


  • Reference:
    • Elements.dll  .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
    • elements.jar  Cooper
    • Elements.fx  Island, ToffeeV2
    • libElements.fx  Toffee
  • Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.RTL
  • Platforms: .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2


constructor withBinary(ImmutableBinary) InitialOffset(UInt64)


constructor withBinary(aBinary: ImmutableBinary) InitialOffset(aOffset: UInt64)


BinaryReader withBinary(ImmutableBinary aBinary) InitialOffset(UInt64 aOffset)


init(withBinary aBinary: ImmutableBinary, InitialOffset aOffset: UInt64)


BinaryReader withBinary(ImmutableBinary aBinary) InitialOffset(UInt64 aOffset)


Sub New withBinary(aBinary As ImmutableBinary) InitialOffset(aOffset As UInt64)


  • aBinary:
  • aOffset:

constructor withBytes(array of Byte) InitialOffset(UInt64)


constructor withBytes(aBytes: array of Byte) InitialOffset(aOffset: UInt64)


BinaryReader withBytes(Byte[] aBytes) InitialOffset(UInt64 aOffset)


init(withBytes aBytes: Byte..., InitialOffset aOffset: UInt64)


BinaryReader withBytes(Byte[] aBytes) InitialOffset(UInt64 aOffset)


Sub New withBytes(aBytes As Byte()) InitialOffset(aOffset As UInt64)


  • aBytes:
  • aOffset:



property Endianess: Endianess read write;


Endianess Endianess { get; set; }


var Endianess: Endianess { get{} set{} }


Endianess Endianess { __get; __set; }


Property Endianess() As Endianess



method FindNext(aByte: Byte): nullable UInt64


UInt64? FindNext(Byte aByte)


func FindNext(_ aByte: Byte) -> UInt64!


UnsignedLong FindNext(Byte aByte)


Function FindNext(aByte As Byte) As UInt64?


  • aByte:



property length: UInt64 read;


UInt64 length { get; }


var length: UInt64 { get{} }


UInt64 length { __get; }


ReadOnly Property length() As UInt64

Offset .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2


property Offset: UInt64 read;


UInt64 Offset { get; }


var Offset: UInt64 { get{} }


ReadOnly Property Offset() As UInt64



property Position: UInt64 read write;


UInt64 Position { get; set; }


var Position: UInt64 { get{} set{} }


UInt64 Position { __get; __set; }


Property Position() As UInt64



method Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(var aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:

ReadByteArray .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadByteArray: array of Byte


Byte[] ReadByteArray()


func ReadByteArray() -> Byte...


Byte[] ReadByteArray()


Function ReadByteArray() As Byte()

ReadByteArray (UInt64) Length(Int32): array of Byte


method ReadByteArray(var aOffset: UInt64) Length(aLength: Int32): array of Byte


Byte[] ReadByteArray(ref UInt64 aOffset) Length(Int32 aLength)


func ReadByteArray(_ aOffset: UInt64, Length aLength: Int32) -> Byte...


Byte[] ReadByteArray(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Length(Integer aLength)


Function ReadByteArray(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Length(aLength As Int32) As Byte()


  • aOffset:
  • aLength:

ReadByteArray (UInt64) Length(Int32) ToAddress(^void): array of Byte Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2


method ReadByteArray(var aOffset: UInt64) Length(aLength: Int32) ToAddress(aAddress: ^void): array of Byte


Byte[] ReadByteArray(ref UInt64 aOffset) Length(Int32 aLength) ToAddress(void* aAddress)


func ReadByteArray(_ aOffset: UInt64, Length aLength: Int32, ToAddress aAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<void>) -> Byte...


Function ReadByteArray(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Length(aLength As Int32) ToAddress(aAddress As Ptr(Of Void)) As Byte()


  • aOffset:
  • aLength:
  • aAddress:

ReadByteArray (Int32): array of Byte


method ReadByteArray(aLength: Int32): array of Byte


Byte[] ReadByteArray(Int32 aLength)


func ReadByteArray(_ aLength: Int32) -> Byte...


Byte[] ReadByteArray(Integer aLength)


Function ReadByteArray(aLength As Int32) As Byte()


  • aLength:

ReadByteArray ReadByteArray(): array of Byte  virtual Toffee


func ReadByteArray(ReadByteArray ) -> Byte...


  • :

ReadDouble .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadDouble: Double


Double ReadDouble()


func ReadDouble() -> Double


Function ReadDouble() As Double

ReadDouble (UInt64): Double


method ReadDouble(var aOffset: UInt64): Double


Double ReadDouble(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadDouble(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Double


Double ReadDouble(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadDouble(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Double


  • aOffset:

ReadDouble ReadDouble(): Double  virtual Toffee


func ReadDouble(ReadDouble ) -> Double


  • :



method ReadDoubleBE(var aOffset: UInt64): Double


Double ReadDoubleBE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadDoubleBE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Double


Double ReadDoubleBE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadDoubleBE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Double


  • aOffset:



method ReadDoubleLE(var aOffset: UInt64): Double


Double ReadDoubleLE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadDoubleLE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Double


Double ReadDoubleLE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadDoubleLE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Double


  • aOffset:

ReadGuid .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadGuid: not nullable Guid


Guid! ReadGuid()


func ReadGuid() -> Guid


Function ReadGuid() As Guid

ReadGuid (UInt64): not nullable Guid .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2


method ReadGuid(var aOffset: UInt64): not nullable Guid


Guid! ReadGuid(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadGuid(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Guid


Function ReadGuid(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Guid


  • aOffset:

ReadGuid ReadGuid(): not nullable Guid  virtual Toffee


func ReadGuid(ReadGuid ) -> Guid


  • :



method ReadInt16(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadInt16(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt16(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadInt16(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt16(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt16BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadInt16BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt16BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadInt16BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt16BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt16LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadInt16LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt16LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadInt16LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt16LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt32(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadInt32(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt32(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadInt32(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt32(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt32BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadInt32BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt32BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadInt32BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt32BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt32LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadInt32LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt32LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadInt32LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt32LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt64(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt64(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt64(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt64BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt64BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt64BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt64LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt64LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt64LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:



method ReadSingle(var aOffset: UInt64): Single


Single ReadSingle(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadSingle(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Single


Single ReadSingle(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadSingle(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Single


  • aOffset:



method ReadSingleBE(var aOffset: UInt64): Single


Single ReadSingleBE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadSingleBE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Single


Single ReadSingleBE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadSingleBE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Single


  • aOffset:



method ReadSingleLE(var aOffset: UInt64): Single


Single ReadSingleLE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadSingleLE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Single


Single ReadSingleLE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadSingleLE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Single


  • aOffset:



method ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(var aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:



method ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(var aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:

ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator (UInt64) Encoding(Encoding): String


method ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:

ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator (UInt64) Encoding(Encoding): String


method ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(var aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:

ReadUInt16 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadUInt16: UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16()


func ReadUInt16() -> UInt16


Function ReadUInt16() As UInt16

ReadUInt16 (UInt64): UInt16


method ReadUInt16(aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16(UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt16(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt16(UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt16(aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt16 (UInt64): UInt16


method ReadUInt16(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt16(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt16(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt16(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt16 ReadUInt16(): UInt16  virtual Toffee


func ReadUInt16(ReadUInt16 ) -> UInt16


  • :



method ReadUInt16BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt16BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt16BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt16BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:



method ReadUInt16LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt16LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt16LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt16LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt32 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadUInt32: UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32()


func ReadUInt32() -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32()


Function ReadUInt32() As UInt32

ReadUInt32 (UInt64): UInt32


method ReadUInt32(aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32(UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt32(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32(UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt32(aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt32 (UInt64): UInt32


method ReadUInt32(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt32(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt32(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt32 ReadUInt32(): UInt32  virtual Toffee


func ReadUInt32(ReadUInt32 ) -> UInt32


  • :



method ReadUInt32BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt32BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt32BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadUInt32LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt32LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt32LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt64 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadUInt64: UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64()


func ReadUInt64() -> UInt64


Function ReadUInt64() As UInt64

ReadUInt64 (UInt64): UInt64


method ReadUInt64(aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64(UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt64(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64(UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt64(aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt64 (UInt64): UInt64


method ReadUInt64(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt64(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt64(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt64 ReadUInt64(): UInt64  virtual Toffee


func ReadUInt64(ReadUInt64 ) -> UInt64


  • :



method ReadUInt64BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt64BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt64BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt64BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt64BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadUInt64LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt64LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt64LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt64LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt64LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt8 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadUInt8: Byte


Byte ReadUInt8()


func ReadUInt8() -> Byte


Cardinal ReadUInt8()


Function ReadUInt8() As Byte

ReadUInt8 (UInt64): UInt16


method ReadUInt8(aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt8(UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt8(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt8(UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt8(aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt8 (UInt64): Byte


method ReadUInt8(var aOffset: UInt64): Byte


Byte ReadUInt8(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt8(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Byte


Byte ReadUInt8(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt8(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Byte


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt8 ReadUInt8(): Byte  virtual Toffee


func ReadUInt8(ReadUInt8 ) -> Byte


  • :



method ReadULEB128(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadULEB128(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadULEB128(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadULEB128(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadULEB128(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:


method Skip(aByteCount: UInt64)


void Skip(UInt64 aByteCount)


func Skip(_ aByteCount: UInt64)


void Skip(UInt64 aByteCount)


Sub Skip(aByteCount As UInt64)


  • aByteCount:




property Endianess: Endianess read write;


Endianess Endianess { get; set; }


var Endianess: Endianess { get{} set{} }


Endianess Endianess { __get; __set; }


Property Endianess() As Endianess



property length: UInt64 read;


UInt64 length { get; }


var length: UInt64 { get{} }


UInt64 length { __get; }


ReadOnly Property length() As UInt64

Offset .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2


property Offset: UInt64 read;


UInt64 Offset { get; }


var Offset: UInt64 { get{} }


ReadOnly Property Offset() As UInt64



property Position: UInt64 read write;


UInt64 Position { get; set; }


var Position: UInt64 { get{} set{} }


UInt64 Position { __get; __set; }


Property Position() As UInt64


constructor withBinary(ImmutableBinary) InitialOffset(UInt64)


constructor withBinary(aBinary: ImmutableBinary) InitialOffset(aOffset: UInt64)


BinaryReader withBinary(ImmutableBinary aBinary) InitialOffset(UInt64 aOffset)


init(withBinary aBinary: ImmutableBinary, InitialOffset aOffset: UInt64)


BinaryReader withBinary(ImmutableBinary aBinary) InitialOffset(UInt64 aOffset)


Sub New withBinary(aBinary As ImmutableBinary) InitialOffset(aOffset As UInt64)


  • aBinary:
  • aOffset:

constructor withBytes(array of Byte) InitialOffset(UInt64)


constructor withBytes(aBytes: array of Byte) InitialOffset(aOffset: UInt64)


BinaryReader withBytes(Byte[] aBytes) InitialOffset(UInt64 aOffset)


init(withBytes aBytes: Byte..., InitialOffset aOffset: UInt64)


BinaryReader withBytes(Byte[] aBytes) InitialOffset(UInt64 aOffset)


Sub New withBytes(aBytes As Byte()) InitialOffset(aOffset As UInt64)


  • aBytes:
  • aOffset:



method FindNext(aByte: Byte): nullable UInt64


UInt64? FindNext(Byte aByte)


func FindNext(_ aByte: Byte) -> UInt64!


UnsignedLong FindNext(Byte aByte)


Function FindNext(aByte As Byte) As UInt64?


  • aByte:



method Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(var aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function Read8BitStringWithZeroTerminator(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:

ReadByteArray .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadByteArray: array of Byte


Byte[] ReadByteArray()


func ReadByteArray() -> Byte...


Byte[] ReadByteArray()


Function ReadByteArray() As Byte()

ReadByteArray (UInt64) Length(Int32): array of Byte


method ReadByteArray(var aOffset: UInt64) Length(aLength: Int32): array of Byte


Byte[] ReadByteArray(ref UInt64 aOffset) Length(Int32 aLength)


func ReadByteArray(_ aOffset: UInt64, Length aLength: Int32) -> Byte...


Byte[] ReadByteArray(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Length(Integer aLength)


Function ReadByteArray(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Length(aLength As Int32) As Byte()


  • aOffset:
  • aLength:

ReadByteArray (UInt64) Length(Int32) ToAddress(^void): array of Byte Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2


method ReadByteArray(var aOffset: UInt64) Length(aLength: Int32) ToAddress(aAddress: ^void): array of Byte


Byte[] ReadByteArray(ref UInt64 aOffset) Length(Int32 aLength) ToAddress(void* aAddress)


func ReadByteArray(_ aOffset: UInt64, Length aLength: Int32, ToAddress aAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<void>) -> Byte...


Function ReadByteArray(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Length(aLength As Int32) ToAddress(aAddress As Ptr(Of Void)) As Byte()


  • aOffset:
  • aLength:
  • aAddress:

ReadByteArray (Int32): array of Byte


method ReadByteArray(aLength: Int32): array of Byte


Byte[] ReadByteArray(Int32 aLength)


func ReadByteArray(_ aLength: Int32) -> Byte...


Byte[] ReadByteArray(Integer aLength)


Function ReadByteArray(aLength As Int32) As Byte()


  • aLength:

ReadByteArray ReadByteArray(): array of Byte  virtual Toffee


func ReadByteArray(ReadByteArray ) -> Byte...


  • :

ReadDouble .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadDouble: Double


Double ReadDouble()


func ReadDouble() -> Double


Function ReadDouble() As Double

ReadDouble (UInt64): Double


method ReadDouble(var aOffset: UInt64): Double


Double ReadDouble(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadDouble(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Double


Double ReadDouble(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadDouble(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Double


  • aOffset:

ReadDouble ReadDouble(): Double  virtual Toffee


func ReadDouble(ReadDouble ) -> Double


  • :



method ReadDoubleBE(var aOffset: UInt64): Double


Double ReadDoubleBE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadDoubleBE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Double


Double ReadDoubleBE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadDoubleBE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Double


  • aOffset:



method ReadDoubleLE(var aOffset: UInt64): Double


Double ReadDoubleLE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadDoubleLE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Double


Double ReadDoubleLE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadDoubleLE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Double


  • aOffset:

ReadGuid .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadGuid: not nullable Guid


Guid! ReadGuid()


func ReadGuid() -> Guid


Function ReadGuid() As Guid

ReadGuid (UInt64): not nullable Guid .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2


method ReadGuid(var aOffset: UInt64): not nullable Guid


Guid! ReadGuid(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadGuid(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Guid


Function ReadGuid(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Guid


  • aOffset:

ReadGuid ReadGuid(): not nullable Guid  virtual Toffee


func ReadGuid(ReadGuid ) -> Guid


  • :



method ReadInt16(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadInt16(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt16(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadInt16(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt16(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt16BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadInt16BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt16BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadInt16BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt16BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt16LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadInt16LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt16LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadInt16LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt16LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt32(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadInt32(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt32(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadInt32(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt32(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt32BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadInt32BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt32BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadInt32BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt32BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt32LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadInt32LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt32LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadInt32LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt32LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt64(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt64(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt64(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt64BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt64BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt64BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:



method ReadInt64LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadInt64LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadInt64LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadInt64LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:



method ReadSingle(var aOffset: UInt64): Single


Single ReadSingle(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadSingle(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Single


Single ReadSingle(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadSingle(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Single


  • aOffset:



method ReadSingleBE(var aOffset: UInt64): Single


Single ReadSingleBE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadSingleBE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Single


Single ReadSingleBE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadSingleBE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Single


  • aOffset:



method ReadSingleLE(var aOffset: UInt64): Single


Single ReadSingleLE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadSingleLE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Single


Single ReadSingleLE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadSingleLE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Single


  • aOffset:



method ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(var aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function ReadStringWithUInt32LengthIndicator(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:



method ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(var aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function ReadStringWithUInt8ByteLengthIndicator(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:

ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator (UInt64) Encoding(Encoding): String


method ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:

ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator (UInt64) Encoding(Encoding): String


method ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(var aOffset: UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding: Encoding): String


String ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


func ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(_ aOffset: UInt64, Encoding aEncoding: Encoding) -> String


String ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(__ref UInt64 aOffset) Encoding(Encoding aEncoding)


Function ReadStringWithULEB128LengthIndicator(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) Encoding(aEncoding As Encoding) As String


  • aOffset:
  • aEncoding:

ReadUInt16 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadUInt16: UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16()


func ReadUInt16() -> UInt16


Function ReadUInt16() As UInt16

ReadUInt16 (UInt64): UInt16


method ReadUInt16(aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16(UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt16(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt16(UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt16(aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt16 (UInt64): UInt16


method ReadUInt16(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt16(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt16(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt16(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt16 ReadUInt16(): UInt16  virtual Toffee


func ReadUInt16(ReadUInt16 ) -> UInt16


  • :



method ReadUInt16BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt16BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt16BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt16BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:



method ReadUInt16LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt16LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt16LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt16LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt16LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt32 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadUInt32: UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32()


func ReadUInt32() -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32()


Function ReadUInt32() As UInt32

ReadUInt32 (UInt64): UInt32


method ReadUInt32(aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32(UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt32(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32(UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt32(aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt32 (UInt64): UInt32


method ReadUInt32(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt32(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt32(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt32 ReadUInt32(): UInt32  virtual Toffee


func ReadUInt32(ReadUInt32 ) -> UInt32


  • :



method ReadUInt32BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt32BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt32BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadUInt32LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt32LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt32LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt32LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt32LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt64 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadUInt64: UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64()


func ReadUInt64() -> UInt64


Function ReadUInt64() As UInt64

ReadUInt64 (UInt64): UInt64


method ReadUInt64(aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64(UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt64(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64(UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt64(aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt64 (UInt64): UInt64


method ReadUInt64(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt64(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt64


UInt64 ReadUInt64(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt64(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt64


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt64 ReadUInt64(): UInt64  virtual Toffee


func ReadUInt64(ReadUInt64 ) -> UInt64


  • :



method ReadUInt64BE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt64BE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt64BE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt64BE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt64BE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:



method ReadUInt64LE(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadUInt64LE(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt64LE(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadUInt64LE(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt64LE(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt8 .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, ToffeeV2


method ReadUInt8: Byte


Byte ReadUInt8()


func ReadUInt8() -> Byte


Cardinal ReadUInt8()


Function ReadUInt8() As Byte

ReadUInt8 (UInt64): UInt16


method ReadUInt8(aOffset: UInt64): UInt16


UInt16 ReadUInt8(UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt8(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt16


Word ReadUInt8(UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt8(aOffset As UInt64) As UInt16


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt8 (UInt64): Byte


method ReadUInt8(var aOffset: UInt64): Byte


Byte ReadUInt8(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadUInt8(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> Byte


Byte ReadUInt8(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadUInt8(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As Byte


  • aOffset:

ReadUInt8 ReadUInt8(): Byte  virtual Toffee


func ReadUInt8(ReadUInt8 ) -> Byte


  • :



method ReadULEB128(var aOffset: UInt64): UInt32


UInt32 ReadULEB128(ref UInt64 aOffset)


func ReadULEB128(_ aOffset: UInt64) -> UInt32


Cardinal ReadULEB128(__ref UInt64 aOffset)


Function ReadULEB128(ByRef aOffset As UInt64) As UInt32


  • aOffset:


method Skip(aByteCount: UInt64)


void Skip(UInt64 aByteCount)


func Skip(_ aByteCount: UInt64)


void Skip(UInt64 aByteCount)


Sub Skip(aByteCount As UInt64)


  • aByteCount: