Global declarations
Interface |
IComparer<T> |
IEqualityComparer<T> |
IInterface |
IString |
Record |
AnsiString |
DelphiString |
TFormatSettings |
TRect |
TRegDataInfo |
TRegKeyInfo |
TSysLocale |
TTimeStamp |
Exception |
EAbstractError |
EArgumentException |
EArgumentNilException |
EArgumentOutOfRangeException |
EConvertError |
ENotImplemented |
EOutOfMemory |
Alias | Type |
arrayofT<T> |
array of T |
Boolean |
UInt32 .NET, Island, Toffee Cardinal Cooper |
HResult |
Int64 |
IEnumerable<T> |
IEnumerable<T> .NET, Island Iterable<T> Cooper INSFastEnumeration<T> Toffee |
PAnsiChar |
^AnsiChar .NET, Island, Toffee |
PByte |
^Byte .NET, Island, Toffee |
PChar |
^Char .NET, Island, Toffee |
PInterfaceEntry |
Pointer |
PInterfaceTable |
Pointer |
PlatformString |
String .NET, Cooper, Island NSString Toffee |
Pointer |
^void .NET, Island, Toffee Integer Cooper |
RTL2String |
String .NET, Island, Toffee String Cooper |
ShortString |
String |
String |
DelphiString |
TArray<T> |
array of T |
TBytes |
array of Byte |
TCharArray |
array of Char .NET, Island array of Character Cooper array of __ElementsBoxedChar Toffee |
TClass |
Type .NET, Island, Toffee Type Cooper |
TCollectionItemClass |
Type .NET, Cooper Type Island Type Toffee |
TCompareOptions |
set of TCompareOption |
TCustomAttribute |
Attribute .NET, Toffee Attribute Island |
TDate |
TDateTime |
TDateTime |
Double |
TDayTable |
array [0..11] of UInt16 .NET, Island, Toffee array [0..11] of Word Cooper |
TDictionaryOwnerships |
set of $Enum0 |
TEncoding |
Encoding .NET, Island, Toffee Encoding Cooper |
Guid .NET, Island, Toffee Guid Cooper |
THandle |
Int64 |
TIniSectionsPair |
KeyValuePair<DelphiString, TStringList> .NET, Island-Android, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows KeyValuePair<nullable String, TStringList> Cooper KeyValuePair<nullable String, TStringList> Toffee |
TInternalItem |
tuple of (DelphiString, Object) .NET, Island Tuple2<not nullable nullable DelphiString, Object> Cooper tuple of (not nullable nullable DelphiString, TObject) Toffee |
TLocaleID |
Locale .NET, Island, Toffee Locale Cooper |
TObject |
Object |
TPair<T,U> |
RemObjects.Elements.RTL.KeyValuePair<T,U> .NET, Island, Toffee KeyValuePair<T, U> Cooper |
TReplaceFlags |
set of TReplaceFlag |
TStringsOptions |
set of TStringsOption |
TTime |
TDateTime |
TValueRelationship |
Int32 .NET, Island, Toffee Integer Cooper |
VCLString |
RTL2String |
WideString |
DelphiString |