IEvent is an interface to any internal or external event. It can be used to retrieve the type of an event and access its methods.
- Reference: RemObjects.Elements.Cirrus.dll
- Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.Cirrus
- Ancestry: IMember | IEvent
Returns the add method
property AddMethod: IMethod read;
IMethod AddMethod { get; }
var AddMethod: IMethod { get{} }
IMethod AddMethod { __get; }
ReadOnly Property AddMethod() As IMethod
Name (declared in IMember)
The member name
property Name: String read;
String Name { get; }
var Name: String { get{} }
String Name { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Owner (declared in IMember)
Owner type of this member
property Owner: IType read;
IType Owner { get; }
var Owner: IType { get{} }
IType Owner { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Owner() As IType
Returns the raise/fire method
property RaiseMethod: IMethod read;
IMethod RaiseMethod { get; }
var RaiseMethod: IMethod { get{} }
IMethod RaiseMethod { __get; }
ReadOnly Property RaiseMethod() As IMethod
Returns the remove method
property RemoveMethod: IMethod read;
IMethod RemoveMethod { get; }
var RemoveMethod: IMethod { get{} }
IMethod RemoveMethod { __get; }
ReadOnly Property RemoveMethod() As IMethod
Static (declared in IMember)
True if this member is static
property Static: Boolean read;
Boolean Static { get; }
var Static: Boolean { get{} }
Boolean Static { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Static() As Boolean
Returns the delegate type
property Type: IType read;
IType Type { get; }
var Type: IType { get{} }
IType Type { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Type() As IType
Visibility (declared in IMember)
Visibility of this member; note that properties and events can have mixed visibility
property Visibility: Visibility read;
Visibility Visibility { get; }
var Visibility: Visibility { get{} }
Visibility Visibility { __get; }
ReadOnly Property Visibility() As Visibility