Water Beta FAQ

Early Water preview builds are currently available as Alpha.

Downloading Water

Early Water preview builds are made available as Alpha with our weekly pre-releases of Elements at beta.remobjects.com (login required). They all available to all users with an active subscription for Elements (or a single language), or a Suite that includes .NET, Cocoa or Java.

You will find a "Elements with Water" download SKU listed among the Elements downloads for each weekly build. This download incldues the full Elements install plus the Water IDE. It's the only download you need on a week-to-week basis, to stay up to date with both the compiler, Visual Studio support, and Water itself.

The other installer SKUs ("Elements" or "Elements with Visual Studio") do currently not include Water and will, in fact, disable your current Water install when used (to avoid version mismatches).

What Works, What Doesn't?

Please refer to the beta forum and the per-build change logs for more up-to-date information on the current state.

Water is an early preview, and many things do not work yet (or are partially implemented, still ugly, or both). The basic editor and navigation experience should be working, including IDE smarts such as code completion. As does debugging (for all platforms but Cocoa).

More information

Please also check out the Fire section of this site. Water is very similar to Fire in concept and design, so a lot of existing documentation and topics on Fire will apply to Water as well. That includes most of the Tutorials as well.

Prerequisites / Getting Set Up

Depending on what platforms you wish to develop for, Water and the Elements compiler have a few prerequisites you may need to install in order to have all the tools you need to get started with the platform.