

  • Reference:
    • Go.dll  .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
    • Go.fx  Island
  • Namespace: go.runtime.trace
  • Platforms: .NET, .NET Standard 2.0, Island




class method IsEnabled: bool


static bool IsEnabled()


static func IsEnabled() -> bool


func IsEnabled() bool


Shared Function IsEnabled() As bool



class method Log(ctx: Context; category: string; message: string)


static void Log(Context ctx, string category, string message)


static func Log(_ ctx: Context, _ category: string, _ message: string)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Log(ctx Context, category string, message string) 
// Island
func Log(ctx Context, category string, message string) void


Shared Sub Log(ctx As Context, category As string, message As string)


  • ctx:
  • category:
  • message:



class method Logf(ctx: Context; category: string; format: string; params args: array of Object)


static void Logf(Context ctx, string category, string format, params Object[] args)


static func Logf(_ ctx: Context, _ category: string, _ format: string, _ args: Object...)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Logf(ctx Context, category string, format string, args []interface{}) 
// Island
func Logf(ctx Context, category string, format string, args []interface{}) void


Shared Sub Logf(ctx As Context, category As string, format As string, ParamArray args As Object())


  • ctx:
  • category:
  • format:
  • args:



class method NewTask(pctx: Context; taskType: string): tuple of (ctx: Context, task: Memory<Task>)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
static (Context ctx, Memory<Task>task) NewTask(Context pctx, string taskType)
// Island
static (Context ctx, Memory<Task>task) NewTask(Context pctx, string taskType)


static func NewTask(_ pctx: Context, _ taskType: string) -> (Context, Memory<Task>)


func NewTask(pctx Context, taskType string) tuple of (|name=ctx| Context, |name=task| Memory<Task>)


Shared Function NewTask(pctx As Context, taskType As string) As Tuple (Of Context, Memory<Task>)


  • pctx:
  • taskType:



class method Start(w: Writer): error


static error Start(Writer w)


static func Start(_ w: Writer) -> error


func Start(w Writer) error


Shared Function Start(w As Writer) As error


  • w:



// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
class method StartRegion(ctx: Context; regionType: string): Memory<Region>
// Island
class method StartRegion(ctx: Context; regionType: string): Memory<Region>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
static Memory<Region> StartRegion(Context ctx, string regionType)
// Island
static Memory<Region> StartRegion(Context ctx, string regionType)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
static func StartRegion(_ ctx: Context, _ regionType: string) -> Memory<Region>
// Island
static func StartRegion(_ ctx: Context, _ regionType: string) -> Memory<Region>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func StartRegion(ctx Context, regionType string) Memory<Region>
// Island
func StartRegion(ctx Context, regionType string) Memory<Region>


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
Shared Function StartRegion(ctx As Context, regionType As string) As Memory<Region>
// Island
Shared Function StartRegion(ctx As Context, regionType As string) As Memory<Region>


  • ctx:
  • regionType:



class method Stop


static void Stop()


static func Stop()


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func Stop() 
// Island
func Stop() void


Shared Sub Stop()



class method WithRegion(ctx: Context; regionType: string; fn: Action)


static void WithRegion(Context ctx, string regionType, Action fn)


static func WithRegion(_ ctx: Context, _ regionType: string, _ fn: Action)


// .NET, .NET Standard 2.0
func WithRegion(ctx Context, regionType string, fn Action) 
// Island
func WithRegion(ctx Context, regionType string, fn Action) void


Shared Sub WithRegion(ctx As Context, regionType As string, fn As Action)


  • ctx:
  • regionType:
  • fn: