


  • Reference:
    • Go.dll  .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
    • Go.fx  Island
  • Namespace: go.crypto.elliptic
  • Platforms: .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island

Required Methods



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method Add(x1: Memory<Int>; y1: Memory<Int>; x2: Memory<Int>; y2: Memory<Int>): tuple of (x: Memory<Int>, y: Memory<Int>)
// Island
method Add(x1: Memory<Int>; y1: Memory<Int>; x2: Memory<Int>; y2: Memory<Int>): tuple of (x: Memory<Int>, y: Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
(Memory<Int>x, Memory<Int>y) Add(Memory<Int> x1, Memory<Int> y1, Memory<Int> x2, Memory<Int> y2)
// Island
(Memory<Int>x, Memory<Int>y) Add(Memory<Int> x1, Memory<Int> y1, Memory<Int> x2, Memory<Int> y2)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Add(_ x1: Memory<Int>, _ y1: Memory<Int>, _ x2: Memory<Int>, _ y2: Memory<Int>) -> (Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)
// Island
func Add(_ x1: Memory<Int>, _ y1: Memory<Int>, _ x2: Memory<Int>, _ y2: Memory<Int>) -> (Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Add(x1 Memory<Int>, y1 Memory<Int>, x2 Memory<Int>, y2 Memory<Int>) tuple of (|name=x| Memory<Int>, |name=y| Memory<Int>)
// Island
func Add(x1 Memory<Int>, y1 Memory<Int>, x2 Memory<Int>, y2 Memory<Int>) tuple of (|name=x| Memory<Int>, |name=y| Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function Add(x1 As Memory<Int>, y1 As Memory<Int>, x2 As Memory<Int>, y2 As Memory<Int>) As Tuple (Of Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)
// Island
Function Add(x1 As Memory<Int>, y1 As Memory<Int>, x2 As Memory<Int>, y2 As Memory<Int>) As Tuple (Of Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)


  • x1:
  • y1:
  • x2:
  • y2:



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method Double(x1: Memory<Int>; y1: Memory<Int>): tuple of (x: Memory<Int>, y: Memory<Int>)
// Island
method Double(x1: Memory<Int>; y1: Memory<Int>): tuple of (x: Memory<Int>, y: Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
(Memory<Int>x, Memory<Int>y) Double(Memory<Int> x1, Memory<Int> y1)
// Island
(Memory<Int>x, Memory<Int>y) Double(Memory<Int> x1, Memory<Int> y1)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Double(_ x1: Memory<Int>, _ y1: Memory<Int>) -> (Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)
// Island
func Double(_ x1: Memory<Int>, _ y1: Memory<Int>) -> (Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Double(x1 Memory<Int>, y1 Memory<Int>) tuple of (|name=x| Memory<Int>, |name=y| Memory<Int>)
// Island
func Double(x1 Memory<Int>, y1 Memory<Int>) tuple of (|name=x| Memory<Int>, |name=y| Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function Double(x1 As Memory<Int>, y1 As Memory<Int>) As Tuple (Of Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)
// Island
Function Double(x1 As Memory<Int>, y1 As Memory<Int>) As Tuple (Of Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)


  • x1:
  • y1:



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method IsOnCurve(x: Memory<Int>; y: Memory<Int>): bool
// Island
method IsOnCurve(x: Memory<Int>; y: Memory<Int>): bool


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
bool IsOnCurve(Memory<Int> x, Memory<Int> y)
// Island
bool IsOnCurve(Memory<Int> x, Memory<Int> y)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func IsOnCurve(_ x: Memory<Int>, _ y: Memory<Int>) -> bool
// Island
func IsOnCurve(_ x: Memory<Int>, _ y: Memory<Int>) -> bool


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func IsOnCurve(x Memory<Int>, y Memory<Int>) bool
// Island
func IsOnCurve(x Memory<Int>, y Memory<Int>) bool


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function IsOnCurve(x As Memory<Int>, y As Memory<Int>) As bool
// Island
Function IsOnCurve(x As Memory<Int>, y As Memory<Int>) As bool


  • x:
  • y:



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method Params: Memory<CurveParams>
// Island
method Params: Memory<CurveParams>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<CurveParams> Params()
// Island
Memory<CurveParams> Params()


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Params() -> Memory<CurveParams>
// Island
func Params() -> Memory<CurveParams>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Params() Memory<CurveParams>
// Island
func Params() Memory<CurveParams>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function Params() As Memory<CurveParams>
// Island
Function Params() As Memory<CurveParams>



method ScalarBaseMult(k: Slice<Byte>): tuple of (x: Memory<Int>, y: Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
(Memory<Int>x, Memory<Int>y) ScalarBaseMult(Slice<Byte> k)
// Island
(Memory<Int>x, Memory<Int>y) ScalarBaseMult(Slice<Byte> k)


func ScalarBaseMult(_ k: Slice<Byte>) -> (Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)


func ScalarBaseMult(k Slice<Byte>) tuple of (|name=x| Memory<Int>, |name=y| Memory<Int>)


Function ScalarBaseMult(k As Slice<Byte>) As Tuple (Of Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)


  • k:



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method ScalarMult(x1: Memory<Int>; y1: Memory<Int>; k: Slice<Byte>): tuple of (x: Memory<Int>, y: Memory<Int>)
// Island
method ScalarMult(x1: Memory<Int>; y1: Memory<Int>; k: Slice<Byte>): tuple of (x: Memory<Int>, y: Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
(Memory<Int>x, Memory<Int>y) ScalarMult(Memory<Int> x1, Memory<Int> y1, Slice<Byte> k)
// Island
(Memory<Int>x, Memory<Int>y) ScalarMult(Memory<Int> x1, Memory<Int> y1, Slice<Byte> k)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func ScalarMult(_ x1: Memory<Int>, _ y1: Memory<Int>, _ k: Slice<Byte>) -> (Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)
// Island
func ScalarMult(_ x1: Memory<Int>, _ y1: Memory<Int>, _ k: Slice<Byte>) -> (Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func ScalarMult(x1 Memory<Int>, y1 Memory<Int>, k Slice<Byte>) tuple of (|name=x| Memory<Int>, |name=y| Memory<Int>)
// Island
func ScalarMult(x1 Memory<Int>, y1 Memory<Int>, k Slice<Byte>) tuple of (|name=x| Memory<Int>, |name=y| Memory<Int>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function ScalarMult(x1 As Memory<Int>, y1 As Memory<Int>, k As Slice<Byte>) As Tuple (Of Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)
// Island
Function ScalarMult(x1 As Memory<Int>, y1 As Memory<Int>, k As Slice<Byte>) As Tuple (Of Memory<Int>, Memory<Int>)


  • x1:
  • y1:
  • k: