

Parser for an array of arguments, splitting it into switches (--a) settings (--b=4) and other parameters.


  • Reference:
    • Elements.dll  .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
    • elements.jar  Cooper
    • Elements.fx  Island
    • libElements.fx  Toffee
  • Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.RTL
  • Platforms: .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee


Objects  virtual


property Objects: ImmutableList<tuple of (String, String)> read;


ImmutableList<tuple of (String, String)> Objects { get; }


var Objects: ImmutableList<tuple of (String, String)> { get{} }


ImmutableList<Tuple2<String, String>> Objects { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Objects() As ImmutableList<tuple of (String, String)>

OtherParameters  virtual

Other non-switch parameters.


property OtherParameters: ImmutableList<String> read;


ImmutableList<String> OtherParameters { get; }


var OtherParameters: ImmutableList<String> { get{} }


ImmutableList<String> OtherParameters { __get; }


ReadOnly Property OtherParameters() As ImmutableList<String>

Settings  virtual

Settings parameters, in the form of --a=b


property Settings: ImmutableDictionary<String, String> read;


ImmutableDictionary<String, String> Settings { get; }


var Settings: ImmutableDictionary<String, String> { get{} }


ImmutableDictionary<String, String> Settings { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Settings() As ImmutableDictionary<String, String>

Switches  virtual

Switch parameters, settings without values.


property Switches: ImmutableDictionary<String, String> read;


ImmutableDictionary<String, String> Switches { get; }


var Switches: ImmutableDictionary<String, String> { get{} }


ImmutableDictionary<String, String> Switches { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Switches() As ImmutableDictionary<String, String>

Instance Methods


Parses the array of strings into parts.


constructor(aArgs: not nullable array of String)


SimpleCommandLineParser(String[]! aArgs)


init(_ aArgs: String...)


SimpleCommandLineParser(String[] aArgs)


Sub New(aArgs As String())


  • aArgs: