Binary is a holder class for binary data. Generally just wraps the platform type for binary data, like NSData or Stream.
- Elements.dll .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- elements.jar Cooper
- Elements.fx Island, ToffeeV2
- libElements.fx Toffee
- Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.RTL
- Platforms: .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Mapped to:
- MemoryStream .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- MemoryStream Island
- NSMutableData Toffee, ToffeeV2
- Ancestry: ImmutableBinary | Binary
constructor $New() Toffee
init($New )
- :
constructor (not nullable NSData) (declared in ImmutableBinary) Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator
constructor(aData: not nullable NSData)
Binary(NSData! aData)
init(_ aData: NSData)
Sub New(aData As NSData)
- aData:
constructor (array of Byte)
Creates a new binary with the data as input.
constructor(anArray: array of Byte)
Binary(Byte[] anArray)
init(_ anArray: Byte...)
Binary(Byte[] anArray)
Sub New(anArray As Byte())
- anArray:
Assign (ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Sets the value of this binary.
method Assign(Bin: ImmutableBinary)
void Assign(ImmutableBinary Bin)
func Assign(_ Bin: ImmutableBinary)
void Assign(ImmutableBinary Bin)
Sub Assign(Bin As ImmutableBinary)
- Bin:
Assign (ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method Assign(Bin: ImmutableBinary)
void Assign(ImmutableBinary Bin)
func Assign(_ Bin: ImmutableBinary)
Sub Assign(Bin As ImmutableBinary)
- Bin:
Clear Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Clear the binary.
method Clear
void Clear()
func Clear()
void Clear()
Sub Clear()
Clear .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method Clear
void Clear()
func Clear()
Sub Clear()
IndexOf (array of Byte): Integer (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
- aBytes:
IndexOf (array of Byte): Int32 (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- aBytes:
Length (declared in ImmutableBinary)
Returns the length of this binary.
property Length: Int32 read;
Int32 Length { get; }
var Length: Int32 { get{} }
Integer Length { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Length() As Int32
MutableVersion (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Creates a copy of this and make it mutable.
method MutableVersion: not nullable Binary
Binary! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Binary
Binary MutableVersion()
Function MutableVersion() As Binary
MutableVersion (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method MutableVersion: not nullable Binary
Binary! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Binary
Function MutableVersion() As Binary
Read (Integer, Integer): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Read (Integer): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- Count:
Read (Range): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- Range:
Read (Int32, Int32): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Read (Int32): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- Count:
Read (Range): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- Range:
Subdata (Integer, Integer): Binary (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Subdata (Range): Binary (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
Binary Subdata(Range Range)
- Range:
Subdata (Int32, Int32): Binary (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Subdata (Range): Binary (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- Range:
ToArray (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Get the content of this binary as array.
method ToArray: not nullable array of Byte
Byte[]! ToArray()
func ToArray() -> Byte...
Byte[] ToArray()
Function ToArray() As Byte()
ToArray (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ToArray: not nullable array of Byte
Byte[]! ToArray()
func ToArray() -> Byte...
Function ToArray() As Byte()
ToNSMutableData (declared in ImmutableBinary) Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator
method ToNSMutableData: NSMutableData
NSMutableData ToNSMutableData()
func ToNSMutableData() -> NSMutableData
Function ToNSMutableData() As NSMutableData
ToPlatformBinary (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper
Get the underlying storage.
method ToPlatformBinary: ImmutablePlatformBinary
ImmutablePlatformBinary ToPlatformBinary()
func ToPlatformBinary() -> ImmutablePlatformBinary
ImmutablePlatformBinary ToPlatformBinary()
Function ToPlatformBinary() As ImmutablePlatformBinary
UniqueCopy (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueCopy: not nullable ImmutableBinary
ImmutableBinary! UniqueCopy()
func UniqueCopy() -> ImmutableBinary
Function UniqueCopy() As ImmutableBinary
UniqueMutableCopy (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueMutableCopy: not nullable Binary
Binary! UniqueMutableCopy()
func UniqueMutableCopy() -> Binary
Function UniqueMutableCopy() As Binary
Write (Binary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Append data to the end of this binary.
method Write(Bin: Binary)
void Write(Binary Bin)
func Write(_ Bin: Binary)
void Write(Binary Bin)
Sub Write(Bin As Binary)
- Bin:
Write (array of Byte) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Append data to the end of this binary.
method Write(Buffer: array of Byte)
void Write(Byte[] Buffer)
func Write(_ Buffer: Byte...)
void Write(Byte[] Buffer)
Sub Write(Buffer As Byte())
- Buffer:
Append data to the end of this binary.
- Buffer:
- Count:
Append data to the end of this binary.
- Buffer:
- Offset:
- Count:
Write (Binary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- Bin:
Write (array of Byte) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method Write(Buffer: array of Byte)
void Write(Byte[] Buffer)
func Write(_ Buffer: Byte...)
Sub Write(Buffer As Byte())
- Buffer:
- Buffer:
- Count:
- Buffer:
- Offset:
- Count:
constructor $New() Toffee
init($New )
- :
constructor (not nullable NSData) (declared in ImmutableBinary) Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator
constructor(aData: not nullable NSData)
Binary(NSData! aData)
init(_ aData: NSData)
Sub New(aData As NSData)
- aData:
constructor (array of Byte)
Creates a new binary with the data as input.
constructor(anArray: array of Byte)
Binary(Byte[] anArray)
init(_ anArray: Byte...)
Binary(Byte[] anArray)
Sub New(anArray As Byte())
- anArray:
Assign (ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Sets the value of this binary.
method Assign(Bin: ImmutableBinary)
void Assign(ImmutableBinary Bin)
func Assign(_ Bin: ImmutableBinary)
void Assign(ImmutableBinary Bin)
Sub Assign(Bin As ImmutableBinary)
- Bin:
Clear Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Clear the binary.
method Clear
void Clear()
func Clear()
void Clear()
Sub Clear()
IndexOf (array of Byte): Integer (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
- aBytes:
MutableVersion (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Creates a copy of this and make it mutable.
method MutableVersion: not nullable Binary
Binary! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Binary
Binary MutableVersion()
Function MutableVersion() As Binary
Read (Integer, Integer): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Read (Integer): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- Count:
Read (Range): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- Range:
Subdata (Integer, Integer): Binary (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Subdata (Range): Binary (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Read the content of this binary into an array.
Binary Subdata(Range Range)
- Range:
ToArray (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Get the content of this binary as array.
method ToArray: not nullable array of Byte
Byte[]! ToArray()
func ToArray() -> Byte...
Byte[] ToArray()
Function ToArray() As Byte()
ToNSMutableData (declared in ImmutableBinary) Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-visionOS, Island-visionOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator
method ToNSMutableData: NSMutableData
NSMutableData ToNSMutableData()
func ToNSMutableData() -> NSMutableData
Function ToNSMutableData() As NSMutableData
ToPlatformBinary (declared in ImmutableBinary) Cooper
Get the underlying storage.
method ToPlatformBinary: ImmutablePlatformBinary
ImmutablePlatformBinary ToPlatformBinary()
func ToPlatformBinary() -> ImmutablePlatformBinary
ImmutablePlatformBinary ToPlatformBinary()
Function ToPlatformBinary() As ImmutablePlatformBinary
Write (Binary) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Append data to the end of this binary.
method Write(Bin: Binary)
void Write(Binary Bin)
func Write(_ Bin: Binary)
void Write(Binary Bin)
Sub Write(Bin As Binary)
- Bin:
Write (array of Byte) Cooper, Island, Toffee, ToffeeV2
Append data to the end of this binary.
method Write(Buffer: array of Byte)
void Write(Byte[] Buffer)
func Write(_ Buffer: Byte...)
void Write(Byte[] Buffer)
Sub Write(Buffer As Byte())
- Buffer:
Append data to the end of this binary.
- Buffer:
- Count:
Append data to the end of this binary.
- Buffer:
- Offset:
- Count:
Assign (ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method Assign(Bin: ImmutableBinary)
void Assign(ImmutableBinary Bin)
func Assign(_ Bin: ImmutableBinary)
Sub Assign(Bin As ImmutableBinary)
- Bin:
Clear .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method Clear
void Clear()
func Clear()
Sub Clear()
IndexOf (array of Byte): Int32 (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- aBytes:
MutableVersion (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method MutableVersion: not nullable Binary
Binary! MutableVersion()
func MutableVersion() -> Binary
Function MutableVersion() As Binary
Read (Int32, Int32): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Read (Int32): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- Count:
Read (Range): array of Byte (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- Range:
Subdata (Int32, Int32): Binary (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- aStartIndex:
- aCount:
Subdata (Range): Binary (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- Range:
ToArray (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method ToArray: not nullable array of Byte
Byte[]! ToArray()
func ToArray() -> Byte...
Function ToArray() As Byte()
UniqueCopy (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueCopy: not nullable ImmutableBinary
ImmutableBinary! UniqueCopy()
func UniqueCopy() -> ImmutableBinary
Function UniqueCopy() As ImmutableBinary
UniqueMutableCopy (declared in ImmutableBinary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method UniqueMutableCopy: not nullable Binary
Binary! UniqueMutableCopy()
func UniqueMutableCopy() -> Binary
Function UniqueMutableCopy() As Binary
Write (Binary) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
- Bin:
Write (array of Byte) .NET, .NET Core 6.0, .NET Standard 2.0
method Write(Buffer: array of Byte)
void Write(Byte[] Buffer)
func Write(_ Buffer: Byte...)
Sub Write(Buffer As Byte())
- Buffer:
- Buffer:
- Count:
- Buffer:
- Offset:
- Count: