Environment Variables

In addition to Start-Up Arguments, Fire and Water also allow you to manage the environment variables that will be passed to your application when debugging. Note that any variables specified here will be passed in addition to those defined by default for the current user or runtime environment.

You can invoke the Environment Variables Sheet by choosing "Project|Manage Environment Variables" from the menu, or pressing ^⇧V / Alt+Shift+V.



The main view of the Environment Variables sheet consists of a list of name/value pairs of variables arguments you have set up to be passed to your application, ordered alphabetically.

Individual variables can be checked or unchecked, and only checked variables will be used. This allows you to flexibly switch between testing different options of your application. Your project will maintain a list of all variables, so you can always easily re-enable them. Variables are maintained per Project, and the Environment Variables sheet will always show the arguments for the active project selected in the top right of the main window.

You do not need to worry about quoting variable values that contain spaces.

Copy and Paste

You can paste arguments from the clipboard into the list using the regular ⌘V/Ctrl+V shortcut. If the clipboard text contains an equal sign (=), the paste will automatically be split into name and value. You can have multiple variables in the clipboard as separate lines, and paste them in one go.

Of course you can also copy one or more selected variables using ⌘C/Ctrl+C.