

An instance of the IProperty interface points to a property defined in this or another assembly.




Returns a parameter by index


method GetParameter(no: Int32): IParameter


IParameter GetParameter(Int32 no)


func GetParameter(_ no: Int32) -> IParameter


IParameter GetParameter(Int32 no)


Function GetParameter(no As Int32) As IParameter


  • no: index



property InitOnly: Boolean read;


Boolean InitOnly { get; }


var InitOnly: Boolean { get{} }


Boolean InitOnly { __get; }


ReadOnly Property InitOnly() As Boolean

Name    (declared in IMember)

The member name


property Name: String read;


String Name { get; }


var Name: String { get{} }


String Name { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Name() As String

Owner    (declared in IMember)

Owner type of this member


property Owner: IType read;


IType Owner { get; }


var Owner: IType { get{} }


IType Owner { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Owner() As IType


Returns the number of parameters for this property


property ParameterCount: Int32 read;


Int32 ParameterCount { get; }


var ParameterCount: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 ParameterCount { __get; }


ReadOnly Property ParameterCount() As Int32


Returns the read method


property ReadMethod: IMethod read;


IMethod ReadMethod { get; }


var ReadMethod: IMethod { get{} }


IMethod ReadMethod { __get; }


ReadOnly Property ReadMethod() As IMethod

Static    (declared in IMember)

True if this member is static


property Static: Boolean read;


Boolean Static { get; }


var Static: Boolean { get{} }


Boolean Static { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Static() As Boolean


Returns the type of this property


property Type: IType read;


IType Type { get; }


var Type: IType { get{} }


IType Type { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Type() As IType

Visibility    (declared in IMember)

Visibility of this member; note that properties and events can have mixed visibility


property Visibility: Visibility read;


Visibility Visibility { get; }


var Visibility: Visibility { get{} }


Visibility Visibility { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Visibility() As Visibility


Returns the write method for this property


property WriteMethod: IMethod read;


IMethod WriteMethod { get; }


var WriteMethod: IMethod { get{} }


IMethod WriteMethod { __get; }


ReadOnly Property WriteMethod() As IMethod




property InitOnly: Boolean read;


Boolean InitOnly { get; }


var InitOnly: Boolean { get{} }


Boolean InitOnly { __get; }


ReadOnly Property InitOnly() As Boolean

Name    (declared in IMember)

The member name


property Name: String read;


String Name { get; }


var Name: String { get{} }


String Name { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Name() As String

Owner    (declared in IMember)

Owner type of this member


property Owner: IType read;


IType Owner { get; }


var Owner: IType { get{} }


IType Owner { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Owner() As IType


Returns the number of parameters for this property


property ParameterCount: Int32 read;


Int32 ParameterCount { get; }


var ParameterCount: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 ParameterCount { __get; }


ReadOnly Property ParameterCount() As Int32


Returns the read method


property ReadMethod: IMethod read;


IMethod ReadMethod { get; }


var ReadMethod: IMethod { get{} }


IMethod ReadMethod { __get; }


ReadOnly Property ReadMethod() As IMethod

Static    (declared in IMember)

True if this member is static


property Static: Boolean read;


Boolean Static { get; }


var Static: Boolean { get{} }


Boolean Static { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Static() As Boolean


Returns the type of this property


property Type: IType read;


IType Type { get; }


var Type: IType { get{} }


IType Type { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Type() As IType

Visibility    (declared in IMember)

Visibility of this member; note that properties and events can have mixed visibility


property Visibility: Visibility read;


Visibility Visibility { get; }


var Visibility: Visibility { get{} }


Visibility Visibility { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Visibility() As Visibility


Returns the write method for this property


property WriteMethod: IMethod read;


IMethod WriteMethod { get; }


var WriteMethod: IMethod { get{} }


IMethod WriteMethod { __get; }


ReadOnly Property WriteMethod() As IMethod



Returns a parameter by index


method GetParameter(no: Int32): IParameter


IParameter GetParameter(Int32 no)


func GetParameter(_ no: Int32) -> IParameter


IParameter GetParameter(Int32 no)


Function GetParameter(no As Int32) As IParameter


  • no: index