

An event definition interface. This interface can be used to change an event in a class defined in the current project.




Gets or sets the add method for this event


property AddMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition AddMethod { get; set; }


var AddMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition AddMethod { __get; __set; }


Property AddMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Field definition for this event


method GetImplicitField: IFieldDefinition


IFieldDefinition GetImplicitField()


func GetImplicitField() -> IFieldDefinition


IFieldDefinition GetImplicitField()


Function GetImplicitField() As IFieldDefinition


Returns true if this event has an implicit field


property ImplicitField: Boolean read;


Boolean ImplicitField { get; }


var ImplicitField: Boolean { get{} }


Boolean ImplicitField { __get; }


ReadOnly Property ImplicitField() As Boolean


Gets or sets the raise method for this event


property RaiseMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition RaiseMethod { get; set; }


var RaiseMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition RaiseMethod { __get; __set; }


Property RaiseMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Gets or sets the remove method for this event


property RemoveMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition RemoveMethod { get; set; }


var RemoveMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition RemoveMethod { __get; __set; }


Property RemoveMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Creates an add/remove method and an optional raise method that accesses the field passed to this parameter


method SetMember(field: IFieldDefinition; aRaise: Boolean)


void SetMember(IFieldDefinition field, Boolean aRaise)


func SetMember(_ field: IFieldDefinition, _ aRaise: Boolean)


void SetMember(IFieldDefinition field, Boolean aRaise)


Sub SetMember(field As IFieldDefinition, aRaise As Boolean)


  • field: underlying field
  • aRaise: if true, creates a raise


Gets or sets this events type


property Type: IType read write;


IType Type { get; set; }


var Type: IType { get{} set{} }


IType Type { __get; __set; }


Property Type() As IType



Gets or sets the add method for this event


property AddMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition AddMethod { get; set; }


var AddMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition AddMethod { __get; __set; }


Property AddMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Returns true if this event has an implicit field


property ImplicitField: Boolean read;


Boolean ImplicitField { get; }


var ImplicitField: Boolean { get{} }


Boolean ImplicitField { __get; }


ReadOnly Property ImplicitField() As Boolean


Gets or sets the raise method for this event


property RaiseMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition RaiseMethod { get; set; }


var RaiseMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition RaiseMethod { __get; __set; }


Property RaiseMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Gets or sets the remove method for this event


property RemoveMethod: IMethodDefinition read write;


IMethodDefinition RemoveMethod { get; set; }


var RemoveMethod: IMethodDefinition { get{} set{} }


IMethodDefinition RemoveMethod { __get; __set; }


Property RemoveMethod() As IMethodDefinition


Gets or sets this events type


property Type: IType read write;


IType Type { get; set; }


var Type: IType { get{} set{} }


IType Type { __get; __set; }


Property Type() As IType



Field definition for this event


method GetImplicitField: IFieldDefinition


IFieldDefinition GetImplicitField()


func GetImplicitField() -> IFieldDefinition


IFieldDefinition GetImplicitField()


Function GetImplicitField() As IFieldDefinition


Creates an add/remove method and an optional raise method that accesses the field passed to this parameter


method SetMember(field: IFieldDefinition; aRaise: Boolean)


void SetMember(IFieldDefinition field, Boolean aRaise)


func SetMember(_ field: IFieldDefinition, _ aRaise: Boolean)


void SetMember(IFieldDefinition field, Boolean aRaise)


Sub SetMember(field As IFieldDefinition, aRaise As Boolean)


  • field: underlying field
  • aRaise: if true, creates a raise