

The IDBCursor interface of the IndexedDB API represents a cursor for traversing or iterating over multiple records in a database.




Sets the number of times a cursor should move its position forward.


method advance(parcount: dynamic): Double


Double advance(dynamic parcount)


func advance(_ parcount: dynamic) -> Double


Double advance(dynamic parcount)


Function advance(parcount As dynamic) As Double


  • parcount:


Returns an IDBRequest object, and, in a separate thread, deletes the record at the cursor's position, without changing the cursor's position. This can be used to delete specific records.


method delete: IDBRequest


IDBRequest delete()


func delete() -> IDBRequest


IDBRequest delete()


Function delete() As IDBRequest



property direction: dynamic read;


dynamic direction { get; }


var direction: dynamic { get{} }


dynamic direction { __get; }


ReadOnly Property direction() As dynamic



property key: dynamic read;


dynamic key { get; }


var key: dynamic { get{} }


dynamic key { __get; }


ReadOnly Property key() As dynamic



property primaryKey: dynamic read;


dynamic primaryKey { get; }


var primaryKey: dynamic { get{} }


dynamic primaryKey { __get; }


ReadOnly Property primaryKey() As dynamic



property request: IDBRequest read;


IDBRequest request { get; }


var request: IDBRequest { get{} }


IDBRequest request { __get; }


ReadOnly Property request() As IDBRequest



property source: IDBObjectStore read;


IDBObjectStore source { get; }


var source: IDBObjectStore { get{} }


IDBObjectStore source { __get; }


ReadOnly Property source() As IDBObjectStore


Returns an IDBRequest object, and, in a separate thread, updates the value at the current position of the cursor in the object store. This can be used to update specific records.


method update(parvalue: dynamic): Int32


Int32 update(dynamic parvalue)


func update(_ parvalue: dynamic) -> Int32


Int32 update(dynamic parvalue)


Function update(parvalue As dynamic) As Int32


  • parvalue:




property direction: dynamic read;


dynamic direction { get; }


var direction: dynamic { get{} }


dynamic direction { __get; }


ReadOnly Property direction() As dynamic



property key: dynamic read;


dynamic key { get; }


var key: dynamic { get{} }


dynamic key { __get; }


ReadOnly Property key() As dynamic



property primaryKey: dynamic read;


dynamic primaryKey { get; }


var primaryKey: dynamic { get{} }


dynamic primaryKey { __get; }


ReadOnly Property primaryKey() As dynamic



property request: IDBRequest read;


IDBRequest request { get; }


var request: IDBRequest { get{} }


IDBRequest request { __get; }


ReadOnly Property request() As IDBRequest



property source: IDBObjectStore read;


IDBObjectStore source { get; }


var source: IDBObjectStore { get{} }


IDBObjectStore source { __get; }


ReadOnly Property source() As IDBObjectStore



Sets the number of times a cursor should move its position forward.


method advance(parcount: dynamic): Double


Double advance(dynamic parcount)


func advance(_ parcount: dynamic) -> Double


Double advance(dynamic parcount)


Function advance(parcount As dynamic) As Double


  • parcount:


Returns an IDBRequest object, and, in a separate thread, deletes the record at the cursor's position, without changing the cursor's position. This can be used to delete specific records.


method delete: IDBRequest


IDBRequest delete()


func delete() -> IDBRequest


IDBRequest delete()


Function delete() As IDBRequest


Returns an IDBRequest object, and, in a separate thread, updates the value at the current position of the cursor in the object store. This can be used to update specific records.


method update(parvalue: dynamic): Int32


Int32 update(dynamic parvalue)


func update(_ parvalue: dynamic) -> Int32


Int32 update(dynamic parvalue)


Function update(parvalue As dynamic) As Int32


  • parvalue: