

Base class for filtered aspects; Uses regular expressions to Include or Exclude; When both are set, this excludes the members selected by the Includes. The string that the compiler uses for comparison depends on the element type:

  • Types: a type is always prefixed with 'Type:' string, then the full type name. For example: 'Type:System.String'
  • Fields: a field is always prefixed with 'Field:', then the full type name, then two dots, and the fieldname, for example: 'Field:MyNamespace.MyClass..FieldName'
  • Constants: a constant is always prefixed with 'Constant:', then the full type name, then two dots, and the name of the constant, for example: 'Constant:MyNamespace.MyClass..ConstantName'
  • Events: an event is always prefixed with 'Event:', then the full type name, then two dots, and the name of the event, for example: 'Event:MyNamespace.MyClass..EventName'
  • Methods: a method is always prefixed with 'Method:', then the full type name, then two dots, and the name of the method, if there are parameters, it's followed by '(' then for each parameter (separated by a comma) the mode (nothing, 'var' or 'out') and the full type name; followed by ')', for example: 'Method:System.Int32.TryParse(System.String,out System.Int32)'
  • Property: a property is always prefixed with 'Property:', then the full type name, then two dots, and the name of the property, if there are parameters, it's followed by '[' then for each parameter (separated by a comma) the mode (nothing, 'var' or 'out') and the full type name; followed by ']', for example: 'Property:System.Collections.ArrayList.Item[System.Int32]'

Note: When using filters, make sure the filter validates on the Type too, when using the AutoInjectAspectAttribute, else the attribute will be skipped.




Array of members to exclude; This list is checked after the Include list (if any), all members are checked if they match all conditions in this list.


property Exclude: array of String read write;


String[] Exclude { get; set; }


var Exclude: String... { get{} set{} }


String[] Exclude { __get; __set; }


Property Exclude() As String()


Array of members to include; This list is checked first; if it has more than 0 members it will only process items that match any of the regex strings in the array.


property Include: array of String read write;


String[] Include { get; set; }


var Include: String... { get{} set{} }


String[] Include { __get; __set; }


Property Include() As String()

Instance Methods












Sub New()


(re)Load the internal regular expression objects


method LoadRegex


void LoadRegex()


func LoadRegex()


void LoadRegex()


Sub LoadRegex()


Regular expression filter method


method ShouldProcessMember(aMember: IElementDefinition): Boolean


Boolean ShouldProcessMember(IElementDefinition aMember)


func ShouldProcessMember(_ aMember: IElementDefinition) -> Boolean


Boolean ShouldProcessMember(IElementDefinition aMember)


Function ShouldProcessMember(aMember As IElementDefinition) As Boolean


  • aMember: member to check