

IPropertyDefinition points to a property defined in this project. This interface can be used to influence the code generated for a property.




Adds a new parameter to this property


method AddParameter(name: String; mode: ParameterModifier; type: IType): IParameterDefinition


IParameterDefinition AddParameter(String name, ParameterModifier mode, IType type)


func AddParameter(_ name: String, _ mode: ParameterModifier, _ type: IType) -> IParameterDefinition


IParameterDefinition AddParameter(String name, ParameterModifier mode, IType type)


Function AddParameter(name As String, mode As ParameterModifier, type As IType) As IParameterDefinition


  • name: name for this parameter
  • mode: parameter direction
  • type: type of this parameter


create an implicit field for this property


method CreateImplicitField


void CreateImplicitField()


func CreateImplicitField()


void CreateImplicitField()


Sub CreateImplicitField()



method CreateReadMethod


void CreateReadMethod()


func CreateReadMethod()


void CreateReadMethod()


Sub CreateReadMethod()



method CreateWriteMethod


void CreateWriteMethod()


func CreateWriteMethod()


void CreateWriteMethod()


Sub CreateWriteMethod()


Get or set if this property is external


property External: Boolean read write;


Boolean External { get; set; }


var External: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean External { __get; __set; }


Property External() As Boolean


Returns the field definition associated with this property, if any


method GetImplicitField: IFieldDefinition


IFieldDefinition GetImplicitField()


func GetImplicitField() -> IFieldDefinition


IFieldDefinition GetImplicitField()


Function GetImplicitField() As IFieldDefinition


Returns the property parameter by index


method GetParameter(no: Int32): IParameterDefinition


IParameterDefinition GetParameter(Int32 no)


func GetParameter(_ no: Int32) -> IParameterDefinition


IParameterDefinition GetParameter(Int32 no)


Function GetParameter(no As Int32) As IParameterDefinition


  • no: index


Returns if this property has an notify.


property HasNotify: Boolean read;


Boolean HasNotify { get; }


var HasNotify: Boolean { get{} }


Boolean HasNotify { __get; }


ReadOnly Property HasNotify() As Boolean


True if this property uses an implicit field (property Test: string)


property ImplicitField: Boolean read write;


Boolean ImplicitField { get; set; }


var ImplicitField: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean ImplicitField { __get; __set; }


Property ImplicitField() As Boolean



property InitOnly: Boolean read write;


Boolean InitOnly { get; set; }


var InitOnly: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean InitOnly { __get; __set; }


Property InitOnly() As Boolean



property Lazy: Boolean read write;


Boolean Lazy { get; set; }


var Lazy: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean Lazy { __get; __set; }


Property Lazy() As Boolean



property Locked: Value read write;


Value Locked { get; set; }


var Locked: Value { get{} set{} }


Value Locked { __get; __set; }


Property Locked() As Value


Get or set the notify value for this property.


property Notify: Value read write;


Value Notify { get; set; }


var Notify: Value { get{} set{} }


Value Notify { __get; __set; }


Property Notify() As Value


Get or set if this property is optional


property Optional: Boolean read write;


Boolean Optional { get; set; }


var Optional: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean Optional { __get; __set; }


Property Optional() As Boolean


Returns the number of parameters to this property


property ParameterCount: Int32 read;


Int32 ParameterCount { get; }


var ParameterCount: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 ParameterCount { __get; }


ReadOnly Property ParameterCount() As Int32


Gets or sets the read expression for this property; this will create a new method for the read accessor of this property and put the expression there; it will trigger compiler errors when the expression is not valid


property ReadExpression: Value read write;


Value ReadExpression { get; set; }


var ReadExpression: Value { get{} set{} }


Value ReadExpression { __get; __set; }


Property ReadExpression() As Value


Gets or sets the read method for this property


property ReadMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition ReadMethod { get; set; }


var ReadMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition ReadMethod { __get; __set; }


Property ReadMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Read-only property


property ReadOnly: Boolean read write;


Boolean ReadOnly { get; set; }


var ReadOnly: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean ReadOnly { __get; __set; }


Property ReadOnly() As Boolean


Visibility of the read accessor. Only settable from the *Interface calls.


property ReadVisibility: Visibility read write;


Visibility ReadVisibility { get; set; }


var ReadVisibility: Visibility { get{} set{} }


Visibility ReadVisibility { __get; __set; }


Property ReadVisibility() As Visibility


Removes a parameter by index


method RemoveParameter(no: Int32)


void RemoveParameter(Int32 no)


func RemoveParameter(_ no: Int32)


void RemoveParameter(Int32 no)


Sub RemoveParameter(no As Int32)


  • no: index


Gets or sets the property type


property Type: IType read write;


IType Type { get; set; }


var Type: IType { get{} set{} }


IType Type { __get; __set; }


Property Type() As IType


Gets or sets the write expression for this property; this will create a new method for the write accessor of this property and put the expression there; it will trigger compiler errors when the expression is not valid


property WriteExpression: Value read write;


Value WriteExpression { get; set; }


var WriteExpression: Value { get{} set{} }


Value WriteExpression { __get; __set; }


Property WriteExpression() As Value


Gets or sets the write method for this property


property WriteMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition WriteMethod { get; set; }


var WriteMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition WriteMethod { __get; __set; }


Property WriteMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Visibility of the write accessor. Only settable from the *Interface calls.


property WriteVisibility: Visibility read write;


Visibility WriteVisibility { get; set; }


var WriteVisibility: Visibility { get{} set{} }


Visibility WriteVisibility { __get; __set; }


Property WriteVisibility() As Visibility



Get or set if this property is external


property External: Boolean read write;


Boolean External { get; set; }


var External: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean External { __get; __set; }


Property External() As Boolean


Returns if this property has an notify.


property HasNotify: Boolean read;


Boolean HasNotify { get; }


var HasNotify: Boolean { get{} }


Boolean HasNotify { __get; }


ReadOnly Property HasNotify() As Boolean


True if this property uses an implicit field (property Test: string)


property ImplicitField: Boolean read write;


Boolean ImplicitField { get; set; }


var ImplicitField: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean ImplicitField { __get; __set; }


Property ImplicitField() As Boolean



property InitOnly: Boolean read write;


Boolean InitOnly { get; set; }


var InitOnly: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean InitOnly { __get; __set; }


Property InitOnly() As Boolean



property Lazy: Boolean read write;


Boolean Lazy { get; set; }


var Lazy: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean Lazy { __get; __set; }


Property Lazy() As Boolean



property Locked: Value read write;


Value Locked { get; set; }


var Locked: Value { get{} set{} }


Value Locked { __get; __set; }


Property Locked() As Value


Get or set the notify value for this property.


property Notify: Value read write;


Value Notify { get; set; }


var Notify: Value { get{} set{} }


Value Notify { __get; __set; }


Property Notify() As Value


Get or set if this property is optional


property Optional: Boolean read write;


Boolean Optional { get; set; }


var Optional: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean Optional { __get; __set; }


Property Optional() As Boolean


Returns the number of parameters to this property


property ParameterCount: Int32 read;


Int32 ParameterCount { get; }


var ParameterCount: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 ParameterCount { __get; }


ReadOnly Property ParameterCount() As Int32


Gets or sets the read expression for this property; this will create a new method for the read accessor of this property and put the expression there; it will trigger compiler errors when the expression is not valid


property ReadExpression: Value read write;


Value ReadExpression { get; set; }


var ReadExpression: Value { get{} set{} }


Value ReadExpression { __get; __set; }


Property ReadExpression() As Value


Gets or sets the read method for this property


property ReadMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition ReadMethod { get; set; }


var ReadMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition ReadMethod { __get; __set; }


Property ReadMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Read-only property


property ReadOnly: Boolean read write;


Boolean ReadOnly { get; set; }


var ReadOnly: Boolean { get{} set{} }


Boolean ReadOnly { __get; __set; }


Property ReadOnly() As Boolean


Visibility of the read accessor. Only settable from the *Interface calls.


property ReadVisibility: Visibility read write;


Visibility ReadVisibility { get; set; }


var ReadVisibility: Visibility { get{} set{} }


Visibility ReadVisibility { __get; __set; }


Property ReadVisibility() As Visibility


Gets or sets the property type


property Type: IType read write;


IType Type { get; set; }


var Type: IType { get{} set{} }


IType Type { __get; __set; }


Property Type() As IType


Gets or sets the write expression for this property; this will create a new method for the write accessor of this property and put the expression there; it will trigger compiler errors when the expression is not valid


property WriteExpression: Value read write;


Value WriteExpression { get; set; }


var WriteExpression: Value { get{} set{} }


Value WriteExpression { __get; __set; }


Property WriteExpression() As Value


Gets or sets the write method for this property


property WriteMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition WriteMethod { get; set; }


var WriteMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition WriteMethod { __get; __set; }


Property WriteMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Visibility of the write accessor. Only settable from the *Interface calls.


property WriteVisibility: Visibility read write;


Visibility WriteVisibility { get; set; }


var WriteVisibility: Visibility { get{} set{} }


Visibility WriteVisibility { __get; __set; }


Property WriteVisibility() As Visibility



Adds a new parameter to this property


method AddParameter(name: String; mode: ParameterModifier; type: IType): IParameterDefinition


IParameterDefinition AddParameter(String name, ParameterModifier mode, IType type)


func AddParameter(_ name: String, _ mode: ParameterModifier, _ type: IType) -> IParameterDefinition


IParameterDefinition AddParameter(String name, ParameterModifier mode, IType type)


Function AddParameter(name As String, mode As ParameterModifier, type As IType) As IParameterDefinition


  • name: name for this parameter
  • mode: parameter direction
  • type: type of this parameter


create an implicit field for this property


method CreateImplicitField


void CreateImplicitField()


func CreateImplicitField()


void CreateImplicitField()


Sub CreateImplicitField()



method CreateReadMethod


void CreateReadMethod()


func CreateReadMethod()


void CreateReadMethod()


Sub CreateReadMethod()



method CreateWriteMethod


void CreateWriteMethod()


func CreateWriteMethod()


void CreateWriteMethod()


Sub CreateWriteMethod()


Returns the field definition associated with this property, if any


method GetImplicitField: IFieldDefinition


IFieldDefinition GetImplicitField()


func GetImplicitField() -> IFieldDefinition


IFieldDefinition GetImplicitField()


Function GetImplicitField() As IFieldDefinition


Returns the property parameter by index


method GetParameter(no: Int32): IParameterDefinition


IParameterDefinition GetParameter(Int32 no)


func GetParameter(_ no: Int32) -> IParameterDefinition


IParameterDefinition GetParameter(Int32 no)


Function GetParameter(no As Int32) As IParameterDefinition


  • no: index


Removes a parameter by index


method RemoveParameter(no: Int32)


void RemoveParameter(Int32 no)


func RemoveParameter(_ no: Int32)


void RemoveParameter(Int32 no)


Sub RemoveParameter(no As Int32)


  • no: index