Base class for all wait locks.
- RemObjects.Elements.EUnit.dll .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
- remobjects.elements.eunit.jar Cooper
- EUnit.fx Island, macOS
- libEUnit.fx Toffee
- Namespace: RemObjects.Elements.EUnit
- Platforms: .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island, macOS, Toffee
Instance Methods
Reset virtual abstract
Sets internal state of the lock to non signaled.
method Reset
void Reset()
func Reset()
void Reset()
Sub Reset()
Signal virtual abstract
Sets internal state to singaled allowing waiting threads to proceed.
method Signal
void Signal()
func Signal()
void Signal()
Sub Signal()
WaitFor virtual abstract
Blocks current thread until signaled.
method WaitFor
void WaitFor()
func WaitFor()
void WaitFor()
Sub WaitFor()
Blocks current thread until signaled for specified amoun of milliseconds.
method WaitFor(Timeout: Int32): Boolean
Boolean WaitFor(Int32 Timeout)
func WaitFor(_ Timeout: Int32) -> Boolean
Boolean WaitFor(Integer Timeout)
Function WaitFor(Timeout As Int32) As Boolean
- Timeout: The number of milliseconds to wait.