


  • Reference:
    • Go.dll  .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
    • Go.fx  Island
  • Namespace:
  • Platforms: .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island










Sub New()

constructor (string, Memory<URL>, string, Int64, Int64, Header, ReadCloser, Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, int64, Slice<string>, Boolean, string, Values, Values, Memory<Form>, Header, string, string, Memory<ConnectionState>, ReceivingChannel<Object>, Memory<Response>, Context)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
constructor(aMethod: string; aURL: Memory<URL>; aProto: string; aProtoMajor: Int64; aProtoMinor: Int64; aHeader: Header; aBody: ReadCloser; aGetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>; aContentLength: int64; aTransferEncoding: Slice<string>; aClose: Boolean; aHost: string; aForm: Values; aPostForm: Values; aMultipartForm: Memory<Form>; aTrailer: Header; aRemoteAddr: string; aRequestURI: string; aTLS: Memory<ConnectionState>; aCancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>; aResponse: Memory<Response>; actx: Context)
// Island
constructor(aMethod: string; aURL: Memory<URL>; aProto: string; aProtoMajor: int; aProtoMinor: int; aHeader: Header; aBody: ReadCloser; aGetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>; aContentLength: int64; aTransferEncoding: Slice<string>; aClose: bool; aHost: string; aForm: Values; aPostForm: Values; aMultipartForm: Memory<Form>; aTrailer: Header; aRemoteAddr: string; aRequestURI: string; aTLS: Memory<ConnectionState>; aCancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>; aResponse: Memory<Response>; actx: Context)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Request(string aMethod, Memory<URL> aURL, string aProto, Int64 aProtoMajor, Int64 aProtoMinor, Header aHeader, ReadCloser aBody, Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)> aGetBody, int64 aContentLength, Slice<string> aTransferEncoding, Boolean aClose, string aHost, Values aForm, Values aPostForm, Memory<Form> aMultipartForm, Header aTrailer, string aRemoteAddr, string aRequestURI, Memory<ConnectionState> aTLS, ReceivingChannel<Object> aCancel, Memory<Response> aResponse, Context actx)
// Island
Request(string aMethod, Memory<URL> aURL, string aProto, int aProtoMajor, int aProtoMinor, Header aHeader, ReadCloser aBody, Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)> aGetBody, int64 aContentLength, Slice<string> aTransferEncoding, bool aClose, string aHost, Values aForm, Values aPostForm, Memory<Form> aMultipartForm, Header aTrailer, string aRemoteAddr, string aRequestURI, Memory<ConnectionState> aTLS, ReceivingChannel<Object> aCancel, Memory<Response> aResponse, Context actx)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
init(_ aMethod: string, _ aURL: Memory<URL>, _ aProto: string, _ aProtoMajor: Int64, _ aProtoMinor: Int64, _ aHeader: Header, _ aBody: ReadCloser, _ aGetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, _ aContentLength: int64, _ aTransferEncoding: Slice<string>, _ aClose: Boolean, _ aHost: string, _ aForm: Values, _ aPostForm: Values, _ aMultipartForm: Memory<Form>, _ aTrailer: Header, _ aRemoteAddr: string, _ aRequestURI: string, _ aTLS: Memory<ConnectionState>, _ aCancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>, _ aResponse: Memory<Response>, _ actx: Context)
// Island
init(_ aMethod: string, _ aURL: Memory<URL>, _ aProto: string, _ aProtoMajor: int, _ aProtoMinor: int, _ aHeader: Header, _ aBody: ReadCloser, _ aGetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, _ aContentLength: int64, _ aTransferEncoding: Slice<string>, _ aClose: bool, _ aHost: string, _ aForm: Values, _ aPostForm: Values, _ aMultipartForm: Memory<Form>, _ aTrailer: Header, _ aRemoteAddr: string, _ aRequestURI: string, _ aTLS: Memory<ConnectionState>, _ aCancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>, _ aResponse: Memory<Response>, _ actx: Context)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Sub New(aMethod As string, aURL As Memory<URL>, aProto As string, aProtoMajor As Int64, aProtoMinor As Int64, aHeader As Header, aBody As ReadCloser, aGetBody As Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, aContentLength As int64, aTransferEncoding As Slice<string>, aClose As Boolean, aHost As string, aForm As Values, aPostForm As Values, aMultipartForm As Memory<Form>, aTrailer As Header, aRemoteAddr As string, aRequestURI As string, aTLS As Memory<ConnectionState>, aCancel As ReceivingChannel<Object>, aResponse As Memory<Response>, actx As Context)
// Island
Sub New(aMethod As string, aURL As Memory<URL>, aProto As string, aProtoMajor As int, aProtoMinor As int, aHeader As Header, aBody As ReadCloser, aGetBody As Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, aContentLength As int64, aTransferEncoding As Slice<string>, aClose As bool, aHost As string, aForm As Values, aPostForm As Values, aMultipartForm As Memory<Form>, aTrailer As Header, aRemoteAddr As string, aRequestURI As string, aTLS As Memory<ConnectionState>, aCancel As ReceivingChannel<Object>, aResponse As Memory<Response>, actx As Context)


  • aMethod:
  • aURL:
  • aProto:
  • aProtoMajor:
  • aProtoMinor:
  • aHeader:
  • aBody:
  • aGetBody:
  • aContentLength:
  • aTransferEncoding:
  • aClose:
  • aHost:
  • aForm:
  • aPostForm:
  • aMultipartForm:
  • aTrailer:
  • aRemoteAddr:
  • aRequestURI:
  • aTLS:
  • aCancel:
  • aResponse:
  • actx:

constructor (Request)


constructor(value: Request)


Request(Request value)


init(_ value: Request)


Sub New(value As Request)


  • value:



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method AddCookie(c: Memory<Cookie>)
// Island
method AddCookie(c: Memory<Cookie>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
void AddCookie(Memory<Cookie> c)
// Island
void AddCookie(Memory<Cookie> c)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func AddCookie(_ c: Memory<Cookie>)
// Island
func AddCookie(_ c: Memory<Cookie>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func AddCookie(c Memory<Cookie>) 
// Island
func AddCookie(c Memory<Cookie>) void


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Sub AddCookie(c As Memory<Cookie>)
// Island
Sub AddCookie(c As Memory<Cookie>)


  • c:



method BasicAuth: tuple of (username: string, password: string, ok: Boolean)


(string username, string password, Boolean ok) BasicAuth()


func BasicAuth() -> (string, string, Boolean)


func BasicAuth() tuple of (|name=username| string, |name=password| string, |name=ok| Boolean)


Function BasicAuth() As Tuple (Of string, string, Boolean)



var Body: ReadCloser;


ReadCloser Body


var Body: ReadCloser


Body ReadCloser


FIELD Body() As ReadCloser



var Cancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>;


var Cancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>


FIELD Cancel() As ReceivingChannel<Object>



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method Clone(ctx: Context): Memory<Request>
// Island
method Clone(ctx: Context): Memory<Request>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<Request> Clone(Context ctx)
// Island
Memory<Request> Clone(Context ctx)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Clone(_ ctx: Context) -> Memory<Request>
// Island
func Clone(_ ctx: Context) -> Memory<Request>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Clone(ctx Context) Memory<Request>
// Island
func Clone(ctx Context) Memory<Request>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function Clone(ctx As Context) As Memory<Request>
// Island
Function Clone(ctx As Context) As Memory<Request>


  • ctx:



var Close: bool;


bool Close


var Close: bool


Close bool


FIELD Close() As bool



var ContentLength: int64;


int64 ContentLength


var ContentLength: int64


ContentLength int64


FIELD ContentLength() As int64



method Context: Context


Context Context()


func Context() -> Context


func Context() Context


Function Context() As Context


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method Cookie(name: string): tuple of (Memory<Cookie>, error)
// Island
method Cookie(name: string): tuple of (Memory<Cookie>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
(Memory<Cookie>, error) Cookie(string name)
// Island
(Memory<Cookie>, error) Cookie(string name)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Cookie(_ name: string) -> (Memory<Cookie>, error)
// Island
func Cookie(_ name: string) -> (Memory<Cookie>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Cookie(name string) tuple of (Memory<Cookie>, error)
// Island
func Cookie(name string) tuple of (Memory<Cookie>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function Cookie(name As string) As Tuple (Of Memory<Cookie>, error)
// Island
Function Cookie(name As string) As Tuple (Of Memory<Cookie>, error)


  • name:



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method Cookies: Slice<Memory<Cookie>>
// Island
method Cookies: Slice<Memory<Cookie>>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Slice<Memory<Cookie>> Cookies()
// Island
Slice<Memory<Cookie>> Cookies()


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Cookies() -> Slice<Memory<Cookie>>
// Island
func Cookies() -> Slice<Memory<Cookie>>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Cookies() Slice<Memory<Cookie>>
// Island
func Cookies() Slice<Memory<Cookie>>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function Cookies() As Slice<Memory<Cookie>>
// Island
Function Cookies() As Slice<Memory<Cookie>>



var Form: Values;


Values Form


var Form: Values


Form Values


FIELD Form() As Values



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method FormFile(key: string): tuple of (File, Memory<FileHeader>, error)
// Island
method FormFile(key: string): tuple of (File, Memory<FileHeader>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
(File, Memory<FileHeader>, error) FormFile(string key)
// Island
(File, Memory<FileHeader>, error) FormFile(string key)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func FormFile(_ key: string) -> (File, Memory<FileHeader>, error)
// Island
func FormFile(_ key: string) -> (File, Memory<FileHeader>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func FormFile(key string) tuple of (File, Memory<FileHeader>, error)
// Island
func FormFile(key string) tuple of (File, Memory<FileHeader>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function FormFile(key As string) As Tuple (Of File, Memory<FileHeader>, error)
// Island
Function FormFile(key As string) As Tuple (Of File, Memory<FileHeader>, error)


  • key:



method FormValue(key: string): string


string FormValue(string key)


func FormValue(_ key: string) -> string


func FormValue(key string) string


Function FormValue(key As string) As string


  • key:



var GetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>;


Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)> GetBody


var GetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>


GetBody Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>


FIELD GetBody() As Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>


var Header: Header;


Header Header


var Header: Header


Header Header


FIELD Header() As Header



var Host: string;


string Host


var Host: string


Host string


FIELD Host() As string



var Method: string;


string Method


var Method: string


Method string


FIELD Method() As string



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var MultipartForm: Memory<Form>;
// Island
var MultipartForm: Memory<Form>;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<Form> MultipartForm
// Island
Memory<Form> MultipartForm


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var MultipartForm: Memory<Form>
// Island
var MultipartForm: Memory<Form>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
MultipartForm Memory<Form>
// Island
MultipartForm Memory<Form>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
FIELD MultipartForm() As Memory<Form>
// Island
FIELD MultipartForm() As Memory<Form>



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method MultipartReader: tuple of (Memory<Reader>, error)
// Island
method MultipartReader: tuple of (Memory<Reader>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
(Memory<Reader>, error) MultipartReader()
// Island
(Memory<Reader>, error) MultipartReader()


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func MultipartReader() -> (Memory<Reader>, error)
// Island
func MultipartReader() -> (Memory<Reader>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func MultipartReader() tuple of (Memory<Reader>, error)
// Island
func MultipartReader() tuple of (Memory<Reader>, error)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function MultipartReader() As Tuple (Of Memory<Reader>, error)
// Island
Function MultipartReader() As Tuple (Of Memory<Reader>, error)



method ParseForm: error


error ParseForm()


func ParseForm() -> error


func ParseForm() error


Function ParseForm() As error



method ParseMultipartForm(maxMemory: int64): error


error ParseMultipartForm(int64 maxMemory)


func ParseMultipartForm(_ maxMemory: int64) -> error


func ParseMultipartForm(maxMemory int64) error


Function ParseMultipartForm(maxMemory As int64) As error


  • maxMemory:



var PostForm: Values;


Values PostForm


var PostForm: Values


PostForm Values


FIELD PostForm() As Values



method PostFormValue(key: string): string


string PostFormValue(string key)


func PostFormValue(_ key: string) -> string


func PostFormValue(key string) string


Function PostFormValue(key As string) As string


  • key:



var Proto: string;


string Proto


var Proto: string


Proto string


FIELD Proto() As string



method ProtoAtLeast(major: int; minor: int): bool


bool ProtoAtLeast(int major, int minor)


func ProtoAtLeast(_ major: int, _ minor: int) -> bool


func ProtoAtLeast(major int, minor int) bool


Function ProtoAtLeast(major As int, minor As int) As bool


  • major:
  • minor:



var ProtoMajor: int;


int ProtoMajor


var ProtoMajor: int


ProtoMajor int


FIELD ProtoMajor() As int



var ProtoMinor: int;


int ProtoMinor


var ProtoMinor: int


ProtoMinor int


FIELD ProtoMinor() As int



method Referer: string


string Referer()


func Referer() -> string


func Referer() string


Function Referer() As string



var RemoteAddr: string;


string RemoteAddr


var RemoteAddr: string


RemoteAddr string


FIELD RemoteAddr() As string



var RequestURI: string;


string RequestURI


var RequestURI: string


RequestURI string


FIELD RequestURI() As string



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var Response: Memory<Response>;
// Island
var Response: Memory<Response>;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<Response> Response
// Island
Memory<Response> Response


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var Response: Memory<Response>
// Island
var Response: Memory<Response>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Response Memory<Response>
// Island
Response Memory<Response>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
FIELD Response() As Memory<Response>
// Island
FIELD Response() As Memory<Response>



method SetBasicAuth(username: string; password: string)


void SetBasicAuth(string username, string password)


func SetBasicAuth(_ username: string, _ password: string)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func SetBasicAuth(username string, password string) 
// Island
func SetBasicAuth(username string, password string) void


Sub SetBasicAuth(username As string, password As string)


  • username:
  • password:



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var TLS: Memory<ConnectionState>;
// Island
var TLS: Memory<ConnectionState>;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<ConnectionState> TLS
// Island
Memory<ConnectionState> TLS


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var TLS: Memory<ConnectionState>
// Island
var TLS: Memory<ConnectionState>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
TLS Memory<ConnectionState>
// Island
TLS Memory<ConnectionState>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
FIELD TLS() As Memory<ConnectionState>
// Island
FIELD TLS() As Memory<ConnectionState>



var Trailer: Header;


Header Trailer


var Trailer: Header


Trailer Header


FIELD Trailer() As Header



var TransferEncoding: Slice<string>;


Slice<string> TransferEncoding


var TransferEncoding: Slice<string>


TransferEncoding Slice<string>


FIELD TransferEncoding() As Slice<string>



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var URL: Memory<URL>;
// Island
var URL: Memory<URL>;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<URL> URL
// Island
Memory<URL> URL


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var URL: Memory<URL>
// Island
var URL: Memory<URL>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
URL Memory<URL>
// Island
URL Memory<URL>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
FIELD URL() As Memory<URL>
// Island
FIELD URL() As Memory<URL>



method UserAgent: string


string UserAgent()


func UserAgent() -> string


func UserAgent() string


Function UserAgent() As string



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
method WithContext(ctx: Context): Memory<Request>
// Island
method WithContext(ctx: Context): Memory<Request>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<Request> WithContext(Context ctx)
// Island
Memory<Request> WithContext(Context ctx)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func WithContext(_ ctx: Context) -> Memory<Request>
// Island
func WithContext(_ ctx: Context) -> Memory<Request>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func WithContext(ctx Context) Memory<Request>
// Island
func WithContext(ctx Context) Memory<Request>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Function WithContext(ctx As Context) As Memory<Request>
// Island
Function WithContext(ctx As Context) As Memory<Request>


  • ctx:



method Write(w: Writer): error


error Write(Writer w)


func Write(_ w: Writer) -> error


func Write(w Writer) error


Function Write(w As Writer) As error


  • w:



method WriteProxy(w: Writer): error


error WriteProxy(Writer w)


func WriteProxy(_ w: Writer) -> error


func WriteProxy(w Writer) error


Function WriteProxy(w As Writer) As error


  • w:




var Body: ReadCloser;


ReadCloser Body


var Body: ReadCloser


Body ReadCloser


FIELD Body() As ReadCloser



var Cancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>;


var Cancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>


FIELD Cancel() As ReceivingChannel<Object>



var Close: bool;


bool Close


var Close: bool


Close bool


FIELD Close() As bool



var ContentLength: int64;


int64 ContentLength


var ContentLength: int64


ContentLength int64


FIELD ContentLength() As int64



var Form: Values;


Values Form


var Form: Values


Form Values


FIELD Form() As Values



var GetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>;


Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)> GetBody


var GetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>


GetBody Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>


FIELD GetBody() As Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>


var Header: Header;


Header Header


var Header: Header


Header Header


FIELD Header() As Header



var Host: string;


string Host


var Host: string


Host string


FIELD Host() As string



var Method: string;


string Method


var Method: string


Method string


FIELD Method() As string



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var MultipartForm: Memory<Form>;
// Island
var MultipartForm: Memory<Form>;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<Form> MultipartForm
// Island
Memory<Form> MultipartForm


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var MultipartForm: Memory<Form>
// Island
var MultipartForm: Memory<Form>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
MultipartForm Memory<Form>
// Island
MultipartForm Memory<Form>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
FIELD MultipartForm() As Memory<Form>
// Island
FIELD MultipartForm() As Memory<Form>



var PostForm: Values;


Values PostForm


var PostForm: Values


PostForm Values


FIELD PostForm() As Values



var Proto: string;


string Proto


var Proto: string


Proto string


FIELD Proto() As string



var ProtoMajor: int;


int ProtoMajor


var ProtoMajor: int


ProtoMajor int


FIELD ProtoMajor() As int



var ProtoMinor: int;


int ProtoMinor


var ProtoMinor: int


ProtoMinor int


FIELD ProtoMinor() As int



var RemoteAddr: string;


string RemoteAddr


var RemoteAddr: string


RemoteAddr string


FIELD RemoteAddr() As string



var RequestURI: string;


string RequestURI


var RequestURI: string


RequestURI string


FIELD RequestURI() As string



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var Response: Memory<Response>;
// Island
var Response: Memory<Response>;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<Response> Response
// Island
Memory<Response> Response


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var Response: Memory<Response>
// Island
var Response: Memory<Response>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Response Memory<Response>
// Island
Response Memory<Response>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
FIELD Response() As Memory<Response>
// Island
FIELD Response() As Memory<Response>



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var TLS: Memory<ConnectionState>;
// Island
var TLS: Memory<ConnectionState>;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<ConnectionState> TLS
// Island
Memory<ConnectionState> TLS


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var TLS: Memory<ConnectionState>
// Island
var TLS: Memory<ConnectionState>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
TLS Memory<ConnectionState>
// Island
TLS Memory<ConnectionState>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
FIELD TLS() As Memory<ConnectionState>
// Island
FIELD TLS() As Memory<ConnectionState>



var Trailer: Header;


Header Trailer


var Trailer: Header


Trailer Header


FIELD Trailer() As Header



var TransferEncoding: Slice<string>;


Slice<string> TransferEncoding


var TransferEncoding: Slice<string>


TransferEncoding Slice<string>


FIELD TransferEncoding() As Slice<string>



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var URL: Memory<URL>;
// Island
var URL: Memory<URL>;


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Memory<URL> URL
// Island
Memory<URL> URL


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
var URL: Memory<URL>
// Island
var URL: Memory<URL>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
URL Memory<URL>
// Island
URL Memory<URL>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
FIELD URL() As Memory<URL>
// Island
FIELD URL() As Memory<URL>










Sub New()

constructor (string, Memory<URL>, string, Int64, Int64, Header, ReadCloser, Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, int64, Slice<string>, Boolean, string, Values, Values, Memory<Form>, Header, string, string, Memory<ConnectionState>, ReceivingChannel<Object>, Memory<Response>, Context)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
constructor(aMethod: string; aURL: Memory<URL>; aProto: string; aProtoMajor: Int64; aProtoMinor: Int64; aHeader: Header; aBody: ReadCloser; aGetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>; aContentLength: int64; aTransferEncoding: Slice<string>; aClose: Boolean; aHost: string; aForm: Values; aPostForm: Values; aMultipartForm: Memory<Form>; aTrailer: Header; aRemoteAddr: string; aRequestURI: string; aTLS: Memory<ConnectionState>; aCancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>; aResponse: Memory<Response>; actx: Context)
// Island
constructor(aMethod: string; aURL: Memory<URL>; aProto: string; aProtoMajor: int; aProtoMinor: int; aHeader: Header; aBody: ReadCloser; aGetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>; aContentLength: int64; aTransferEncoding: Slice<string>; aClose: bool; aHost: string; aForm: Values; aPostForm: Values; aMultipartForm: Memory<Form>; aTrailer: Header; aRemoteAddr: string; aRequestURI: string; aTLS: Memory<ConnectionState>; aCancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>; aResponse: Memory<Response>; actx: Context)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Request(string aMethod, Memory<URL> aURL, string aProto, Int64 aProtoMajor, Int64 aProtoMinor, Header aHeader, ReadCloser aBody, Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)> aGetBody, int64 aContentLength, Slice<string> aTransferEncoding, Boolean aClose, string aHost, Values aForm, Values aPostForm, Memory<Form> aMultipartForm, Header aTrailer, string aRemoteAddr, string aRequestURI, Memory<ConnectionState> aTLS, ReceivingChannel<Object> aCancel, Memory<Response> aResponse, Context actx)
// Island
Request(string aMethod, Memory<URL> aURL, string aProto, int aProtoMajor, int aProtoMinor, Header aHeader, ReadCloser aBody, Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)> aGetBody, int64 aContentLength, Slice<string> aTransferEncoding, bool aClose, string aHost, Values aForm, Values aPostForm, Memory<Form> aMultipartForm, Header aTrailer, string aRemoteAddr, string aRequestURI, Memory<ConnectionState> aTLS, ReceivingChannel<Object> aCancel, Memory<Response> aResponse, Context actx)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
init(_ aMethod: string, _ aURL: Memory<URL>, _ aProto: string, _ aProtoMajor: Int64, _ aProtoMinor: Int64, _ aHeader: Header, _ aBody: ReadCloser, _ aGetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, _ aContentLength: int64, _ aTransferEncoding: Slice<string>, _ aClose: Boolean, _ aHost: string, _ aForm: Values, _ aPostForm: Values, _ aMultipartForm: Memory<Form>, _ aTrailer: Header, _ aRemoteAddr: string, _ aRequestURI: string, _ aTLS: Memory<ConnectionState>, _ aCancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>, _ aResponse: Memory<Response>, _ actx: Context)
// Island
init(_ aMethod: string, _ aURL: Memory<URL>, _ aProto: string, _ aProtoMajor: int, _ aProtoMinor: int, _ aHeader: Header, _ aBody: ReadCloser, _ aGetBody: Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, _ aContentLength: int64, _ aTransferEncoding: Slice<string>, _ aClose: bool, _ aHost: string, _ aForm: Values, _ aPostForm: Values, _ aMultipartForm: Memory<Form>, _ aTrailer: Header, _ aRemoteAddr: string, _ aRequestURI: string, _ aTLS: Memory<ConnectionState>, _ aCancel: ReceivingChannel<Object>, _ aResponse: Memory<Response>, _ actx: Context)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Sub New(aMethod As string, aURL As Memory<URL>, aProto As string, aProtoMajor As Int64, aProtoMinor As Int64, aHeader As Header, aBody As ReadCloser, aGetBody As Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, aContentLength As int64, aTransferEncoding As Slice<string>, aClose As Boolean, aHost As string, aForm As Values, aPostForm As Values, aMultipartForm As Memory<Form>, aTrailer As Header, aRemoteAddr As string, aRequestURI As string, aTLS As Memory<ConnectionState>, aCancel As ReceivingChannel<Object>, aResponse As Memory<Response>, actx As Context)
// Island
Sub New(aMethod As string, aURL As Memory<URL>, aProto As string, aProtoMajor As int, aProtoMinor As int, aHeader As Header, aBody As ReadCloser, aGetBody As Func<tuple of (,go.builtin.error)>, aContentLength As int64, aTransferEncoding As Slice<string>, aClose As bool, aHost As string, aForm As Values, aPostForm As Values, aMultipartForm As Memory<Form>, aTrailer As Header, aRemoteAddr As string, aRequestURI As string, aTLS As Memory<ConnectionState>, aCancel As ReceivingChannel<Object>, aResponse As Memory<Response>, actx As Context)


  • aMethod:
  • aURL:
  • aProto:
  • aProtoMajor:
  • aProtoMinor:
  • aHeader:
  • aBody:
  • aGetBody:
  • aContentLength:
  • aTransferEncoding:
  • aClose:
  • aHost:
  • aForm:
  • aPostForm:
  • aMultipartForm:
  • aTrailer:
  • aRemoteAddr:
  • aRequestURI:
  • aTLS:
  • aCancel:
  • aResponse:
  • actx:

constructor (Request)


constructor(value: Request)


Request(Request value)


init(_ value: Request)


Sub New(value As Request)


  • value: