

Fired on an HTMLSlotElement instance (<slot> element) when the node(s) contained in that slot change.





property name: String read write;


String name { get; set; }


var name: String { get{} set{} }


String name { __get; __set; }


Property name() As String

Required Methods


Returns a sequence of the elements assigned to this slot (and no other nodes). If the flatten option is set to true, it also returns the assigned elements of any other slots that are descendants of this slot. If no assigned nodes are found, it returns the slot's fallback content.


method assignedElements(paroptions: dynamic): HTMLElement


HTMLElement assignedElements(dynamic paroptions)


func assignedElements(_ paroptions: dynamic) -> HTMLElement


HTMLElement assignedElements(dynamic paroptions)


Function assignedElements(paroptions As dynamic) As HTMLElement


  • paroptions:


Returns a sequence of the nodes assigned to this slot, and if the flatten option is set to true, the assigned nodes of any other slots that are descendants of this slot. If no assigned nodes are found, it returns the slot's fallback content.


method assignedNodes(paroptions: dynamic): Node


Node assignedNodes(dynamic paroptions)


func assignedNodes(_ paroptions: dynamic) -> Node


Node assignedNodes(dynamic paroptions)


Function assignedNodes(paroptions As dynamic) As Node


  • paroptions: