macOS SDK Frameworks
The following lists the frameworks that are part of the OS X SDK as of version 10.15 (Catalina).
- AVFoundation.AVFAudio (new in 10.X)
- AVFoundation
- AVKit (new in 10.9)
- Accelerate
- Accelerate.vImage
- Accelerate.vecLib (new/moved in 10.9)
- Accounts (new in 10.8)
- AdSupport (new in 10.X)
- AddressBook
- AppKit — core framework for creating Mac GUI apps
- AppleScriptKit
- AppleScriptObjC
- ApplicationServices
- ApplicationServices.ATS
- ApplicationServices.ATSUI
- ApplicationServices.HIServices
- ApplicationServices.LangAnalysis
- ApplicationServices.PrintCore
- ApplicationServices.QD
- ApplicationServices.SpeechSynthesis
- ApplicationServices
- AudioToolbox
- AudioUnit
- AuthenticationServices
- Automator
- BackgroundTasks
- BusinessChat
- CFNetwork
- CalendarStore
- CallKit
- Carbon.CommonPanels
- Carbon.HIToolbox
- Carbon.Help
- Carbon.ImageCapture
- Carbon.OpenScripting
- Carbon.Print
- Carbon.SecurityHI
- Carbon.SpeechRecognition
- Carbon
- CloudKit
- Cocoa — bundle containing both Foundation and AppKit
- Collaboration
- ColorSync
- Contacts
- ContactsUI
- CoreAudio
- CoreAudioKit
- CoreAudioTypes
- CoreBluetooth
- CoreData
- CoreFoundation — lower-level C System APIs
- CoreGraphics
- CoreHaptics
- CoreImage
- CoreLocation
- CoreMIDI
- CoreML
- CoreMedia
- CoreMediaIO
- CoreMotion
- CoreServices.AE
- CoreServices.CarbonCore
- CoreServices.DictionaryServices
- CoreServices.FSEvents
- CoreServices.LaunchServices
- CoreServices.Metadata
- CoreServices.OSServices
- CoreServices.SearchKit
- CoreServices.SharedFileList
- CoreServices
- CoreSpotlight
- CoreTelephony
- CoreText
- CoreVideo
- CoreWLAN
- CryptoTokenKit
- DVDPlayback
- DeviceCheck
- DirectoryService
- DiscRecording
- DiscRecordingUI
- DiskArbitration
- EventKit
- ExceptionHandling
- ExecutionPolicy
- ExternalAccessory
- FWAUserLib
- FileProvider
- FileProviderUI
- FinderSync
- ForceFeedback
- Foundation — Base library of the standard
classes shared with all Cocoa SDKs - GLKit
- GameController
- GameKit
- GameplayKit
- Hypervisor
- ICADevices
- IMServicePlugIn
- IOBluetooth
- IOBluetoothUI
- IOSurface
- IdentityLookup
- ImageCaptureCore
- ImageIO
- InputMethodKit
- InstallerPlugins
- InstantMessage
- Intents
- JavaScriptCore
- JavaVM.JavaNativeFoundation
- JavaVM.JavaRuntimeSupport
- JavaVM
- Kerberos
- LatentSemanticMapping
- LinkPresentation
- LocalAuthentication
- Logging
- MapKit
- MediaAccessibility
- MediaLibrary
- MediaPlayer
- MediaToolbox
- Metal
- MetalKit
- MetricKit
- ModelIO
- MultipeerConnectivity
- NaturalLanguage
- NetFS
- Network
- NetworkExtension
- NotificationCenter
- OSAKit
- OpenAL
- OpenCL
- OpenDirectory.CFOpenDirectory
- OpenDirectory
- OpenGL
- PDFKit
- PencilKit
- Photos
- PhotosUI
- PreferencePanes
- PushKit
- Python
- Quartz.ImageKit
- Quartz.QuartzComposer
- Quartz.QuartzFilters
- Quartz.QuickLookUI
- Quartz
- QuartzCore
- QuickLook
- QuickLookThumbnailing
- Ruby
- SafariServices
- SceneKit
- ScreenSaver
- ScriptingBridge
- Security
- SecurityFoundation
- SecurityInterface
- ServiceManagement
- Social
- SoundAnalysis
- Speech
- SpriteKit
- StoreKit
- SwiftUI (not supported yet)
- SyncServices
- SystemConfiguration
- SystemExtensions
- Tcl
- UserNotifications
- VideoDecodeAcceleration
- VideoSubscriberAccount
- VideoToolbox
- Vision
- WebKit
- iTunesLibrary
- vmnet
- rtl — The base C run-time library (
) and Elements' own base types - libToffee — Helper types for Elements compiler features
- libSwift — Helper types for the Swift language