



constructor .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island










Sub New()

constructor .() Toffee


init(. )


  • :

constructor (not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
constructor(dictionary: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)
// Island
constructor(dictionary: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Dictionary<Key,Value>(Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! dictionary)
// Island
Dictionary<Key,Value>(Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! dictionary)


init(_ dictionary: NSDictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value>(HashMap<Key, Value> dictionary)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Sub New(dictionary As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)
// Island
Sub New(dictionary As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


  • dictionary:

constructor (Dictionary<Key, Value>) Cooper


constructor(value: Dictionary<Key, Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value>(Dictionary<Key, Value> value)


init(_ value: Dictionary<Key, Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value>(Dictionary<Key, Value> value)


Sub New(value As Dictionary<Key, Value>)


  • value:

constructor withCopy(not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


constructor withCopy(var original: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withCopy(ref Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! original)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withCopy(__ref Dictionary<Key, Value> original)


Sub New withCopy(ByRef original As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


  • original:

constructor withDictionaryLiteral(array of not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value))


constructor withDictionaryLiteral(params elements: array of not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value))


Dictionary<Key,Value> withDictionaryLiteral(params (Key!, Value!)![] elements)


init(withDictionaryLiteral elements: (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)...)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withDictionaryLiteral(Tuple2<Key, Value>[]... elements)


Sub New withDictionaryLiteral(ParamArray elements As Tuple (Of Key, Value)())


  • elements:

constructor withItems(not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


constructor withItems(items: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withItems(Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! items)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withItems(Dictionary<Key, Value> items)


Sub New withItems(items As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


  • items:

constructor withMinimumCapacity(not nullable Int)


constructor withMinimumCapacity(minimumCapacity: not nullable Int)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withMinimumCapacity(Int! minimumCapacity)


init(withMinimumCapacity minimumCapacity: Int)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withMinimumCapacity(Int minimumCapacity)


Sub New withMinimumCapacity(minimumCapacity As Int)


  • minimumCapacity:

clear Cooper


method clear


void clear()


func clear()


void clear()


Sub clear()

clone Cooper


method clone: Object


Object clone()


func clone() -> Object


Object clone()


Function clone() As Object

compute Cooper


method compute(arg1: Key; arg2: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>): Value


Value compute(Key arg1, BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value> arg2)


func compute(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) -> Value


Value compute(Key arg1, BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg2)


Function compute(arg1 As Key, arg2 As BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

computeIfAbsent Cooper


method computeIfAbsent(arg1: Key; arg2: Function<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>): Value


Value computeIfAbsent(Key arg1, Function<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> arg2)


func computeIfAbsent(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Function<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) -> Value


Value computeIfAbsent(Key arg1, Function<Key, Value> arg2)


Function computeIfAbsent(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Function<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

computeIfPresent Cooper


method computeIfPresent(arg1: Key; arg2: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>): Value


Value computeIfPresent(Key arg1, BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value> arg2)


func computeIfPresent(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) -> Value


Value computeIfPresent(Key arg1, BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg2)


Function computeIfPresent(arg1 As Key, arg2 As BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

containsKey Cooper


method containsKey(arg1: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! containsKey(Object arg1)


func containsKey(_ arg1: Object) -> Bool


Bool containsKey(Object arg1)


Function containsKey(arg1 As Object) As Bool


  • arg1:

containsValue Cooper


method containsValue(arg1: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! containsValue(Object arg1)


func containsValue(_ arg1: Object) -> Bool


Bool containsValue(Object arg1)


Function containsValue(arg1 As Object) As Bool


  • arg1:

count  virtual


property count: not nullable Int read;


Int! count { get; }


var count: Int { get{} }


Int count { __get; }


ReadOnly Property count() As Int

description  virtual .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island


method description: not nullable NativeString


NativeString! description()


func description() -> NativeString


NativeString description()


Function description() As NativeString

description description(): NativeString  override Toffee


func description(description ) -> NativeString


  • :

entrySet Cooper


method entrySet: Set<Map<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>


Set<Map<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>> entrySet()


func entrySet() -> Set<Map<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>


Set<Map<Key, Value>> entrySet()


Function entrySet() As Set<Map<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>

equals Cooper


method equals(arg1: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! equals(Object arg1)


func equals(_ arg1: Object) -> Bool


Bool equals(Object arg1)


Function equals(arg1 As Object) As Bool


  • arg1:

Equals .NET, .NET Standard 2.0


method Equals(other: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! Equals(Object other)


func Equals(_ other: Object) -> Bool


Function Equals(other As Object) As Bool


  • other:

forEach Cooper


method forEach(arg1: BiConsumer<Key, Value>)


void forEach(BiConsumer<Key, Value> arg1)


func forEach(_ arg1: BiConsumer<Key, Value>)


void forEach(BiConsumer<Key, Value> arg1)


Sub forEach(arg1 As BiConsumer<Key, Value>)


  • arg1:

get Cooper


method get(arg1: Object): Value


Value get(Object arg1)


func get(_ arg1: Object) -> Value


Value get(Object arg1)


Function get(arg1 As Object) As Value


  • arg1:

GetEnumerator  virtual .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method GetEnumerator: IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>
// Island
method GetEnumerator: IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)> GetEnumerator()
// Island
IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)> GetEnumerator()


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func GetEnumerator() -> IEnumerator<not nullable (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>
// Island
func GetEnumerator() -> IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>
// Island
Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>

getOrDefault Cooper


method getOrDefault(arg1: Object; arg2: Value): Value


Value getOrDefault(Object arg1, Value arg2)


func getOrDefault(_ arg1: Object, _ arg2: Value) -> Value


Value getOrDefault(Object arg1, Value arg2)


Function getOrDefault(arg1 As Object, arg2 As Value) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

GetSequence  virtual .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island


method GetSequence: not nullable IEnumerable<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


IEnumerable<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>! GetSequence()


func GetSequence() -> IEnumerable<not nullable (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


Iterable<Tuple2<Key, Value>> GetSequence()


Function GetSequence() As IEnumerable<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>

GetSequence GetSequence(): not nullable INSFastEnumeration<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>  virtual Toffee


func GetSequence(GetSequence ) -> INSFastEnumeration<not nullable (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


  • :

hashCode Cooper


method hashCode: not nullable Integer


Integer! hashCode()


func hashCode() -> Integer


Integer hashCode()


Function hashCode() As Integer

isEmpty Cooper


method isEmpty: not nullable Bool


Bool! isEmpty()


func isEmpty() -> Bool


Bool isEmpty()


Function isEmpty() As Bool

isEmpty  virtual


property isEmpty: not nullable Bool read;


Bool! isEmpty { get; }


var isEmpty: Bool { get{} }


Bool isEmpty { __get; }


ReadOnly Property isEmpty() As Bool

isEqual  override Toffee


func isEqual(_ other: Object) -> Bool


  • other:

Item  virtual


property Item[key: not nullable Key]: nullable Value read write;


Value? Item[Key! key] { get; set; }


subscript Item(_ key: Key) -> Value? { get{} set{} }


Value Item[Key key] { __get; __set; }


Property Item(key As Key) As Value?

iterator Cooper


method iterator: Iterator<not nullable Tuple2<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>


Iterator<not nullable Tuple2<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>> iterator()


func iterator() -> Iterator<not nullable Tuple2<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>


Iterator<Tuple2<Key, Value>> iterator()


Function iterator() As Iterator<not nullable Tuple2<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>

keys  virtual


property keys: not nullable IEnumerable<not nullable Key> read;


IEnumerable<not nullable Key>! keys { get; }


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
var keys: IEnumerable<not nullable Key> { get{} }
// Toffee
var keys: INSFastEnumeration<not nullable Key> { get{} }


Iterable<Key> keys { __get; }


ReadOnly Property keys() As IEnumerable<not nullable Key>

keySet Cooper


method keySet: Set<not nullable Key>


Set<not nullable Key> keySet()


func keySet() -> Set<not nullable Key>


Set<Key> keySet()


Function keySet() As Set<not nullable Key>

merge Cooper


method merge(arg1: Key; arg2: Value; arg3: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>): Value


Value merge(Key arg1, Value arg2, BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value> arg3)


func merge(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value, _ arg3: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) -> Value


Value merge(Key arg1, Value arg2, BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg3)


Function merge(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value, arg3 As BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:
  • arg3:

platformDictionary  virtual


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
property platformDictionary: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> read;
// Island
property platformDictionary: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> read;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! platformDictionary { get; }
// Island
Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! platformDictionary { get; }


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var platformDictionary: Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> { get{} }
// Island
var platformDictionary: Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> { get{} }
// Toffee
var platformDictionary: NSMutableDictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> { get{} }


