

Represents a first-in, first-out (FIFO) collection of objects.

Queue allows access only to first element of the collection. Queue accepts nil as a valid value for reference types and allows duplicate elements.

Note: On Nougat platform queue internally converts nil to the NSNull type.

Use case

You can use Queue<T> class when you need to create a FIFO queue:

var Numbers := new Queue<Integer>;

writeLn(Sugar.String.Format("Current: {0}", Numbers.Dequeue));
writeLn(Sugar.String.Format("Next in queue: {0}", Numbers.Peek));  

while Numbers.Count > 0 do
  writeLn(Sugar.String.Format("Current: {0}", Numbers.Dequeue));


Current: 1
Next in queue: 2
Current: 2
Current: 3
Current: 4


Please note: Instead of using for/each or for/in loops in the collections please use ForEach methods.

For example:

var Items := new List<String>(["One", "Two", "Three"]);
Items.ForEach(item -> DoSomething(item));  



Clear  mapped


method Clear


void Clear()


func Clear()


void Clear()


Sub Clear()

Contains  mapped


method Contains(Item: T): Boolean


Boolean Contains(T Item)


func Contains(_ Item: T) -> Boolean


Boolean Contains(T Item)


Function Contains(Item As T) As Boolean


  • Item:



property Count: Int32 read;


Int32 Count { get; }


var Count: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 Count { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Count() As Int32

Dequeue  mapped


method Dequeue: T


T Dequeue()


func Dequeue() -> T


T Dequeue()


Function Dequeue() As T

Enqueue  mapped


method Enqueue(Item: T)


void Enqueue(T Item)


func Enqueue(_ Item: T)


void Enqueue(T Item)


Sub Enqueue(Item As T)


  • Item:

Peek  mapped


method Peek: T


T Peek()


func Peek() -> T


T Peek()


Function Peek() As T

ToArray  mapped


method ToArray: array of T


T[] ToArray()


func ToArray() -> T...


T[] ToArray()


Function ToArray() As T()




property Count: Int32 read;


Int32 Count { get; }


var Count: Int32 { get{} }


Int32 Count { __get; }


ReadOnly Property Count() As Int32


Clear  mapped


method Clear


void Clear()


func Clear()


void Clear()


Sub Clear()

Contains  mapped


method Contains(Item: T): Boolean


Boolean Contains(T Item)


func Contains(_ Item: T) -> Boolean


Boolean Contains(T Item)


Function Contains(Item As T) As Boolean


  • Item:

Dequeue  mapped


method Dequeue: T


T Dequeue()


func Dequeue() -> T


T Dequeue()


Function Dequeue() As T

Enqueue  mapped


method Enqueue(Item: T)


void Enqueue(T Item)


func Enqueue(_ Item: T)


void Enqueue(T Item)


Sub Enqueue(Item As T)


  • Item:

Peek  mapped


method Peek: T


T Peek()


func Peek() -> T


T Peek()


Function Peek() As T

ToArray  mapped


method ToArray: array of T


T[] ToArray()


func ToArray() -> T...


T[] ToArray()


Function ToArray() As T()