Swift Base Library
The Swift Base Library is a small library that can be optionally used in Swift projects compiled with the Elements compiler. It provides some of the core types, classes and functions that, while not part of the Swift language spec per se, are commonly used in Swift apps (and provided in a similar Swift Base Library in Apple's implementation).
This includes types like the Swift-native array and dictionary types, and base functions like print()
The Swift Base Library ships precompiled with the Elements compiler, and new projects created with one of the RemObjects Silver project templates will automatically have a reference to it. If you are adding Swift files to a project that started out with a different language, you can add a reference to your projects via the Add References dialog in Fire, Water or Visual Studio, where the Swift library should show automatically.
The library is called Swift.dll
on .NET, libSwift.fx
on Cocoa, swift.jar
on Java and Android and swift.fx
on Island. All its content is contained in the Swift
namespace, which is automatically in scope in .swift
source files, but may also be specified explicitly (for example to resolve ambiguity).
While it is not their intended use, most of the types and functions exposed in the library are perfectly valid to be used from Oxygene, C# and Java, as well. In these languages, the Swift
namespace will need to be explicitly specified or added to the uses
Source Code
The Swift Base Library is open source and implemented fully in Silver. You can find the source code on GitHub, and contributions and pull requests are more than welcome.
Note that you will need the very latest compiler to rebuild the SBL, and in some cases, the git repository might even contain code that requires a later compiler than is available. Refer to the commit messages for details on this, and check out an older revision, if necessary.
Classes and Types
This library is a work in progress; all functionality presented is useable now, and it will be expanded and grown over time. Contributions on GitHub are more than welcome.
Currently, the following major types are supported/implemented. Unless otherwise noted, all parts of Elements RTL are available across all platforms, including Island.
- DictionaryHelper
- DispatchGroup
- DispatchObject
- DispatchQueue
- DispatchWorkItem
- Range
- SwiftString.BaseCharacterView
- SwiftString.CharacterView
- SwiftString.UTF16View
- SwiftString.UTF32View
- SwiftString.UTF8View
- Array<T>
- Character
- CollectionOfOne<Element>
- CommandLine
- Dictionary<Key,Value>
- DispatchData
- DispatchDataIterator
- DispatchPredicate
- DispatchQoS
- DispatchQueue.Attributes
- DispatchQueueAttributes
- DispatchSource.FileSystemEvent
- DispatchSource.MachSendEvent
- DispatchSource.MemoryPressureEvent
- DispatchSource.ProcessEvent
- DispatchSource.TimerFlags
- DispatchTime
- DispatchTimeInterval
- DispatchWallTime
- DispatchWorkItemFlags
- Result<Value,Error>
- Set<T>
- SwiftString
- SwiftString.Encoding
- Unmanaged<Instance>
- AbsoluteValuable<IntegerLiteralType>
- BidirectionalIndexType<Distance>
- BitwiseOperationsType
- BooleanType
- CollectionType<SubSequence,Index,Distance,Element>
- Comparable
- Equatable
- ForwardIndexType<Distance>
- IActor
- ICustomDebugStringConvertible
- ICustomStringConvertible
- IErrorType
- IExpressibleByArrayLiteral<Element>
- IExpressibleByBooleanLiteral<BooleanLiteralType>
- IExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral<Key,Value>
- IExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral<ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralType>
- IExpressibleByFloatLiteral<FloatLiteralType>
- IExpressibleByIntegerLiteral<IntegerLiteralType>
- IExpressibleByNilLiteral
- IExpressibleByStringInterpolation<StringInterpolationType>
- IExpressibleByStringLiteral<StringLiteralType>
- IExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral<UnicodeScalarLiteralType>
- IHashable
- IIdentifiable<ID>
- Incrementable
- Indexable<Index,Distance,Element>
- INonLazySequence<T>
- IntegerArithmeticType
- IntegerType<Distance,Stride,IntegerLiteralType>
- IOutputStreamType
- IRawRepresentable<RawValue>
- ISendable
- ISignedIntegerType
- ISignedNumberType<IntegerLiteralType>
- ISliceable<SubSlice,SubSequence,Index,Distance,Element>
- IStreamable
- IStringProtocol
- ITextOutputStream
- ITextOutputStreamable
- IUnsignedIntegerType
- RandomAccessIndexType<Distance,Stride,IntegerLiteralType>
- ReverseIndexType<Base,Distance>
- Strideable<Stride,IntegerLiteralType>
- IActor .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- IActor Cooper
- AnsiChar = Byte .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper
- dynamic .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- id Toffee
- Type .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
- Class Toffee
- AnyClass<T> = Class<T> Cooper
- dynamic .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- id Toffee
- ArrayLiteralConvertible<Element> = Swift.IExpressibleByArrayLiteral<Element>
- Bool = Boolean
- BooleanLiteralConvertible<BooleanLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByBooleanLiteral<BooleanLiteralType>
- BooleanLiteralType = Boolean
- CBool = Boolean
- CChar = SByte
- CChar16
- CChar32
- CDouble = Double
- CFloat = Single
- CInt
- Int64 .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island-Android-arm64-v8a, Island-Android-x86_64, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu-aarch64, Island-Ubuntu-x86_64, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows-arm64, Island-Windows-x86_64, Toffee-iOS, Toffee-iOS Simulator, Toffee-Mac Catalyst, Toffee-macOS, Toffee-tvOS, Toffee-tvOS Simulator, Toffee-watchOS Simulator
- Int32 Island-Android-armeabi, Island-Android-armeabi-v7a, Island-Android-x86, Island-Ubuntu-armv6, Island-watchOS, Island-WebAssembly-wasm32, Island-Windows-i386, Toffee-watchOS
- CLongLong = Int64
- CollectionOfOne.Distance<Element> = Int64 Cooper
- CollectionOfOne.Index<Element> = Bit Cooper
- Int64 .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island-Android-arm64-v8a, Island-Android-x86_64, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu-aarch64, Island-Ubuntu-x86_64, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows-arm64, Island-Windows-x86_64
- Int32 Island-Android-armeabi, Island-Android-armeabi-v7a, Island-Android-x86, Island-Ubuntu-armv6, Island-watchOS, Island-WebAssembly-wasm32, Island-Windows-i386
- Int8 Toffee
- Bit .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
- Int8 Toffee
- CShort
- CSignedChar = SByte
- CUnsignedChar = Byte
- CUnsignedInt
- UInt64 .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island-Android-arm64-v8a, Island-Android-x86_64, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu-aarch64, Island-Ubuntu-x86_64, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows-arm64, Island-Windows-x86_64, Toffee-iOS, Toffee-iOS Simulator, Toffee-Mac Catalyst, Toffee-macOS, Toffee-tvOS, Toffee-tvOS Simulator, Toffee-watchOS Simulator
- UInt32 Island-Android-armeabi, Island-Android-armeabi-v7a, Island-Android-x86, Island-Ubuntu-armv6, Island-watchOS, Island-WebAssembly-wasm32, Island-Windows-i386, Toffee-watchOS
- CUnsignedLongLong = UInt64
- CUnsignedShort
- CustomDebugStringConvertible = ICustomDebugStringConvertible
- CustomStringConvertible = ICustomStringConvertible
- CWideChar
- DictionaryLiteralConvertible<Key,Value> = Swift.IExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral<Key,Value>
- Exception .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- NSException Toffee
- ErrorType = IErrorType
- ExpressibleByArrayLiteral<Element> = Swift.IExpressibleByArrayLiteral<Element>
- ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral<BooleanLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByBooleanLiteral<BooleanLiteralType>
- ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral<Key,Value> = Swift.IExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral<Key,Value>
- ExpressibleByFloatLiteral<FloatLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByFloatLiteral<FloatLiteralType>
- ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral<IntegerLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByIntegerLiteral<IntegerLiteralType>
- ExpressibleByNilLiteral = IExpressibleByNilLiteral
- ExpressibleByStringInterpolation<StringInterpolationType> = Swift.IExpressibleByStringInterpolation<StringInterpolationType>
- ExpressibleByStringLiteral<StringLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByStringLiteral<StringLiteralType>
- ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral<UnicodeScalarLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral<UnicodeScalarLiteralType>
- String .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- NSString Toffee
- Float = Single
- Float32 = Single
- Float64 = Double
- FloatLiteralConvertible<FloatLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByFloatLiteral<FloatLiteralType>
- FloatLiteralType = Double
- Hashable = IHashable
- IBooleanType = BooleanType
- ICollectionType<SubSequence,Index,Distance,Element> = Swift.CollectionType<SubSequence,Index,Distance,Element>
- IIdentifiable<ID> Island-Android, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows
- IIdentifiable<ID> Island-WebAssembly-wasm32
- IIncrementable = Incrementable
- IIndexable<Index,Distance,Element> = Swift.Indexable<Index,Distance,Element>
- not nullable IEnumerable<T> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
- not nullable Iterable<T> Cooper
- not nullable INSFastEnumeration<T> Toffee
- not nullable not nullable IEnumerable<T> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
- not nullable not nullable Iterable<T> Cooper
- not nullable not nullable INSFastEnumeration<T> Toffee
- INSObjectProtocol = INSObject Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator, Toffee
- Int64 .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island-Android-arm64-v8a, Island-Android-x86_64, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu-aarch64, Island-Ubuntu-x86_64, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows-arm64, Island-Windows-x86_64, Toffee-iOS, Toffee-iOS Simulator, Toffee-Mac Catalyst, Toffee-macOS, Toffee-tvOS, Toffee-tvOS Simulator, Toffee-watchOS Simulator
- Int32 Island-Android-armeabi, Island-Android-armeabi-v7a, Island-Android-x86, Island-Ubuntu-armv6, Island-watchOS, Island-WebAssembly-wasm32, Island-Windows-i386, Toffee-watchOS
- Int8 = SByte
- IntegerLiteralConvertible<IntegerLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByIntegerLiteral<IntegerLiteralType>
- Int64 .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island-Android-arm64-v8a, Island-Android-x86_64, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu-aarch64, Island-Ubuntu-x86_64, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows-arm64, Island-Windows-x86_64, Toffee-iOS, Toffee-iOS Simulator, Toffee-Mac Catalyst, Toffee-macOS, Toffee-tvOS, Toffee-tvOS Simulator, Toffee-watchOS Simulator
- Int32 Island-Android-armeabi, Island-Android-armeabi-v7a, Island-Android-x86, Island-Ubuntu-armv6, Island-watchOS, Island-WebAssembly-wasm32, Island-Windows-i386, Toffee-watchOS
- IntMax = Int64
- IEnumerable<T> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
- Iterable<T> Cooper
- INSFastEnumeration Toffee
- not nullable not nullable IEnumerable<T> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
- not nullable not nullable Iterable<T> Cooper
- not nullable not nullable INSFastEnumeration<T> Toffee
- String .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- NSString Toffee
- StringBuilder .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper
- StringBuilder Island
- NilLiteralConvertible = IExpressibleByNilLiteral
- NSObject
- NSObjectProtocol = INSObject Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator, Toffee
- OpaquePointer = ^void .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- OutputStreamType = IOutputStreamType
- not nullable Dictionary<T, U> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
- not nullable HashMap<T, U> Cooper
- not nullable RemObjects.Elements.System.Dictionary<T,U> Island
- not nullable NSMutableDictionary<T, U> Toffee
- not nullable not nullable Dictionary<T, U> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
- not nullable not nullable HashMap<T, U> Cooper
- not nullable not nullable RemObjects.Elements.System.Dictionary<T,U> Island
- not nullable NSDictionary<T, U> Toffee
- not nullable not nullable List<T> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
- not nullable not nullable ArrayList<T> Cooper
- not nullable not nullable RemObjects.Elements.System.List<T> Island
- not nullable NSArray<T> Toffee
- not nullable List<T> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
- not nullable ArrayList<T> Cooper
- not nullable RemObjects.Elements.System.List<T> Island
- not nullable NSMutableArray<T> Toffee
- PlatformSequence<T> = not nullable IEnumerable<T> Island
- PlatformSet<T> = not nullable RemObjects.Elements.System.List<T> Island
- RawRepresentable<RawValue> = Swift.IRawRepresentable<RawValue>
- Selector = SEL Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-watchOS, Island-watchOS Simulator, Toffee
- ISendable .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- ISendable Cooper
- not nullable IEnumerable<T> .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island
- not nullable Iterable<T> Cooper
- not nullable INSFastEnumeration<T> Toffee
- Set<T>.Element<T> = T Island
- SignedIntegerType = ISignedIntegerType
- SignedNumberType<IntegerLiteralType> = Swift.ISignedNumberType<IntegerLiteralType>
- Sliceable<SubSlice,SubSequence,Index,Distance,Element> = Swift.ISliceable<SubSlice,SubSequence,Index,Distance,Element>
- String .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- NSString Toffee
- Streamable = IStreamable
- StringInterpolationConvertible<StringInterpolationType> = Swift.IExpressibleByStringInterpolation<StringInterpolationType>
- StringLiteralConvertible<StringLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByStringLiteral<StringLiteralType>
- String .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- NSString Toffee
- StringProtocol = IStringProtocol
- UTF32View .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- Int8 Toffee
- TextOutputStream = ITextOutputStream
- TextOutputStreamable = ITextOutputStreamable
- UInt64 .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island-Android-arm64-v8a, Island-Android-x86_64, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu-aarch64, Island-Ubuntu-x86_64, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows-arm64, Island-Windows-x86_64, Toffee-iOS, Toffee-iOS Simulator, Toffee-Mac Catalyst, Toffee-macOS, Toffee-tvOS, Toffee-tvOS Simulator, Toffee-watchOS Simulator
- UInt32 Island-Android-armeabi, Island-Android-armeabi-v7a, Island-Android-x86, Island-Ubuntu-armv6, Island-watchOS, Island-WebAssembly-wasm32, Island-Windows-i386, Toffee-watchOS
- UInt8 = Byte
- UIntMax = UInt64
- UnicodeScalar
- UnicodeScalarLiteralConvertible<UnicodeScalarLiteralType> = Swift.IExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral<UnicodeScalarLiteralType>
- String .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island
- NSString Toffee
- UnsafeBufferPointer<T> = ^T .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T> = ^T .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer = ^void .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- UnsafeMutableRawPointer = ^void .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- UnsafeRawBufferPointer = ^void .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- UnsafeRawPointer = ^void .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island, Toffee
- UnsignedIntegerType = IUnsignedIntegerType
- UTF16Char = Char
- UTF32Char
- UTF8Char = Byte
- UWord
- Int64 .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Cooper, Island-Android-arm64-v8a, Island-Android-x86_64, Island-iOS, Island-iOS Simulator, Island-Mac Catalyst, Island-macOS, Island-tvOS, Island-tvOS Simulator, Island-Ubuntu-aarch64, Island-Ubuntu-x86_64, Island-watchOS Simulator, Island-Windows-arm64, Island-Windows-x86_64, Toffee-iOS, Toffee-iOS Simulator, Toffee-Mac Catalyst, Toffee-macOS, Toffee-tvOS, Toffee-tvOS Simulator, Toffee-watchOS Simulator
- Int32 Island-Android-armeabi, Island-Android-armeabi-v7a, Island-Android-x86, Island-Ubuntu-armv6, Island-watchOS, Island-WebAssembly-wasm32, Island-Windows-i386, Toffee-watchOS
See Also
- Swift Base Library in the Silver section.
- Swift Base Library on GitHub