ImmutableBinary is a holder class for binary data. Unlike Binary it's read only.
- Elements.dll .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- elements.jar Cooper
- Elements.fx Island, ToffeeV2
- libElements.fx Toffee
- Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.RTL
- Platforms: .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Mapped to:
- MemoryStream .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- MemoryStream Island
- NSData Toffee, ToffeeV2
constructor $New() Toffee
init($New )
- :
constructor (not nullable NSData) Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator
constructor(aData: not nullable NSData)
ImmutableBinary(NSData! aData)
init(_ aData: NSData)
Sub New(aData As NSData)
- aData:
constructor (not nullable array of Byte)
Creates a new binary with the data as input.
constructor(anArray: not nullable array of Byte)
ImmutableBinary(Byte[]! anArray)
init(_ anArray: Byte...)
ImmutableBinary(Byte[] anArray)
Sub New(anArray As Byte())
- anArray:
- aBytes:
- aBytes:
Returns the length of this binary.
property Length: Int32 read;
Int32 Length { get; }
var Length: Int32 { get{} }
Integer Length { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Length() As Int32
MutableVersion Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Creates a copy of this and make it mutable.
method MutableVersion: not nullable Binary
Binary! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Binary
Binary MutableVersion()
Function MutableVersion() As Binary
MutableVersion .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method MutableVersion: not nullable Binary
Binary! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Binary
Function MutableVersion() As Binary
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- Count:
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- Range:
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
- Count:
- Range:
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Subdata (Range): Binary Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
Binary Subdata(Range Range)
- Range:
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
- Range:
ToArray Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Get the content of this binary as array.
method ToArray: not nullable array of Byte
Byte[]! ToArray()
func ToArray() -> Byte...
Byte[] ToArray()
Function ToArray() As Byte()
ToArray .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ToArray: not nullable array of Byte
Byte[]! ToArray()
func ToArray() -> Byte...
Function ToArray() As Byte()
ToNSMutableData Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator
method ToNSMutableData: NSMutableData
NSMutableData ToNSMutableData()
func ToNSMutableData() -> NSMutableData
Function ToNSMutableData() As NSMutableData
ToPlatformBinary Cooper
Get the underlying storage.
method ToPlatformBinary: ImmutablePlatformBinary
ImmutablePlatformBinary ToPlatformBinary()
func ToPlatformBinary() -> ImmutablePlatformBinary
ImmutablePlatformBinary ToPlatformBinary()
Function ToPlatformBinary() As ImmutablePlatformBinary
UniqueCopy .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueCopy: not nullable ImmutableBinary
ImmutableBinary! UniqueCopy()
func UniqueCopy() -> ImmutableBinary
Function UniqueCopy() As ImmutableBinary
UniqueMutableCopy .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
Returns the length of this binary.
constructor $New() Toffee
init($New )
- :
constructor (not nullable NSData) Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator
constructor(aData: not nullable NSData)
ImmutableBinary(NSData! aData)
init(_ aData: NSData)
Sub New(aData As NSData)
- aData:
constructor (not nullable array of Byte)
Creates a new binary with the data as input.
constructor(anArray: not nullable array of Byte)
ImmutableBinary(Byte[]! anArray)
init(_ anArray: Byte...)
ImmutableBinary(Byte[] anArray)
Sub New(anArray As Byte())
- anArray:
- aBytes:
MutableVersion Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Creates a copy of this and make it mutable.
method MutableVersion: not nullable Binary
Binary! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Binary
Binary MutableVersion()
Function MutableVersion() As Binary
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- Count:
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- Range:
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Subdata (Range): Binary Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
Binary Subdata(Range Range)
- Range:
ToArray Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Get the content of this binary as array.
method ToArray: not nullable array of Byte
Byte[]! ToArray()
func ToArray() -> Byte...
Byte[] ToArray()
Function ToArray() As Byte()
ToNSMutableData Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator
method ToNSMutableData: NSMutableData
NSMutableData ToNSMutableData()
func ToNSMutableData() -> NSMutableData
Function ToNSMutableData() As NSMutableData
ToPlatformBinary Cooper
Get the underlying storage.
method ToPlatformBinary: ImmutablePlatformBinary
ImmutablePlatformBinary ToPlatformBinary()
func ToPlatformBinary() -> ImmutablePlatformBinary
ImmutablePlatformBinary ToPlatformBinary()
Function ToPlatformBinary() As ImmutablePlatformBinary
- aBytes:
MutableVersion .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method MutableVersion: not nullable Binary
Binary! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Binary
Function MutableVersion() As Binary
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
- Count:
- Range:
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
- Range:
ToArray .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ToArray: not nullable array of Byte
Byte[]! ToArray()
func ToArray() -> Byte...
Function ToArray() As Byte()
UniqueCopy .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueCopy: not nullable ImmutableBinary
ImmutableBinary! UniqueCopy()
func UniqueCopy() -> ImmutableBinary
Function UniqueCopy() As ImmutableBinary
UniqueMutableCopy .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0