Exception Handling (Legacy)

Note that this Exception Handling Language Extension we provided for Swift 1.0 has been deprecated as of Elements version 8.2, and will be removed in a future update. Please refer to the Exceptions and Error Handling topic for the new way to deal with exceptions and errors consistently.

Silver extends the Swift language with support for exception handling on all platforms, simply because exception handling is a feature that cannot be avoided when working with the .NET or Java frameworks.

It introduces a few new keywords for this, namely __throw to raise an exception, and __try, __finally and __catch to handle them.

Throwing Exceptions

An exception can be thrown by using the __throw keyword followed by an exception instance, for example:

__throw ArgumentException("Parameter foo needs to be larger than 5")

When inside an exception handling block (more on that below), the __throw keyword can also be used on its own as a statement to re-throw the current exception.

Handling Exceptions

To protect code against exceptions, it can now be enclosed in a __try code block followed by a set of curly braces:

__try {
    println("This code is protected against exceptions.")

If an exception is encountered inside a __try block (including any code that the __try block calls out to), execution of that block is immediately terminated at that point.

How code execution will proceed will depend on the blocks following the __try. There are two ways react to exceptions:

Finally Blocks

__finally blocks can provide code that is guaranteed to be executed, regardless of wether an exception occurred or not. They are helpful for cleanup tasks – for example for closing file handles or disposing of other resources.

After the execution of the __finally block, any exception that had occurred will be re-thrown. In other words, the __finally block does not catch the exception.

__try {
    __throw Exception("Throwing a random exception here.")
    println("This code will never run.")
__finally {
    println("This code will always run.")
println("This code will also never run.")

Catch Blocks

__catch blocks can contain code that will only run if an exception is thrown. They are helpful for handling error conditions. By default, as the name implies, a __catch block catches the exception, handles it, and execution will continue after the block as if the exception never happened. The __throw keyword can be used to re-throw the exception, i.e. treat it as not caught and let it bubble up the call stack.

__try {
    __throw Exception("Throwing a random exception here.")
    println("This code will never run.")
__catch {
    println("This code will run only if an exception occurred above.")
println("This code will also run, because the exception was handled.")

Optionally, an exception type can be provided in order to only handle certain exceptions:

__try {
    __throw Exception("Throwing a random exception here.")
    println("This code will never run.")
__catch E: FileNotFoundExeption {
    println("Error \(E.Message) occurred")
println("This code may or may not run.")

Each __try block must be followed by at least one of the above two block types to react to the exception. Zero or one __finally can be present, depending one whether there is cleanup code that needs to run on now.

Any variable number of __catch blocks can be present, provided each of them catches a different exception type. If more than one __catch block is present, the first block that matches the concrete exception type will execute.

Only a single __catch block will ever be executed, even if multiple successive blocks would match the exception. This means that if you are looking to catch related exception classes using different __catch blocks, the blocks should be ordered with the most concrete class type first, and the most base class type (or possibly a type-less __catch block) last.

Note that this Exception Handling Language Extension we provided for Swift 1.0 has been deprecated as of Elements version 8.2, and will be removed in a future update. Please refer to the Exceptions and Error Handling topic for the new way to deal with exceptions and errors consistently.

See Also