Fire & Water

Fire and Water are our state of the art development environments for programmers using the Elements compiler on the Mac and on Windows, respectively.
While sharing a lot of common concepts, infrastructure and internal code, each version of the IDE designed specifically and natively for the platform it runs on – the Mac (Fire) and Windows (Water), respectively.
Both Fire and Water support all the Elements languages (Oxygene, RemObjects C#, RemObjects Swift (Silver), Iodine (Java)), Go and Mercury, and each supports developing for all Elements target platforms, including .NET, Cocoa, Java/Android SDK and Island.
Fire and Water are written from the ground up to be a fresh new look at what a development environment could look like. They take some of the best ideas from other IDEs we love and use, including Xcode and Visual Studio, and combine them with unique new ideas that we believe will help improve developer workflow.
One of the fundamental principles of Fire and Water is that they will never get in your way. They are written to be lean and mean, always responsive and mode-less. That means that you will never be pulled out of your flow.
- Fire first shipped with Elements 8.3 in early 2016.
- Water first shipped with Elements 10 build .2331 in late 2018.
Getting Started
The topics in this section will help you get started working in Fire and Water.
- Navigation will guide you through finding your way around the IDE. Fire and Water are designed around easy and seamless navigation, and understanding a few core concepts will get you productive in no time.
- Code Editor introduces you to the most important part of the IDE, the place where you'll write code for your awesome apps. Fire and Water have an advanced code editor written from scratch specifically for Oxygene, C# and Swift, with many great features.
- Debugging provides you with the first step for debugging your apps – be they iOS, Mac, Android or even .NET and Java apps.
- Our Tutorials section will get you going with writing your first app, cross-platform development, and more.
Prerequisites / Getting Set Up
Depending on what platforms you wish to develop for, Fire, Water and the Elements compiler have a few prerequisites you may need to install in order to have all the tools you need to get started with the platform.
Discussing Fire and Water, and Reporting Feedback
We have separate sub-forums on our Talk site for discussing Fire and Water, reporting bugs, and giving feedback: