Providing Custom Templates

Fire and Water let you provide custom project or file templates to assist if you if you often create projects or items of a specific configuration.

The template format is based on the standard .vstemplate file format defined by Visual Studio, with some custom extensions. The best way to get started creating a custom template is by creating a copy of an existing template folder (founds within the bundle under (./Contents/Resources/Templates), or in the Templates subfolder of your install of Elements with Water) and modifying it to suite your needs.

Custom templates should not be placed inside the bundle or the standard Templates folder, as that will break the code signature (for Fire) and also mean they will get lost when you upgrade.

Instead place custom templates into the following folders:

  • ~/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/Elements/Templates (on Mac)
  • %APPDATA%\RemObjects Software\Elements\Templates (on Windows)

Underneath this folder (which does not exist until you create it), the subfolders must match the same sub-folder structure as used by by the standard templates:

  • ./Language/Platform/Projects for project templates
  • ./Language/Platform/Files for file/item templates

For example, an Oxygene project for .NET might be placed in .../Templates/Oxygene/Echoes/Projects/MyTemplate/MyTemplate.vstemplate.

Make sure your templates have unique IDs that does not start with RemObjects. Also, all templates should contain an <Elements:Type> tag that specifies the language and platform, e.g. <Elements:Type>Oxygene.Echoes</Elements:Type>.