> Island NSArray<T> Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformImmutableStack<T> |
Stack<T> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper RemObjects.Elements.System.Stack<T> Island NSArray Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformInternalFileStream |
FileStream .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 RandomAccessFile Cooper FileStream Island-Android, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows NSFileHandle Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformList<T> |
List<T> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 ArrayList<T> Cooper RemObjects.Elements.System.List<T> Island NSMutableArray<T> Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformMath |
Math .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, ToffeeV2 Math Island |
PlatformMemoryStream |
MemoryStream .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 ByteArrayOutputStream Cooper MemoryStream Island NSMutableData Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformMethod |
MethodInfo .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 Method Cooper MethodInfo Island |
PlatformMonitor |
ManualResetEvent .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 ReentrantLock Cooper Monitor Island NSRecursiveLock Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformParameter |
ParameterInfo .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 ArgumentInfo Island |
PlatformProcess |
Process .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 Process Island-macOS, Island-Windows NSTask Toffee-macOS, ToffeeV2-macOS |
PlatformProperty |
PropertyInfo .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 PropertyInfo Island |
PlatformQueue<T> |
Queue<T> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 LinkedList<T> Cooper RemObjects.Elements.System.Queue<T> Island NSMutableArray<T> Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformSeekOrigin |
SeekOrigin .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, ToffeeV2 SeekOrigin Island |
PlatformSequence<T> |
IEnumerable<T> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island Iterable<T> Cooper INSFastEnumeration<T> Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformStack<T> |
Stack<T> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper RemObjects.Elements.System.Stack<T> Island NSMutableArray Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformStream |
Stream .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 Stream Island |
PlatformString |
String .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island NSString Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformStringBuilder |
StringBuilder .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper StringBuilder Island NSMutableString Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformThread |
Thread .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper Thread Island-Android, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows NSThread Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformTimer |
Timer .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper Timer Island NSTimer Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformTimeZone |
TimeZoneInfo .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 TimeZone Cooper TimeZone Island NSTimeZone Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
PlatformType |
Type .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, ToffeeV2 Class Cooper, Toffee Type Island |
RegistryHive |
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0 String Island-Windows |
StringDictionary |
Dictionary<String, String> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
StringDictionary2 |
Dictionary<String, StringDictionary> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
StringDictionary3 |
Dictionary<String, StringDictionary2> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
StringDictionary4 |
Dictionary<String, StringDictionary3> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
UInt8 |
Byte .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Toffee |
UnicodeCharacter |
String .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 |
UnicodeCodePoint |
UInt32 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2 Cardinal Cooper |
How Elements RTL Works
A large portion of Elements RTL is implemented using an Elements compiler feature called Mapped Types that allows platform-native classes to be accessed using a different, shared API defined by Elements RTL.
For example, RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Dictionary
is the class Elements RTL provides for working with a dictionary of keys and values. The class, and its methods, can be used on .NET, Cocoa, Java and Island in exactly the same way, so code that makes use of a RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Dictionary
can be compiled for all platforms. But it is not a "real" class. Instead, it is a mapping to
on .NETjava.util.HashMap<T,U>
on JavaNSMutableDictionary
on CocoaRemObjects.Elements.System.Dictionary
from Island RTL on Island
That means that when your code is using RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Dictionary
on, say, Cocoa, the compiler will actually translate it to code that directly works with an NSMutableDictionary
. The same code, compiled for Java, will seamlessly use a HashMap
This has several benefits:
- Rather than "reinventing the wheel", Elements RTL makes use of existing (and well-tested) classes and APIs provided by the underlying frameworks.
- Elements RTL never boxes you in; you can always access features of the underlying framework classes, simply by casting (although of course that part of the code then becomes platform dependent).
- Casting between Elements RTL and framework classes is toll free, so your platform-specific UI code can be written to use the regular framework classes, but can seamlessly pass those into your shared business code, which expects and works with Elements RTL classes.
Elements RTL is open source and available on GitHub. It also ships pre-compiled and pre-installed with Elements 9.1 and later. Contributions are welcome.
The bulk part of Elements RTL is written in the Oxygene language, but you can open the Elements RTL projects in Fire and Visual Studio 2017 without requiring an Oxygene license, so even C#, Swift or Iodine developers can contribute. We accept contributions in any of the five Elements languages.