HashMap<Key, Value> platformDictionary { __get; }


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
ReadOnly Property platformDictionary() As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>
// Island
ReadOnly Property platformDictionary() As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>

put Cooper


method put(arg1: Key; arg2: Value): Value


Value put(Key arg1, Value arg2)


func put(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value) -> Value


Value put(Key arg1, Value arg2)


Function put(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

putAll Cooper


method putAll(arg1: Map<Key, Value>)


void putAll(Map<Key, Value> arg1)


func putAll(_ arg1: Map<Key, Value>)


void putAll(Map<Key, Value> arg1)


Sub putAll(arg1 As Map<Key, Value>)


  • arg1:

putIfAbsent Cooper


method putIfAbsent(arg1: Key; arg2: Value): Value


Value putIfAbsent(Key arg1, Value arg2)


func putIfAbsent(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value) -> Value


Value putIfAbsent(Key arg1, Value arg2)


Function putIfAbsent(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

remove (Object): Value Cooper


method remove(arg1: Object): Value


Value remove(Object arg1)


func remove(_ arg1: Object) -> Value


Value remove(Object arg1)


Function remove(arg1 As Object) As Value


  • arg1:

remove (Object, Object): not nullable Bool Cooper


method remove(arg1: Object; arg2: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! remove(Object arg1, Object arg2)


func remove(_ arg1: Object, _ arg2: Object) -> Bool


Bool remove(Object arg1, Object arg2)


Function remove(arg1 As Object, arg2 As Object) As Bool


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

removeAll  virtual


method removeAll keepCapacity(keepCapacity: not nullable Bool)


void removeAll keepCapacity(Bool! keepCapacity)


func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool)


void removeAll keepCapacity(Bool keepCapacity)


Sub removeAll keepCapacity(keepCapacity As Bool)


  • keepCapacity:

removeValue  virtual


method removeValue forKey(key: not nullable Key): nullable Value


Value? removeValue forKey(Key! key)


func removeValue(forKey key: Key) -> Value?


Value removeValue forKey(Key key)


Function removeValue forKey(key As Key) As Value?


  • key:

replace (Key, Value): Value Cooper


method replace(arg1: Key; arg2: Value): Value


Value replace(Key arg1, Value arg2)


func replace(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value) -> Value


Value replace(Key arg1, Value arg2)


Function replace(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

replace (Key, Value, Value): not nullable Bool Cooper


method replace(arg1: Key; arg2: Value; arg3: Value): not nullable Bool


Bool! replace(Key arg1, Value arg2, Value arg3)


func replace(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value, _ arg3: Value) -> Bool


Bool replace(Key arg1, Value arg2, Value arg3)


Function replace(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value, arg3 As Value) As Bool


  • arg1:
  • arg2:
  • arg3:

replaceAll Cooper


method replaceAll(arg1: BiFunction<Key, Key, Value>)


void replaceAll(BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg1)


func replaceAll(_ arg1: BiFunction<Key, Key, Value>)


void replaceAll(BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg1)


Sub replaceAll(arg1 As BiFunction<Key, Key, Value>)


  • arg1:

size Cooper


method size: not nullable Integer


Integer! size()


func size() -> Integer


Integer size()


Function size() As Integer

toString Cooper


method toString: String


String toString()


func toString() -> String


String toString()


Function toString() As String

updateValue  virtual


method updateValue(value: not nullable Value) forKey(key: not nullable Key): nullable Value


Value? updateValue(Value! value) forKey(Key! key)


func updateValue(_ value: Value, forKey key: Key) -> Value?


Value updateValue(Value value) forKey(Key key)


Function updateValue(value As Value) forKey(key As Key) As Value?


  • value:
  • key:

values Cooper


method values: Collection<not nullable Value>


Collection<not nullable Value> values()


func values() -> Collection<not nullable Value>


Collection<Value> values()


Function values() As Collection<not nullable Value>

values  virtual


property values: not nullable IEnumerable<not nullable Value> read;


IEnumerable<not nullable Value>! values { get; }


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
var values: IEnumerable<not nullable Value> { get{} }
// Toffee
var values: INSFastEnumeration<not nullable Value> { get{} }


Iterable<Value> values { __get; }


ReadOnly Property values() As IEnumerable<not nullable Value>


count  virtual


property count: not nullable Int read;


Int! count { get; }


var count: Int { get{} }


Int count { __get; }


ReadOnly Property count() As Int

isEmpty  virtual


property isEmpty: not nullable Bool read;


Bool! isEmpty { get; }


var isEmpty: Bool { get{} }


Bool isEmpty { __get; }


ReadOnly Property isEmpty() As Bool

Item  virtual


property Item[key: not nullable Key]: nullable Value read write;


Value? Item[Key! key] { get; set; }


subscript Item(_ key: Key) -> Value? { get{} set{} }


Value Item[Key key] { __get; __set; }


Property Item(key As Key) As Value?

keys  virtual


property keys: not nullable IEnumerable<not nullable Key> read;


IEnumerable<not nullable Key>! keys { get; }


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
var keys: IEnumerable<not nullable Key> { get{} }
// Toffee
var keys: INSFastEnumeration<not nullable Key> { get{} }


Iterable<Key> keys { __get; }


ReadOnly Property keys() As IEnumerable<not nullable Key>

platformDictionary  virtual


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
property platformDictionary: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> read;
// Island
property platformDictionary: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> read;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! platformDictionary { get; }
// Island
Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! platformDictionary { get; }


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var platformDictionary: Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> { get{} }
// Island
var platformDictionary: Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> { get{} }
// Toffee
var platformDictionary: NSMutableDictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> { get{} }


HashMap<Key, Value> platformDictionary { __get; }


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
ReadOnly Property platformDictionary() As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>
// Island
ReadOnly Property platformDictionary() As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>

values  virtual


property values: not nullable IEnumerable<not nullable Value> read;


IEnumerable<not nullable Value>! values { get; }


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
var values: IEnumerable<not nullable Value> { get{} }
// Toffee
var values: INSFastEnumeration<not nullable Value> { get{} }


Iterable<Value> values { __get; }


ReadOnly Property values() As IEnumerable<not nullable Value>


constructor .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island










Sub New()

constructor .() Toffee


init(. )


  • :

constructor (not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
constructor(dictionary: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)
// Island
constructor(dictionary: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Dictionary<Key,Value>(Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! dictionary)
// Island
Dictionary<Key,Value>(Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! dictionary)


init(_ dictionary: NSDictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value>(HashMap<Key, Value> dictionary)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Sub New(dictionary As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)
// Island
Sub New(dictionary As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


  • dictionary:

constructor (Dictionary<Key, Value>) Cooper


constructor(value: Dictionary<Key, Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value>(Dictionary<Key, Value> value)


init(_ value: Dictionary<Key, Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value>(Dictionary<Key, Value> value)


Sub New(value As Dictionary<Key, Value>)


  • value:

constructor withCopy(not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


constructor withCopy(var original: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withCopy(ref Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! original)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withCopy(__ref Dictionary<Key, Value> original)


Sub New withCopy(ByRef original As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


  • original:

constructor withDictionaryLiteral(array of not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value))


constructor withDictionaryLiteral(params elements: array of not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value))


Dictionary<Key,Value> withDictionaryLiteral(params (Key!, Value!)![] elements)


init(withDictionaryLiteral elements: (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)...)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withDictionaryLiteral(Tuple2<Key, Value>[]... elements)


Sub New withDictionaryLiteral(ParamArray elements As Tuple (Of Key, Value)())


  • elements:

constructor withItems(not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


constructor withItems(items: not nullable Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withItems(Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>! items)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withItems(Dictionary<Key, Value> items)


Sub New withItems(items As Dictionary<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>)


  • items:

constructor withMinimumCapacity(not nullable Int)


constructor withMinimumCapacity(minimumCapacity: not nullable Int)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withMinimumCapacity(Int! minimumCapacity)


init(withMinimumCapacity minimumCapacity: Int)


Dictionary<Key,Value> withMinimumCapacity(Int minimumCapacity)


Sub New withMinimumCapacity(minimumCapacity As Int)


  • minimumCapacity:

clear Cooper


method clear


void clear()


func clear()


void clear()


Sub clear()

clone Cooper


method clone: Object


Object clone()


func clone() -> Object


Object clone()


Function clone() As Object

compute Cooper


method compute(arg1: Key; arg2: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>): Value


Value compute(Key arg1, BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value> arg2)


func compute(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) -> Value


Value compute(Key arg1, BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg2)


Function compute(arg1 As Key, arg2 As BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

computeIfAbsent Cooper


method computeIfAbsent(arg1: Key; arg2: Function<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>): Value


Value computeIfAbsent(Key arg1, Function<not nullable Key, not nullable Value> arg2)


func computeIfAbsent(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Function<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) -> Value


Value computeIfAbsent(Key arg1, Function<Key, Value> arg2)


Function computeIfAbsent(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Function<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

computeIfPresent Cooper


method computeIfPresent(arg1: Key; arg2: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>): Value


Value computeIfPresent(Key arg1, BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value> arg2)


func computeIfPresent(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) -> Value


Value computeIfPresent(Key arg1, BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg2)


Function computeIfPresent(arg1 As Key, arg2 As BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

containsKey Cooper


method containsKey(arg1: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! containsKey(Object arg1)


func containsKey(_ arg1: Object) -> Bool


Bool containsKey(Object arg1)


Function containsKey(arg1 As Object) As Bool


  • arg1:

containsValue Cooper


method containsValue(arg1: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! containsValue(Object arg1)


func containsValue(_ arg1: Object) -> Bool


Bool containsValue(Object arg1)


Function containsValue(arg1 As Object) As Bool


  • arg1:

description  virtual .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island


method description: not nullable NativeString


NativeString! description()


func description() -> NativeString


NativeString description()


Function description() As NativeString

description description(): NativeString  override Toffee


func description(description ) -> NativeString


  • :

entrySet Cooper


method entrySet: Set<Map<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>


Set<Map<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>> entrySet()


func entrySet() -> Set<Map<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>


Set<Map<Key, Value>> entrySet()


Function entrySet() As Set<Map<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>

equals Cooper


method equals(arg1: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! equals(Object arg1)


func equals(_ arg1: Object) -> Bool


Bool equals(Object arg1)


Function equals(arg1 As Object) As Bool


  • arg1:

Equals .NET, .NET Standard 2.0


method Equals(other: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! Equals(Object other)


func Equals(_ other: Object) -> Bool


Function Equals(other As Object) As Bool


  • other:

forEach Cooper


method forEach(arg1: BiConsumer<Key, Value>)


void forEach(BiConsumer<Key, Value> arg1)


func forEach(_ arg1: BiConsumer<Key, Value>)


void forEach(BiConsumer<Key, Value> arg1)


Sub forEach(arg1 As BiConsumer<Key, Value>)


  • arg1:

get Cooper


method get(arg1: Object): Value


Value get(Object arg1)


func get(_ arg1: Object) -> Value


Value get(Object arg1)


Function get(arg1 As Object) As Value


  • arg1:

GetEnumerator  virtual .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method GetEnumerator: IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>
// Island
method GetEnumerator: IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)> GetEnumerator()
// Island
IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)> GetEnumerator()


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func GetEnumerator() -> IEnumerator<not nullable (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>
// Island
func GetEnumerator() -> IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>
// Island
Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>

getOrDefault Cooper


method getOrDefault(arg1: Object; arg2: Value): Value


Value getOrDefault(Object arg1, Value arg2)


func getOrDefault(_ arg1: Object, _ arg2: Value) -> Value


Value getOrDefault(Object arg1, Value arg2)


Function getOrDefault(arg1 As Object, arg2 As Value) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

GetSequence  virtual .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island


method GetSequence: not nullable IEnumerable<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


IEnumerable<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>! GetSequence()


func GetSequence() -> IEnumerable<not nullable (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


Iterable<Tuple2<Key, Value>> GetSequence()


Function GetSequence() As IEnumerable<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>

GetSequence GetSequence(): not nullable INSFastEnumeration<not nullable tuple of (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>  virtual Toffee


func GetSequence(GetSequence ) -> INSFastEnumeration<not nullable (not nullable Key, not nullable Value)>


  • :

hashCode Cooper


method hashCode: not nullable Integer


Integer! hashCode()


func hashCode() -> Integer


Integer hashCode()


Function hashCode() As Integer

isEmpty Cooper


method isEmpty: not nullable Bool


Bool! isEmpty()


func isEmpty() -> Bool


Bool isEmpty()


Function isEmpty() As Bool

isEqual  override Toffee


func isEqual(_ other: Object) -> Bool


  • other:

iterator Cooper


method iterator: Iterator<not nullable Tuple2<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>


Iterator<not nullable Tuple2<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>> iterator()


func iterator() -> Iterator<not nullable Tuple2<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>


Iterator<Tuple2<Key, Value>> iterator()


Function iterator() As Iterator<not nullable Tuple2<not nullable Key, not nullable Value>>

keySet Cooper


method keySet: Set<not nullable Key>


Set<not nullable Key> keySet()


func keySet() -> Set<not nullable Key>


Set<Key> keySet()


Function keySet() As Set<not nullable Key>

merge Cooper


method merge(arg1: Key; arg2: Value; arg3: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>): Value


Value merge(Key arg1, Value arg2, BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value> arg3)


func merge(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value, _ arg3: BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) -> Value


Value merge(Key arg1, Value arg2, BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg3)


Function merge(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value, arg3 As BiFunction<Key, not nullable Key, not nullable Value>) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:
  • arg3:

put Cooper


method put(arg1: Key; arg2: Value): Value


Value put(Key arg1, Value arg2)


func put(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value) -> Value


Value put(Key arg1, Value arg2)


Function put(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

putAll Cooper


method putAll(arg1: Map<Key, Value>)


void putAll(Map<Key, Value> arg1)


func putAll(_ arg1: Map<Key, Value>)


void putAll(Map<Key, Value> arg1)


Sub putAll(arg1 As Map<Key, Value>)


  • arg1:

putIfAbsent Cooper


method putIfAbsent(arg1: Key; arg2: Value): Value


Value putIfAbsent(Key arg1, Value arg2)


func putIfAbsent(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value) -> Value


Value putIfAbsent(Key arg1, Value arg2)


Function putIfAbsent(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

remove (Object): Value Cooper


method remove(arg1: Object): Value


Value remove(Object arg1)


func remove(_ arg1: Object) -> Value


Value remove(Object arg1)


Function remove(arg1 As Object) As Value


  • arg1:

remove (Object, Object): not nullable Bool Cooper


method remove(arg1: Object; arg2: Object): not nullable Bool


Bool! remove(Object arg1, Object arg2)


func remove(_ arg1: Object, _ arg2: Object) -> Bool


Bool remove(Object arg1, Object arg2)


Function remove(arg1 As Object, arg2 As Object) As Bool


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

removeAll  virtual


method removeAll keepCapacity(keepCapacity: not nullable Bool)


void removeAll keepCapacity(Bool! keepCapacity)


func removeAll(keepCapacity: Bool)


void removeAll keepCapacity(Bool keepCapacity)


Sub removeAll keepCapacity(keepCapacity As Bool)


  • keepCapacity:

removeValue  virtual


method removeValue forKey(key: not nullable Key): nullable Value


Value? removeValue forKey(Key! key)


func removeValue(forKey key: Key) -> Value?


Value removeValue forKey(Key key)


Function removeValue forKey(key As Key) As Value?


  • key:

replace (Key, Value): Value Cooper


method replace(arg1: Key; arg2: Value): Value


Value replace(Key arg1, Value arg2)


func replace(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value) -> Value


Value replace(Key arg1, Value arg2)


Function replace(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value) As Value


  • arg1:
  • arg2:

replace (Key, Value, Value): not nullable Bool Cooper


method replace(arg1: Key; arg2: Value; arg3: Value): not nullable Bool


Bool! replace(Key arg1, Value arg2, Value arg3)


func replace(_ arg1: Key, _ arg2: Value, _ arg3: Value) -> Bool


Bool replace(Key arg1, Value arg2, Value arg3)


Function replace(arg1 As Key, arg2 As Value, arg3 As Value) As Bool


  • arg1:
  • arg2:
  • arg3:

replaceAll Cooper


method replaceAll(arg1: BiFunction<Key, Key, Value>)


void replaceAll(BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg1)


func replaceAll(_ arg1: BiFunction<Key, Key, Value>)


void replaceAll(BiFunction<Key, Key, Value> arg1)


Sub replaceAll(arg1 As BiFunction<Key, Key, Value>)


  • arg1:

size Cooper


method size: not nullable Integer


Integer! size()


func size() -> Integer


Integer size()


Function size() As Integer

toString Cooper


method toString: String


String toString()


func toString() -> String


String toString()


Function toString() As String

updateValue  virtual


method updateValue(value: not nullable Value) forKey(key: not nullable Key): nullable Value


Value? updateValue(Value! value) forKey(Key! key)


func updateValue(_ value: Value, forKey key: Key) -> Value?


Value updateValue(Value value) forKey(Key key)


Function updateValue(value As Value) forKey(key As Key) As Value?


  • value:
  • key:

values Cooper


method values: Collection<not nullable Value>


Collection<not nullable Value> values()


func values() -> Collection<not nullable Value>


Collection<Value> values()


Function values() As Collection<not nullable Value>