Dictionary class that maps a given key to a value. Readonly version.
- Elements.dll .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- elements.jar Cooper
- Elements.fx Island, ToffeeV2
- libElements.fx Toffee
- Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.RTL
- Platforms: .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Mapped to:
- Dictionary<T, U> .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- HashMap<T, U> Cooper
- RemObjects.Elements.System.ImmutableDictionary<T,U> Island
- NSDictionary<T, U> Toffee, ToffeeV2
constructor Toffee
init($New )
- :
ContainsKey (not nullable T): Boolean Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Returns true if this key is contained in the dictionary.
method ContainsKey(Key: not nullable T): Boolean
Boolean ContainsKey(T! Key)
func ContainsKey(_ Key: T) -> Boolean
Boolean ContainsKey(T Key)
Function ContainsKey(Key As T) As Boolean
- Key:
ContainsKey (not nullable T): Boolean .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ContainsKey(Key: not nullable T): Boolean
Boolean ContainsKey(T! Key)
func ContainsKey(_ Key: T) -> Boolean
Function ContainsKey(Key As T) As Boolean
- Key:
ContainsValue (not nullable U): Boolean Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Returns true if this value is contained in the dictionary.
method ContainsValue(Value: not nullable U): Boolean
Boolean ContainsValue(U! Value)
func ContainsValue(_ Value: U) -> Boolean
Boolean ContainsValue(U Value)
Function ContainsValue(Value As U) As Boolean
- Value:
ContainsValue (not nullable U): Boolean .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ContainsValue(Value: not nullable U): Boolean
Boolean ContainsValue(U! Value)
func ContainsValue(_ Value: U) -> Boolean
Function ContainsValue(Value As U) As Boolean
- Value:
Returns the nr of items in this dictionary.
property Count: Int32 read;
Int32 Count { get; }
var Count: Int32 { get{} }
Integer Count { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Count() As Int32
ForEach (Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Iterate all items in this list and trigger the callback for it.
method ForEach(Action: Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
void ForEach(Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>> Action)
func ForEach(_ Action: Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
void ForEach(Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>> Action)
Sub ForEach(Action As Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
- Action:
ForEach (Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ForEach(Action: Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
void ForEach(Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>> Action)
func ForEach(_ Action: Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
Sub ForEach(Action As Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
- Action:
GetSequence Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Returns an iterator for this dictionary, while iterating changes in the dictionary will cause an exception in the iterator.
method GetSequence: IEnumerable<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>
IEnumerable<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>> GetSequence()
// Toffee
func GetSequence() -> INSFastEnumeration<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>
// ToffeeV2
func GetSequence() -> IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>>
Iterable<KeyValuePair<T, U>> GetSequence()
Function GetSequence() As IEnumerable<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>
GetSequence .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method GetSequence: IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>>
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>> GetSequence()
func GetSequence() -> IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>>
Function GetSequence() As IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>>
Get an item by it's key, or null if it's not present.
property Item[Key: not nullable T]: nullable U read;
U? Item[T! Key] { get; }
subscript Item(_ Key: T) -> U? { get{} }
U Item[T Key] { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Item(Key As T) As U?
Returns a keys interator.
property Keys: not nullable RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T> read;
RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T>! Keys { get; }
var Keys: RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T> { get{} }
RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T> Keys { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Keys() As RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T>
MutableVersion Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
creates a copy and returns this as a mutable version.
method MutableVersion: not nullable Dictionary<T, U>
Dictionary<T, U>! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Dictionary<T, U>
Dictionary<T, U> MutableVersion()
Function MutableVersion() As Dictionary<T, U>
MutableVersion .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method MutableVersion: not nullable Dictionary<T, U>
Dictionary<T, U>! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Dictionary<T, U>
Function MutableVersion() As Dictionary<T, U>
UniqueCopy .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueCopy: not nullable ImmutableDictionary<T, U>
ImmutableDictionary<T, U>! UniqueCopy()
func UniqueCopy() -> ImmutableDictionary<T, U>
Function UniqueCopy() As ImmutableDictionary<T, U>
UniqueMutableCopy .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueMutableCopy: not nullable Dictionary<T, U>
Dictionary<T, U>! UniqueMutableCopy()
func UniqueMutableCopy() -> Dictionary<T, U>
Function UniqueMutableCopy() As Dictionary<T, U>
Iterator for all values in this dictionary.
property Values: not nullable IEnumerable<U> read;
IEnumerable<U>! Values { get; }
// .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2
var Values: IEnumerable<U> { get{} }
// Toffee
var Values: INSFastEnumeration<U> { get{} }
Iterable<U> Values { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Values() As IEnumerable<U>
Returns the nr of items in this dictionary.
property Count: Int32 read;
Int32 Count { get; }
var Count: Int32 { get{} }
Integer Count { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Count() As Int32
Get an item by it's key, or null if it's not present.
property Item[Key: not nullable T]: nullable U read;
U? Item[T! Key] { get; }
subscript Item(_ Key: T) -> U? { get{} }
U Item[T Key] { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Item(Key As T) As U?
Returns a keys interator.
property Keys: not nullable RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T> read;
RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T>! Keys { get; }
var Keys: RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T> { get{} }
RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T> Keys { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Keys() As RemObjects.Elements.RTL.ImmutableList<T>
Iterator for all values in this dictionary.
property Values: not nullable IEnumerable<U> read;
IEnumerable<U>! Values { get; }
// .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2
var Values: IEnumerable<U> { get{} }
// Toffee
var Values: INSFastEnumeration<U> { get{} }
Iterable<U> Values { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Values() As IEnumerable<U>
constructor Toffee
init($New )
- :
ContainsKey (not nullable T): Boolean Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Returns true if this key is contained in the dictionary.
method ContainsKey(Key: not nullable T): Boolean
Boolean ContainsKey(T! Key)
func ContainsKey(_ Key: T) -> Boolean
Boolean ContainsKey(T Key)
Function ContainsKey(Key As T) As Boolean
- Key:
ContainsValue (not nullable U): Boolean Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Returns true if this value is contained in the dictionary.
method ContainsValue(Value: not nullable U): Boolean
Boolean ContainsValue(U! Value)
func ContainsValue(_ Value: U) -> Boolean
Boolean ContainsValue(U Value)
Function ContainsValue(Value As U) As Boolean
- Value:
ForEach (Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Iterate all items in this list and trigger the callback for it.
method ForEach(Action: Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
void ForEach(Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>> Action)
func ForEach(_ Action: Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
void ForEach(Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>> Action)
Sub ForEach(Action As Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
- Action:
GetSequence Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Returns an iterator for this dictionary, while iterating changes in the dictionary will cause an exception in the iterator.
method GetSequence: IEnumerable<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>
IEnumerable<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>> GetSequence()
// Toffee
func GetSequence() -> INSFastEnumeration<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>
// ToffeeV2
func GetSequence() -> IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>>
Iterable<KeyValuePair<T, U>> GetSequence()
Function GetSequence() As IEnumerable<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>
MutableVersion Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
creates a copy and returns this as a mutable version.
method MutableVersion: not nullable Dictionary<T, U>
Dictionary<T, U>! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Dictionary<T, U>
Dictionary<T, U> MutableVersion()
Function MutableVersion() As Dictionary<T, U>
ContainsKey (not nullable T): Boolean .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ContainsKey(Key: not nullable T): Boolean
Boolean ContainsKey(T! Key)
func ContainsKey(_ Key: T) -> Boolean
Function ContainsKey(Key As T) As Boolean
- Key:
ContainsValue (not nullable U): Boolean .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ContainsValue(Value: not nullable U): Boolean
Boolean ContainsValue(U! Value)
func ContainsValue(_ Value: U) -> Boolean
Function ContainsValue(Value As U) As Boolean
- Value:
ForEach (Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ForEach(Action: Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
void ForEach(Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>> Action)
func ForEach(_ Action: Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
Sub ForEach(Action As Action<RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U>>)
- Action:
GetSequence .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method GetSequence: IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>>
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>> GetSequence()
func GetSequence() -> IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>>
Function GetSequence() As IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, U>>
MutableVersion .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method MutableVersion: not nullable Dictionary<T, U>
Dictionary<T, U>! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Dictionary<T, U>
Function MutableVersion() As Dictionary<T, U>
UniqueCopy .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueCopy: not nullable ImmutableDictionary<T, U>
ImmutableDictionary<T, U>! UniqueCopy()
func UniqueCopy() -> ImmutableDictionary<T, U>
Function UniqueCopy() As ImmutableDictionary<T, U>
UniqueMutableCopy .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueMutableCopy: not nullable Dictionary<T, U>
Dictionary<T, U>! UniqueMutableCopy()
func UniqueMutableCopy() -> Dictionary<T, U>
Function UniqueMutableCopy() As Dictionary<T, U>